947 - 958 |
Control of industrial gas phase propylene polymerization in fluidized bed reactors Ho YK, Shamiri A, Mjalli FS, Hussain MA |
959 - 967 |
Fuzzy servo controller for CSTB with substrate inhibition kinetics Herrera-Lopez EJ, Castillo-Toledo B, Femat R |
968 - 974 |
Fuel gas blending benchmark for economic performance evaluation of advanced control and state estimation Ricker NL, Muller CJ, Craig IK |
975 - 983 |
An off-line robust MPC algorithm for uncertain polytopic discrete-time systems using polyhedral invariant sets Bumroongsri P, Kheawhom S |
984 - 994 |
Control-oriented modeling of a three-way catalytic converter with observation of the relative oxygen level profile Kiwitz P, Onder C, Guzzella L |
995 - 1007 |
Convex formulations for optimal selection of controlled variables and measurements using Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Yelchuru R, Skogestad S |
1008 - 1019 |
Bifurcation and stability analysis of a two step model for monitoring anaerobic digestion processes Benyahia B, Sari T, Cherki B, Harmand J |
1020 - 1033 |
Simultaneous automatic tuning of cascade control systems from closed-loop step response data Jeng JC, Lee MW |
1034 - 1043 |
The automatic control system of a multi-component nonequilibrium extraction process in the pulse column Goryunov AG, Mikhaylov VS |
1044 - 1062 |
Centralized multivariable control by simplified decoupling Garrido J, Vazquez F, Morilla F |
1063 - 1078 |
Revisiting the Magnitude Optimum criterion for robust tuning of PID type-I control loops Papadopoulos KG, Tselepis ND, Margaris NI |
1079 - 1086 |
Optimizing energy productivity of microbial electrochemical cells Pinto RP, Tartakovsky B, Srinivasan B |
1087 - 1102 |
A new method to control heat and mass transfer to work piece in a GMAW process Anzehaee MM, Haeri M |
1103 - 1112 |
Prediction of activated sludge bulking based on a self-organizing RBF neural network Han HG, Qiao JF |
1113 - 1121 |
Test of covariance changes without a large sample and its application to fault detection and classification Hung H, Chen AG |
1122 - 1126 |
Inferential estimation of kerosene dry point in refineries with varying crudes Zhou C, Liu QY, Huang DX, Zhang J |
1127 - 1138 |
A self-tuning adaptive trend extraction method for process monitoring and diagnosis Charbonnier S, Portet F |
1139 - 1151 |
Estimation of recombinant protein production in Pichia pastoris based on a constraint-based model Tortajada M, Llaneras F, Ramon D, Pico J |
1152 - 1160 |
Robust optimization of nonlinear dynamic systems with application to a jacketed tubular reactor Houska B, Logist F, Van Impe J, Diehl M |