1 - 3 |
Editorial for January 2017 for JPC A/B/C McCoy AB, Shea JE, Murphy CJ, Schatz GC |
4 - 12 |
Association of Methotrexate with Native and PEGylated PAMAM-G4 Dendrimers: Effect of the PEGylation Degree on the Drug-Loading Capacity and Preferential Binding Sites Barraza LF, Jimenez VA, Alderete JB |
13 - 23 |
Exact Product Formation Rates for Stochastic Enzyme Kinetics Grima R, Leier A |
24 - 34 |
Sodium Chloride Triggered the Fusion of Vesicle Composed of Fatty Acid Modified Protic Ionic Liquid: A New Insight into the Membrane Fusion Monitored through Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Kundu N, Banerjee P, Kundu S, Dutta R, Sarkar N |
35 - 46 |
Modeling the Effect of Monomer Conformational Change on the Early Stage of Protein Self-Assembly into Fibrils Kashchiev D |
47 - 57 |
Protonation-Dependent Structural Heterogeneity in the Chromophore Binding Site of Cyanobacterial Phytochrome Cph1 Escobar FV, Lang C, Takiden A, Schneider C, Balke J, Hughes J, Alexiev U, Hildebrandt P, Mroginski MA |
58 - 65 |
Ammoniated Complexes of Uracil and Transition Metal Ions: Structures of [M(Ura-H)(Ura)(NH3)](+) by IRMPD Spectroscopy and Computational Methods (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd) Power B, Rowe S, Fridgen TD |
66 - 77 |
O-Acetyl Side-Chains in Monosaccharides: Redundant NMR Spin-Couplings and Statistical Models for Acetate Ester Conformational Analysis Turney T, Pan QF, Sernau L, Carmichael I, Zhang WH, Wang XC, Woods RJ, Serianni AS |
78 - 88 |
Investigation of the Effect of Bilayer Composition on PKC alpha-C2 Domain Docking Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations Alwarawrah M, Wereszczynski J |
89 - 99 |
Catalytic Mechanism of Peptidoglycan Deacetylase: A Computational Study Bhattacharjee N, Feliks M, Shaik MM, Field MJ |
100 - 109 |
Molecular Dynamics Study of Nitrogen-Pyramidalized Bicyclic beta-Proline Oligomers: Length-Dependent Convergence to Organized Structures Otani Y, Watanabe S, Ohwada T, Kitao A |
110 - 117 |
Ultraslow Domain Motions in HIV-1 TAR RNA Revealed by Solid-State Deuterium NMR Huang W, Emani PS, Varani G, Drobny GP |
118 - 128 |
Ligand Binding Swaps between Soft Internal Modes of alpha,beta-Tubulin and Alters Its Accessible Conformational Space Majumdar S, Dastidar SG |
129 - 142 |
Photoprotolytic Processes of Lumazine Simkovitch R, Huppert D |
143 - 152 |
pH and Potential Transients of the bc(1) Complex Co-Reconstituted in Proteo-Lipobeads with the Reaction Center from Rb. sphaeroides Geiss AF, Khandelwal R, Baurecht D, Bliem C, Reiner-Rozman C, Boersch M, Ullmann GM, Loew LM, Naumann RLC |
153 - 163 |
Natural Gas Evolution in a Gas Hydrate Melt: Effect of Thermodynamic Hydrate Inhibitors Sujith KS, Ramachandran CN |
164 - 173 |
First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Ligand-Free Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling in Water Solvent: Oxidative Addition Step Hirakawa T, Uramoto Y, Mimura D, Takeda A, Yanagisawa S, Ikeda T, Inagaki K, Morikawa Y |
174 - 179 |
Ionic Liquids with Symmetric Diether Tails: Bulk and Vacuum-Liquid Interfacial Structures Hettige JJ, Amith WD, Castner EW, Margulis CJ |
180 - 188 |
The Solvation Structure of Lithium Ions in an Ether Based Electrolyte Solution from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Callsen M, Sodeyama K, Futera Z, Tateyama Y, Hamada I |
189 - 207 |
The Dynamics of Water in Porous Two-Dimensional Crystals Strong SE, Eaves JD |
208 - 220 |
Modeling Carbon Dioxide Vibrational Frequencies in Ionic Liquids: I. Ab Initio Calculations Berquist EJ, Daly CA, Brinzer T, Bullard KK, Campbell ZM, Corcelli SA, Garrett-Roe S, Lambrecht DS |
221 - 232 |
Behavior of Deep Eutectic Solvents under External Electric Fields: A Molecular Dynamics Approach Atilhan M, Aparicio S |
233 - 239 |
Kinetic Energy and Angular Distributions of He and Ar Atoms Evaporating from Liquid Dodecane Patel EH, Williams MA, Koehler SPK |
240 - 249 |
Dynamic Heterogeneity and Flexibility of the Alkyl Chain in Pyridinium-Based Ionic Liquids Burankova T, Simeoni G, Hempelmann R, Cardozo JFM, Embs JP |
250 - 264 |
Femtosecond Raman-Induced Kerr Effect Study of Temperature Dependent Intermolecular Dynamics in Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids: Effects of Anion Species and Cation Alkyl Groups Kakinuma S, Ishida T, Shirota H |
265 - 272 |
Dynamics of Uncrystallized Water, Ice, and Hydrated Protein in Partially Crystallized Gelatin-Water Mixtures Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy Sasaki K, Panagopoulou A, Kita R, Shinyashiki N, Yagihara S, Kyritsis A, Pissis P |
273 - 286 |
Phase Behavior and Dynamics of Binary and Multicomponent Thioester Liquid Crystal Mixtures Rudzki A, Zalewski S, Suchodolska B, Czerwiec J, Ossowska-Chrusciel MD, Chrusciel J |
287 - 297 |
Molecular Simulation of Gas Solubility in Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Khawaja M, Sutton AP, Mostofi AA |
298 - 305 |
Oxygen K Edge Scattering from Bulk Comb Diblock Copolymer Reveals Extended, Ordered Backbones above Lamellar Order-Disorder Transition Kortright JB, Sun J, Spencer RK, Jiang X, Zuckermann RN |
306 - 313 |
Homogeneous Nucleation of Ice Confined in Hollow Silica Spheres Yao Y, Ruckdeschel P, Graf R, Butt HJ, Retsch M, Floudas G |
314 - 321 |
Stabilization and Antifouling of Polymer Films on a Planar Surface by CO2 Pressurization Xu XF, Dai YB |
322 - 333 |
Role of Salt and Water in the Plasticization of PDAC/PSS Polyelectrolyte Assemblies Zhang R, Zhang YP, Antila HS, Lutkenhaus JL, Sammalkorpi M |