10913 - 10924 |
Melting of a beta-Hairpin Peptide Using Isotope-Edited 2D IR Spectroscopy and Simulations Smith AW, Lessing J, Ganim Z, Peng CS, Tokmakoff A, Roy S, Jansen TLC, Knoester J |
10925 - 10938 |
Surface Attachment of Protein Fibrils via Covalent Modification Strategies Buell AK, White DA, Meier C, Welland ME, Knowles TPJ, Dobson CM |
10939 - 10953 |
Dynamical Characterization of a Cellulose Acetate Polysaccharide Sousa M, Bras AR, Veiga HIM, Ferreira FC, de Pinho MN, Correia NT, Dionisio M |
10954 - 10960 |
FRET betvveen BODIPY Azide Dye Clusters within PEG-Based Hydrogel: A Handle to Measure Stimuli Responsiveness Acikgoz S, Aktas G, Inci MN, Altin H, Sanyal A |
10961 - 10969 |
Phase Behavior of a Binary Mixture of 1,3-Dipalmitoy1-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol and 1,3-Dioleoy1-2-palmitoyl-sn-glyeerol in n-Dodecane Solution Ikeda E, Ueno S, Miyamoto R, Sato K |
10970 - 10978 |
Direct Observations of Three Nucleation/Growth Processes of Charge-Stabilized Dispersion Polymerizations with Varying Water/Methanol Ratios Zhang F, Ma YH, Liu LY, Yang WT |
10979 - 10985 |
Two-Dimensional Heterospectral Correlation Analysis of X-ray Photoelectron Spectra and Infrared Spectra for Spin-Coated Films of Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) Copolymers Choi HC, Ryu SR, Ji H, Kim SB, Noda I, Jung YM |
10986 - 10994 |
Adsorption of Nonionic Surfactant on Silica Nanoparticles: Structure and Resultant Interparticle Interactions Sharma KP, Aswal VK, Kumaraswamy G |
10995 - 11001 |
Adsorption of Poly(ethyle:ne oxide) at the Free Water Surface. A Computer Simulation Study Darvas M, Gilanyi T, Jedlovszky P |
11002 - 11009 |
A New Model for Quantifying the Extent of Interaction between Soluble Polyphenylene-Vinylenes and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Solvent Dispersions Collison CJ, Spencer S, Preske A, Palumbo C, Helenic A, Bailey R, Pellizzeri S |
11010 - 11016 |
Characterization of Acoustic Cavitation Bubbles in Different Sound Fields Brotchie A, Grieser F, Ashokkumar M |
11017 - 11026 |
Host-Guest Chemistry of Dendrimer-Drug Complexes. 5. Insights into the Design of Formulations for Noninvasive Delivery of Heparin Revealed by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and NMR SI.udies Feng XY, Cheng YY, Yang K, Zhang JH, Wu QL, Xu TW |
11027 - 11038 |
Experimental Characterization and Modelization of Ion Exchange Kinetics for a Carboxylic Resin in Infinite Solution Volume Conditions. Application to Monovalent-Trivalent Cations Exchange Picart S, Ramiere I, Mokhtari H, Jobelin I |
11039 - 11045 |
Transformation Relationships among Monomers, Micelles, Metastable Solid, and Stable Solid in Aqueous Cetylpyridinium Chloride Solution Sasaki S |
11046 - 11052 |
Conformation and Intermolecular Interactions of SA2 Peptides Self-Assembled into Vesicles van Hell AJ, Klymchenko A, Burgers PP, Moret EE, Jiskoot W, Hennink WE, Crommelin DJA, Mastrobattista E |
11053 - 11060 |
Membrane Interactions of Novicidin, a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide: Phosphatidylglycerol Promotes Bilayer Insertion Dorosz J, Gofman Y, Kolusheva S, Otzen D, Ben-Tal N, Nielsen NC, Jelinek R |
11061 - 11068 |
Splaying of Aliphatic Tails Plays a Central Role in Barrier Crossing During Liposome Fusion Mirjanian D, Dickey AN, Hoh JH, Woolf TB, Stevens MJ |
11069 - 11075 |
Molecular Assemblies of 4-(Hexadecyloxy)-N-(pyridinylmethylene)anilines at the Air-Water Interface and Cu(II)-Promoted Vesicle Formation via Metal Coordination Wang HB, Miao WG, Liu HJ, Zhang XF, Du XZ |
11076 - 11092 |
Nonadditive Empirical Force Fields for Short-Chain Linear Alcohols: Methanol to Butanol. Hydration Free Energetics and Kirkwood-Buff Analysis Using Charge Equilibration Models Zhong Y, Patel S |
11093 - 11101 |
Driving Forces for Adsorption of Amphiphilic Peptides to the Air-Water Interface Engin O, Villa A, Sayar M, Hess B |
11102 - 11109 |
Protonation of a Hydroxide Anion Bridging Two Divalent Magnesium Cations in Water Probed by First-Principles Metadynamics Simulation Park JM, Boero M |
11110 - 11116 |
Interfacial Properties of Water/CO2: A Comprehensive Description through a Gradient Theory-SAFT-VR Mie Approach Lafitte T, Mendiboure B, Pineiro MM, Bessieres D, Miqueu C |
11117 - 11126 |
Confinement Effects on Monosaccharide Transport in Nanochannels Ziemys A, Grattoni A, Fine D, Hussain F, Ferrari M |
11127 - 11132 |
