9 - 30 |
Mechanical and viscoelastic properties of confined amorphous polymers Vogt BD |
31 - 35 |
Molecular weight dependence of carrier mobility and recombination rate in neat P3HT films Dixon AG, Visvanathan R, Clark NA, Stingelin N, Kopidakis N, Shaheen SE |
36 - 45 |
Improving waterproof/breathable performance of electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) fibrous membranes by thermo-pressing Li X, Lin JY, Bian FG, Zeng YC |
46 - 52 |
Thermal actuation of hydrogels from PNIPAm, alginate, and carbon nanofibres Warren H, Panhuis MIH, Spinks GM, Officer DL |
53 - 61 |
Thickness dependence of structural relaxation in spin-cast polynorbornene films with high glass transition temperatures (> 613K) Lewis EA, Vogt BD |
62 - 78 |
Hydrophilic domain structure in polymer exchange membranes: Simulations of NMR spin diffusion experiments to address ability for model discrimination Sorte EG, Abbott LJ, Frischknecht AL, Wilson MA, Alam TM |
79 - 88 |
Electrical and melt rheological characterization of PC and co-continuous PC/SAN blends filled with CNTs: Relationship between melt-mixing parameters, filler dispersion, and filler aspect ratio Liebscher M, Domurath J, Krause B, Saphiannikova M, Heinrich G, Potschke P |
89 - 96 |
Disruptions in the crystallinity of poly(lauryl methacrylate) due to adsorption on silica Arua UN, Blum FD |
97 - 104 |
Charge transport and structure in semimetallic polymers Rudd S, Franco-Gonzalez JF, Singh SK, Khan ZU, Crispin X, Andreasen JW, Zozoulenko I, Evans D |
105 - 118 |
Tailoring the mechanical properties of nanoparticle networks that encompass biomimetic catch bonds Zhang T, Mbanga BL, Yashin VV, Balazs AC |