12669 - 12671 |
Tribute to Peter G. Wolynes Eaton WA, Gruebele M, Lubchenko V, Onuchic JN |
12672 - 12675 |
A Scientific Memoir Wolynes PG |
12689 - 12694 |
On the Derivation of Equilibrium Relaxation Times from Aging Experiments Richert R, Lunkenheimer P, Kastner S, Loidl A |
12695 - 12701 |
Speed-Selectivity Paradox in the Protein Search for Targets on DNA: Is It Real or Not? Veksler A, Kolomeisky AB |
12702 - 12716 |
Counterion Density Profile around Charged Cylinders: The Strong-Coupling Needle Limit Mallarino JP, Tellez G, Trizac E |
12717 - 12723 |
Visualizing Basins of Attraction for Different Minimization Algorithms Asenjo D, Stevenson JD, Wales DJ, Frenkel D |
12724 - 12733 |
Highly Stable Glasses of cis-Decalin and cis/trans-Decalin Mixtures Whitaker KR, Scifo DJ, Ediger MD, Ahrenberg M, Schick C |
12734 - 12741 |
Molecular Binoculars: How to Spatially Resolve Environmental Fluctuations by Following Two or More Single-Molecule Spectral Trails at a Time Lubchenko V, Silbey RJ |
12742 - 12749 |
Probing the Physical Determinants of Thermal Expansion of Folded Proteins Dellarole M, Kobayashi K, Rouget JB, Caro JA, Roche J, Islam MM, Garcia-Moreno EB, Kuroda Y, Royer CA |
12750 - 12758 |
Entanglement and Polyradical Character of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Predicted by Projected Hartree-Fock Theory Rivero P, Jimenez-Hoyos CA, Scuseria GE |
12759 - 12768 |
Population Based Reweighting of Scaled Molecular Dynamics Sinko W, Miao YL, de Oliveira CAF, McCammon JA |
12769 - 12776 |
Rapid Exploration of Configuration Space with Diffusion-Map-Directed Molecular Dynamics Zheng WW, Rohrdanz MA, Clementi C |
12777 - 12786 |
Local Moment Formation and Kondo Screening in Impurity Trimers Mitchell AK, Jarrold TF, Galpin MR, Logan DE |
12787 - 12799 |
How Kinetics within the Unfolded State Affects Protein Folding: An Analysis Based on Markov State Models and an Ultra-Long MD Trajectory Deng NJ, Dai W, Levy RM |
12800 - 12806 |
Single-Molecule FRET Studies of RNA Folding: A Diels-Alderase Ribozyme with Photolabile Nucleotide Modifications Kobitski AY, Schafer S, Nierth A, Singer M, Jaschke A, Nienhaus GU |
12807 - 12819 |
Quantifying the Mechanism of Phosphate Monoester Hydrolysis in Aqueous Solution by Evaluating the Relevant Ab Initio QM/MM Free-Energy Surfaces Plotnikoy NV, Prasad BR, Chakrabarty S, Chu ZT, Warshel A |
12820 - 12828 |
Thermal Boundary Conductance and Thermal Rectification in Molecules Leitner DM |
12829 - 12835 |
Thermostated Hamiltonian Dynamics with Log Oscillators Campisi M, Hanggi P |
12836 - 12843 |
Boltzmann's H-Function and Diffusion Processes Hubbard JB, Lund SP, Halter M |
12844 - 12849 |
Nucleation Dynamics of Active Particles Shen TY, Qi XH, Nellas RB |
12850 - 12856 |
Glassy Dynamics, Cell Mechanics, and Endothelial Permeability Hardin C, Rajendran K, Manomohan G, Tambe DT, Butler JP, Fredberg JJ, Martinelli R, Carman CV, Krishnan R |
12857 - 12863 |
Correlated Motions and Residual Frustration in Thrombin Fuglestad B, Gasper PM, McCammon JA, Markwick PRL, Komives EA |
12864 - 12877 |
Entropic Mechanism of Allosteric Communication in Conformational Transitions of Dihydrofolate Reductase Terada TP, Kimura T, Sasai M |
12878 - 12886 |
Becoming a Peroxidase: Cardiolipin-Induced Unfolding of Cytochrome c Muenzner J, Toffey JR, Hong YN, Pletneva EV |
12887 - 12897 |
Detecting Repetitions and Periodicities in Proteins by Tiling the Structural Space Parra RG, Espada R, Sanchez IE, Sippl MJ, Ferreiro DU |
12898 - 12907 |
Rotational Relaxation in ortho-Terphenyl: Using Atomistic Simulations to Bridge Theory and Experiment Eastwood MP, Chitra T, Jumper JM, Palmo K, Pan AC, Shaw DE |
12908 - 12934 |
