859 - 865 |
Nanoscale Dimensional Changes and Optical-Properties of Polyaniline Measured by in-Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Barbero C, Kotz R |
865 - 872 |
Film Formation on Lithium Electrode in Lialcl4/So2Cl2 and Lialcl4-3So2 Based Electrolytes Aubay M, Lojou E |
873 - 875 |
Stability and Electrochemistry of Lithium in Room-Temperature Chloroaluminate Molten-Salts Scordiliskelley C, Carlin RT |
876 - 879 |
Coloration Dynamics of Spin-Coated MoO3-Center-Dot-nH2O Electrochromic Films Fabricated from Peroxo-Polymolybdate Solution Hinokuma K, Kishimoto A, Kudo T |
880 - 885 |
Effect of Calcium Content on the Discharge Characteristics of Caxla1-Xcro3 Thick-Film Cathodes for Use in DC-Type Plasma Display Panels Koiwa I |
886 - 889 |
Ionic-Conductivity of a Polymer Electrolyte with Modified Carbonate as a Plasticizer for Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Lee HS, Yang XQ, Mcbreen J, Xu ZS, Skotheim TA, Okamoto Y |
889 - 895 |
Characterization of Nonstoichiometric Nickel-Oxide Thin-Film Electrodes Passerini S, Scrosati B |
895 - 900 |
Solubility of AgCl in Molten NaCl-AlCl3 and KCl-AlCl3 Tumidajski PJ, Blander M, Newman DS |
900 - 906 |
Behavior of Nitrogen-Substituted Carbon (Nzc1-Z) in Li/Li(Nzcl1-Z)6 Cells Weydanz WJ, Way BM, Vanbuuren T, Dahn JR |
907 - 912 |
The Effect of Boron Substitution in Carbon on the Intercalation of Lithium in Lix(Bzc1-Z)6 Way BM, Dahn JR |
912 - 921 |
The 1st Stages of Dezincification of Freshly Generated Brass Surfaces in Sulfuric-Acid-Solution Burstein GT, Gao G |
922 - 927 |
Chemical Mechanisms for the Atmospheric Corrosion of Lead Graedel TE |
927 - 933 |
Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary Al-Cu-Zn Alloys by Electromotive-Force Method Van TD, Segers L, Winand R |
934 - 939 |
The Effects of Water on the Passive Behavior of 1018 Carbon-Steel in Organic Solutions Shifler DA, Moran PJ, Kruger J |
940 - 942 |
Cathodic Reduction of Oxides Formed on Copper at Elevated-Temperatures Su YY, Marek M |
943 - 945 |
The Effect of pH on the Localized Etching Process-Induced by Laser Irradiation Hsiao MC, Wan CC |
945 - 953 |
The Electrodeposition of Al3Ti from Chloroaluminate Electrolytes Stafford GR |
954 - 957 |
Effect of SiO2 Colloid on the Electrodeposition of Zinc-Iron Group Metal Alloy Composites Takahashi A, Miyoshi Y, Hada T |
958 - 967 |
Morphology of Porous N-Type Silicon Obtained by Photoelectrochemical Etching .1. Correlations with Material and Etching Parameters Levyclement C, Lagoubi A, Tomkiewicz M |
968 - 975 |
Improved Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Performance of Platinum Ternary Alloy-Oxide in Solid-Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel-Cells Tamizhmani G, Capuano GA |
975 - 982 |
Study of the Mechanism of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Raney-Nickel Electrodes in the Presence of Organic-Compounds Cheong AK, Lasia A, Lessard J |
982 - 990 |
Relaxation Phenomena in Lithium-Ion-Insertion Cells Fuller TF, Doyle M, Newman J |
990 - 995 |
Electrochemical Reduction of 1,3-Dihalopropanes at Carbon Cathodes in Dimethylformamide Pritts WA, Peters DG |
995 - 999 |
Deposition of Nickel-Hydroxide Structures Using the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope Shohat I, Mandler D |
L35 - L37 |
