
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of The ASME

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of The ASME, Vol.129, No.2 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0199-6231 (Print) 

In this Issue (17 articles)

141 - 146 High-temperature liquid-fluoride-salt closed-Brayton-cycle solar power towers
Forsberg CW, Peterson PF, Zhao HH
147 - 152 Parabolic trough optical performance analysis techniques
Lupfert E, Pottler K, Ulmer S, Riffelmann KJ, Neumann A, Schiricke B
153 - 159 Practical field alignment of parabolic trough solar concentrators
Diver RB, Moss TA
160 - 170 Computational fluid dynamics modeling of gas-particle flow within a solid-particle solar receiver
Chen HJ, Chen YT, Hsieh HT, Siegel N
171 - 178 Sensitivity analysis of the operating and technical specifications of a solar chimney power plant
Pretorius JP, Kroger DG
179 - 183 Central-station solar hydrogen power plant
Kolb GJ, Diver RB, Siegel N
184 - 189 Hydrogen from solar via light-assisted high-temperature water splitting cycles
T-Raissi A, Muradov N, Huang C, Adebiyi O
190 - 196 A 300 W solar chemical pilot plant for the carbothermic production of zinc
Wieckert C, Frommherz U, Kraupl S, Guillot E, Olalde G, Epstein M, Santen S, Osinga T, Steinfeld A
197 - 204 Simulation of a volumetric solar reformer
Ben-Zvi R, Karni J
205 - 209 Photovoltaic-thermal collector system for domestic application
Chow TT, Ji J, He W
210 - 214 Transient natural convection heat transfer correlations for tube bundles immersed in a thermal storage
Su Y, Davidson JH
215 - 225 Evaluation of reinforcement learning for optimal control of building active and passive thermal storage inventory
Liu SM, Henze GP
226 - 234 Evaluation of a high-performance solar home in Loveland, Colorado
Hendron R, Eastment M, Hancock E, Barker G, Reeves P
235 - 242 Experimental validation of the laboratory air handling unit system (LAHU) - Part 1: Winter operation
Cui YJ, Liu MS, Conger K
243 - 248 A calculating method of albedo and experimental study of its influence on building heat environment in summer
Chen Z, Yu BF, Shang PJ
249 - 252 Behavior of bimetallic absorber in parabolic collectors during DSG to low powers
Flores V, Almanza R
253 - 255 The optimum tilt angles and orientations of PV claddings for building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications
Yang HX, Lu L