Landscape Framework and Global Stability for Stochastic Reaction Diffusion and General Spatially Extended Systems with Intrinsic Fluctuations Wu W, Wang J |
12935 - 12942 |
Atomistic Description of the Folding of a Dimeric Protein Piana S, Lindorff-Larsen K, Shawa DE |
12943 - 12952 |
Sequence-Dependent Base-Stacking Stabilities Guide tRNA Folding Energy Landscapes Li RZ, Ge HMW, Cho SS |
12953 - 12965 |
Origins of the Helical Wrapping of Phenyleneethynylene Polymers about Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Von Bargen CD, MacDermaid CM, Lee OS, Deria P, Therien MJ, Saven JG |
12966 - 12971 |
"Tunneling Two-Level Systems" Model of the Low-Temperature Properties of Glasses: Are "Smoking-Gun" Tests Possible? Leggett AJ, Vural DC |
12972 - 12978 |
Tensor Hypercontraction Equation-of-Motion Second-Order Approximate Coupled Cluster: Electronic Excitation Energies in O(N-4) Time Hohenstein EG, Kokkila SIL, Parrish RM, Martinez TJ |
12979 - 12994 |
Exact Theory of Dense Amorphous Hard Spheres in High Dimension. II. The High Density Regime and the Gardner Transition Kurchan J, Parisi G, Urbani P, Zamponi F |
12995 - 13004 |
A Minimal Transcriptional Controlling Network of Regulatory T Cell Development Liao C, Lu T |
13005 - 13014 |
Weak Frustration Regulates Sliding and Binding Kinetics on Rugged Protein-DNA Landscapes Marcovitz A, Levy Y |
13015 - 13028 |
Intramolecular Distances and Dynamics from the Combined Photon Statistics of Single-Molecule FRET and Photoinduced Electron Transfer Haenni D, Zosel F, Reymond L, Nettels D, Schuler B |
13029 - 13037 |
Subdomain Architecture and Stability of a Giant Repeat Protein Tsytlonok M, Sormanni P, Rowling PJE, Vendruscolo M, Itzhaki LS |
13038 - 13050 |
Small pH and Salt Variations Radically Alter the Thermal Stability of Metal-Binding Domains in the Copper Transporter, Wilson Disease Protein Nilsson L, Aden J, Niemiec MS, Nam K, Wittung-Stafshede P |
13051 - 13057 |
Energy Evaluation of beta-Strand Packing in a Fibril-Forming SH3 Domain Yang SC, Ravikumar KM, Levine H |
13058 - 13068 |
Mapping Polymerization and Allostery of Hemoglobin S Using Point Mutations Weinkam P, Sali A |
13069 - 13081 |
Quantitative Reflection Imaging of Fixed Aplysia californica Pedal Ganglion Neurons on Nanostructured Plasmonic Crystals Le AP, Kang S, Thompson LB, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV, Rogers JA, Nuzzo RG |
13082 - 13089 |
Experimental Characterization of Electrostatic and Conformational Heterogeneity in an SH3 Domain Adhikary R, Zimmermann J, Liu J, Dawson PE, Romesberg FE |
13090 - 13097 |
Dodine as a Protein Denaturant: The Best of Two Worlds? Gelman H, Perlova T, Gruebele M |
13098 - 13106 |
Evolutionary Pressure on the Topology of Protein Interface Interaction Networks Johnson ME, Hummer G |
13107 - 13114 |
Force-Induced Unzipping Transitions in an Athermal Crowded Environment Pincus DL, Thirumalai D |
13115 - 13119 |
Diffusion along the Splitting/Commitment Probability Reaction Coordinate Berezhkovskii AM, Szabo A |
13120 - 13131 |
Gradual Disordering of the Native State on a Slow Two-State Folding Protein Monitored by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy and NMR Campos LA, Sadqi M, Liu JW, Wang X, English DS, Munoz V |
13132 - 13144 |
Quantum Suppression of Ratchet Rectification in a Brownian System Driven by a Biharmonic Force Kato A, Tanimura Y |
13145 - 13153 |
Finding New Superconductors: The Spin-Fluctuation Gateway to High T-c and Possible Room Temperature Superconductivity Pines D |
13154 - 13163 |
Nucleation of a Stable Solid from Melt in the Presence of Multiple Metastable Intermediate Phases: Wetting, Ostwald's Step Rule, and Vanishing Polymorphs Santra M, Singh RS, Bagchi B |