A New Potential-Type Humidity Sensor Using Emd-Based Manganese Oxides as a Solid-Electrolyte Miyazaki K, Xu CN, Hieda M |
L38 - L40 |
The Role of an Electrolysis Reduction in Copper-Electroplating on Transparent Semiconductor Tin Oxide Liu JS, Laverty SJ, Maguire P, Mclaughlin J, Molloy J |
L41 - L43 |
Patterned Electrical Conductance and Electrode Formation in Ion-Implanted Diamond Films Miller B, Kalish R, Feldman LC, Katz A, Moriya N, Short K, White AE |
L43 - L45 |
Selected Dissolution of Aluminum Initiated by Atomic-Force Microscope Tip-Surface Interaction Chen LL, Guay D |
L46 - L48 |
A Polymer Electrolyte for Operation at Temperatures Up to 200-Degrees-C Savinell R, Yeager E, Tryk D, Landau U, Wainright J, Weng D, Lux K, Litt M, Rogers C |
L49 - L50 |
Electrochemical and in-Situ Spectroelectrochemical Study on Polypyrrole Disulfide Composite Electrode Ye SY, Belanger D |
L51 - L52 |
Oxygen Reduction on Ruthenium-Oxide Pyrochlore Produced in a Proton-Exchange Membrane Zen JM, Wang CB |
1000 - 1005 |
Electrodeposition of Palladium and Adsorption of Palladium-Chloride Onto Solid Electrodes from Room-Temperature Molten-Salts Delong HC, Wilkes JS, Carlin RT |
1006 - 1013 |
The Electrochemical Oxidation of Silicon and Formation of Porous Silicon in Acetonitrile Propst EK, Kohl PA |
1014 - 1020 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Ru-Ti4O7 Microelectrode Arrays He L, Franzen HF, Vitt JE, Johnson DC |
1021 - 1024 |
Electrochromic Properties of Tungsten Trioxide Thin-Films Prepared by Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Maruyama T, Arai S |
1025 - 1028 |
Laminated Electrochromic Windows-Based on Nickel-Oxide, Tungsten-Oxide, and Gel Electrolytes Passerini S, Scrosati B, Hermann V, Holmblad C, Bartlett T |
1028 - 1034 |
High Ammonia Sensitive Semiconductor Gas Sensors with Double-Layer Structure and Interface Electrodes Takao Y, Miyazaki K, Shimizu Y, Egashira M |
1034 - 1040 |
Characterization Enhancements in Resist Photospeed Conley W, Eib N, Plat M, Smith R |
1040 - 1045 |
Effects of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Substrate Heating on the Electrical-Properties of Alpha-Si-H Thin-Film Transistors Feng MS, Liang CW, Tseng D |
1046 - 1055 |
Selectivity Mechanisms in Low-Pressure Selective Epitaxial Silicon Growth Fitch JT |
1056 - 1061 |
Behavior of Tin and Ti Barrier Metals in Al-Barrier-Al via Hole Metallization Inoue Y, Tanimoto S, Tsujimura K, Yamashita T, Ibara Y, Yamashita Y, Yoneda K |
1061 - 1065 |
Thin-Film Transistors with Graded Sinx Gate Dielectrics Kuo Y |
1066 - 1070 |
Physical and Electrical Characteristics of Thin Silicon-Nitride Dielectric Films Deposited on Smooth and Rugged Polycrystalline Silicon After Rapid Thermal Nitridation Mathews VK, Ditali A, Fazan PC |
1070 - 1074 |
AC Electroluminescence of ZnS-TM Alshawa AK, Lozykowski HJ |
1074 - 1081 |
Oxidation-Enhanced Diffusion of Boron and Phosphorus in Heavily-Doped Layers in Silicon Roth DJ, Plummer JD |
1082 - 1085 |
The Applications of Citric-Acid Hydrogen-Peroxide Etching Solutions in the Processing of Pseudomorphic MODFETs Mao BY, Nielsen JA, Friedman RA, Lee GY |
1086 - 1094 |
A Thermodynamic Analysis of Selective-Area CVD of Titanium Nitride Compound by the Alternating Cyclic Method Wang QS, Reisman A, Temple D |