Structural Relaxation of Vapor-Deposited Water, Methanol, Ethanol, and 1-Propanol Films Studied Using Low-Energy ion Scattering Souda R |
11133 - 11140 |
In Silico Prediction of the Melting Points of Ionic Liquids from Thermodynamic Considerations: A Case Study on 67 Salts with a Melting Point Range of 337 degrees C Preiss U, Bulut S, Krossing I |
11141 - 11148 |
Electrocapillarity under Ultraslow Relaxation of the Ionic Liquid Double Layer at the Interface between Trioctylmethylammonium Bis(nonafluorobutanesulfonyl)amide and Water Yasui Y, Kitazumi Y, Nishi N, Kakiuchi T |
11149 - 11154 |
Electrical Double-Layer Capacitance in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: Ion-Size and Specific Adsorption Effects Lauw Y, Horne MD, Rodopoulos T, Nelson A, Leermakers FAM |
11155 - 11163 |
Thermodynamics of Peptide-RNA Recognition: The Binding of a Tat Peptide to TAR RNA Suryawanshi H, Sabharwal H, Maiti S |
11164 - 11172 |
Molecular Dynamics Simulations Shed Light on the Enthalpic and Entropic Driving Forces That Govern the Sequence Specific Recognition between Netropsin and DNA Dolenc J, Gerster S, van Gunsteren WF |
11173 - 11180 |
Molecular Dynamics Study of a Heteroditopic-Calix[4]diquinone-Assisted Transfer of KCl and Dopamine Through a Water-Chloroform Liquid-Liquid Interface Santos SM, Costa PJ, Lankshear MI, Beer PI, Felix V |
11181 - 11195 |
All-Atom Multiscale Simulation of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus Capsid Swelling Miao YL, Johnson JE, Ortoleva PJ |
11196 - 11206 |
Redox Mechanism of Glycosidic Bond Hydrolysis Catalyzed by 6-Phospho-alpha-glucosidase: A DFT Study Huang WJ, Llano J, Gauld JW |
11207 - 11220 |
A Systematically Coarse-Grained Solvent-Free Model for Quantitative Phospholipid Bilayer Simulations Wang ZJ, Deserno M |
11221 - 11240 |
Coarse-Grained Time-Dependent Density Functional Simulation of Charge Transfer in Complex Systems: Application to Hole Transfer in DNA Kubar T, Elstner M |
11241 - 11250 |
Influence of Disulfide Connectivity, Electrostatics, and Hydrophobicity on the Conformational Variations of alpha-Conotoxin GI Single-Disulfide Analogues: Simulations with Polarizable Force Field Jiang N, Ma J |
11251 - 11260 |
Probing the Chemotaxis Periplasmic Sensor Domains from Geobacter sulfurreducens by Combined Resonance Raman and Molecular Dynamic Approaches: NO and CO Sensing Catarino T, Pessanha M, De Candia AG, Gouveia Z, Fernandes AP, Pokkuluri PR, Murgida D, Marti MA, Todorovic S, Salgueiro CA |
11261 - 11271 |
Quantification of the Binding Properties of Cu2+ to the Amyloid Beta Peptide: Coordination Spheres for Human and Rat Peptides and Implication on Cu2+-Induced Aggregation Hong LA, Carducci TM, Bush WD, Dudzik CG, Millhauser GL, Simon JD |
11272 - 11281 |
Origin of the Commonly Observed Secondary Relaxation Process in Saccharides Kaminski K, Wlodarczyk P, Adrjanowicz K, Kaminska E, Wojnarowska Z, Paluch M |
11282 - 11291 |
Iodide as a Fluorescence Quencher and Promoter-Mechanisms and Possible Implications Chmyrov A, Sanden T, Widengren J |
11292 - 11302 |
Adsorption of an Antimicrobial Peptide on Self-Assembled Monolayers by Molecular Dynamics Simulation Soliman W, Bhattacharjee S, Kaur K |
11303 - 11314 |
Testing High-Level QM/MM Methods for Modeling Enzyme Reactions: Acetyl-CoA Deprotonation in Citrate Synthase van der Kamp MW, Zurek J, Manby FR, Harvey JN, Mulholland AJ |
11315 - 11322 |
Free Energy Landscape of the Retinol/Serum Retinol Binding Protein Complex: A Biological Host-Guest System Elenewski JE, Hackett JC |
11323 - 11337 |
Picosecond Protein Dynamics: The Origin of the Time-Dependent Spectral Shift in the Fluorescence of the Single Trp in the Protein GB1 Toptygin D, Woolf TB, Brand L |
11338 - 11352 |
The Protonation State of Glu181 in Rhodopsin Revisited: Interpretation of Experimental Data on the Basis of QM/MM Calculations Frahmcke JS, Wanko M, Phatak P, Mroginski MA, Elstner M |
11353 - 11362 |
The Anionic (9-Methyladenine)-(1-Methylthymine) Base Pair Solvated by Formic Acid. A Computational and Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study Storoniak P, Mazurkiewicz K, Haranczyk M, Gutowski M, Rak J, Eustis SN, Ko YJ, Wang HP, Bowen KH |
11363 - 11369 |
Enhanced Photostability of the Anthracene Chromophore in Aqueous Medium upon Protein Encapsulation Alonso R, Yamaji M, Jimenez MC, Miranda MA |
11370 - 11370 |
Heterogeneous Solute Dynamics in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids (vol 111, pg 13473, 2007) Jin H, Li XA, Maroncelli M |