13164 - 13174 |
Tristability in Cancer-Associated MicroRNA-TF Chimera Toggle Switch Lu MY, Jolly MK, Gomoto R, Huang B, Onuchic J, Ben-Jacob E |
13175 - 13181 |
Measuring Competitive Fitness in Dynamic Environments Razinkov IA, Baumgartner BL, Bennett MR, Tsimring LS, Hasty J |
13182 - 13193 |
Allostery and Folding of the N-terminal Receiver Domain of Protein NtrC Tripathi S, Portman JJ |
13194 - 13205 |
Effect of Phenotypic Selection on Stochastic Gene Expression Mora T, Walczak AM |
13206 - 13211 |
Intrachain Contact Dynamics in Unfolded Cytochrome cb(562) Ford NDB, Shin DW, Gray HB, Winkler JR |
13212 - 13218 |
Folding Coupled with Assembly in Split Green Fluorescent Proteins Studied by Structure-based Molecular Simulations Ito M, Ozawa T, Takada S |
13219 - 13225 |
Binding and Folding of the Small Bacterial Chaperone HdeA Ahlstrom LS, Dickson A, Brooks CL |
13226 - 13234 |
Mutations in DNA-Binding Loop of NFAT5 Transcription Factor Produce Unique Outcomes on Protein-DNA Binding and Dynamics Li MH, Shoemaker BA, Thangudu RR, Ferraris JD, Burg MB, Panchenko AR |
13235 - 13244 |
How Well Does a Funneled Energy Landscape Capture the Folding Mechanism of Spectrin Domains? Best RB |
13245 - 13258 |
A Nanobody Binding to Non-Amyloidogenic Regions of the Protein Human Lysozyme Enhances Partial Unfolding but Inhibits Amyloid Fibril Formation De Genst E, Chan PH, Pardon E, Hsu STD, Kumita JR, Christodoulou J, Menzer L, Chirgadze DY, Robinson CV, Muyldermans S, Matagne A, Wyns L, Dobson CM, Dumoulin M |
13259 - 13267 |
Dynamic Length Scales in Glass-Forming Liquids: An Inhomogeneous Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach Kim K, Saito S, Miyazaki K, Biroli G, Reichman DR |
13268 - 13277 |
Double Resolution Model for Studying TMAO/Water Effective Interactions Larini L, Shea JE |
13278 - 13290 |
Density Functional Theory for Protein Transfer Free Energy Mills EA, Plotkin SS |
13291 - 13300 |
Structure and Dynamics of Urea/Water Mixtures Investigated by Vibrational Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Carr JK, Buchanan LE, Schmidt JR, Zanni MT, Skinner JL |
13301 - 13307 |
Dynamics and the Free-Energy Landscape of Proteins, Explored with the Mossbauer Effect and Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Frauenfelder H, Young RD, Fenimore PW |
13308 - 13321 |
Single-Particle Tracking Reveals Switching of the HIV Fusion Peptide between Two Diffusive Modes in Membranes Ott M, Shai Y, Haran G |
13322 - 13334 |
Multielement NMR Studies of the Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and the Metal-to-Nonmetal Transition in Fluid Lithium- and Sodium-Ammonia Solutions Lodge MTJH, Cullen P, Rees NH, Spencer N, Maeda K, Harmer JR, Jones MO, Edwards PP |
13335 - 13345 |
Structural Intermediates and Folding Events in the Early Assembly of the Ribosomal Small Subunit Lai J, Chen K, Luthey-Schulten Z |
13346 - 13356 |
Remarkably Fast Coupled Folding and Binding of the Intrinsically Disordered Transactivation Domain of cMyb to CBP KIX Shammas SL, Travis AJ, Clarke J |
13357 - 13366 |
Quantum-Classical Path Integral with Self-Consistent Solvent-Driven Reference Propagators Banerjee T, Makri N |
13367 - 13377 |
Characterization of Folding Mechanisms of Trp-Cage and WW-Domain by Network Analysis of Simulations with a Hybrid-Resolution Model Han W, Schulten K |
13378 - 13387 |
Modeling Spatial Correlation of DNA Deformation: DNA Allostery in Protein Binding Xu XL, Ge H, Gu C, Gao YQ, Wang SS, Thio BJR, Hynes JT, Xie XS, Cao JS |
13388 - 13396 |
Molecular Transport Modulates the Adaptive Response of Branched Actin Networks to an External Force Hu LH, Papoian GA |