E79 - E83 |
The Effect of Pluronic P123 on the Capacitive Behavior of Co3O4 as a Self-Assembeled Additive Ren B, Fan MQ, Wang J, Jing XY, Bai XF |
E84 - E89 |
Enhanced Electrosorption Capacitance of Porous Carbon Particles Synthesized by Spray Pyrolysis Jo N, Choi JH, Jung KY |
E90 - E93 |
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Oxide Ions in a LiCl-KCl-CsCl Eutectic Melt Kado Y, Goto T, Hagiwara R |
E94 - E98 |
Electropolishing of Passive Materials in HF-Free Low Viscosity Aqueous Electrolytes Inman M, Taylor EJ, Hall TD |
E99 - E105 |
Finite Element Modeling for Cathodic Protection of Pipelines under Simulating Thermocline Environment in Deep Water Using a Dynamic Boundary Condition Li CJ, Du M, Sun JX, Li Y, Liu FG |
X11 - X11 |
Electrocatalytic Activity of Transition Metal Oxide-Carbon Composites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline Batteries and Fuel Cells (vol 160, pg F943, 2013) Malkhandi S, Trinh P, Manohar AK, Jayachandrababu KC, Kindler A, Prakash GKS, Narayanan SR |
B139 - B145 |
On an Integrated Gas Sensing System Based on an AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Compound Semiconductor Hsu CS, Lin KW, Liu WC |
B146 - B151 |
Reduction in Ethanol Interference of Zirconia-Based Sensor for Selective Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds Sato T, Breedon M, Miura N |
B152 - B155 |
Oligonucleotide-Based Electrochemical Biosensor for Hg2+ Using Methylene Blue as a Redox Indicator Ziolkowski R, Jarczewska M, Gorski L, Malinowska E |
B156 - B159 |
An AlGaAs/GaAs Photo-Transistor-Based Fluorescence Detection System for Human Serum Albumin Liao CY, Hsueh KP, Tsai JZ, Lee YS, Hsin WM, Hsin YM |
B160 - B163 |
Three-Dimensional Graphene Network-Based Chemical Sensors on Paper Substrate Yang G, Lee C, Kim J |
B164 - B169 |
Effect of Sintering Temperature on Hydrogen Sensing Characteristics of Zirconia Sensor Utilizing Zn-Ta-O-Based Sensing Electrode Anggraini SA, Breedon M, Miura N |
B170 - B176 |
Influence of Size and Density of Au Nanoparticles on ZnO Nanorod Arrays for Sensing Reducing Gases Chang CM, Hon MH, Leu IC |
C403 - C413 |
Effects of Aluminum Solids on the under Deposit Corrosion of Copper in Synthetic Potable Water: The Arguments for and against a Semi-Permeable Membrane Cong HB, Scully JR |
C414 - C422 |
Hydrogen Absorption into Titanium under Cathodic Polarization: An In-Situ Neutron Reflectometry and EIS Study Vezvaie M, Noel JJ, Tun Z, Shoesmith DW |
C423 - C431 |
Micro-Galvanic Corrosion Effects on Patterned Copper-Zinc Samples during Exposure in Humidified Air Containing Formic Acid Forslund M, Leygraf C, Claesson PM, Lin CJ, Pan JS |
C432 - C440 |
Inhibition of Under-Deposit Corrosion of Carbon Steel by Thiobenzamide Pandarinathan V, Lepkova K, Bailey SI, Gubner R |
C441 - C444 |
Numerical Analysis of Oxygen Transport in Alpha Titanium during Isothermal Oxidation Kitashima T, Liu LJ, Murakami H |
C445 - C450 |
In-Situ XAS Investigation of the Effect of Electrochemical Reactions on the Structure of Graphene in Aqueous Electrolytes Velasco-Velez JJ, Chuang CH, Han HL, Martin-Fernandez I, Martinez C, Pong WF, Shen YR, Wang F, Zhang YG, Guo JH, Salmeron M |
C451 - C459 |
Development of Mg2+ Ion-Selective Microelectrodes for Potentiometric Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Monitoring of Galvanic Corrosion Processes Izquierdo J, Kiss A, Santana JJ, Nagy L, Bitter I, Isaacs HS, Nagy G, Souto RM |
D327 - D336 |
Formation of Electroless Ni-B on Billuoride-Actiyated Magnesium and AZ91D Alloy Correa E, Zuleta AA, Guerra L, Castano JG, Echeverria F, Baron-Wiechec A, Skeldon P, Thompson GE |
D337 - D342 |
Nucleation of Electrodeposited Lithium Metal: Dendritic Growth and the Effect of Co-Deposited Sodium Stark JK, Ding Y, Kohl PA |
D343 - D348 |
Fe50Pt50/Fe2Pt98 Magnetic Multilayers Electrodeposited from Ionic Liquids Zhou HR, Wei GY, Li M, Wang JF, Xu R, Yu YD, Ge HL, Dettinger H |
D349 - D353 |
Direct Electroless Deposition of Ni-P-Zn Films on AZ91D Mg Alloy Petro R, Schlesinger M |
D354 - D360 |
Mathematical Modeling of Ni/SiC Co-Deposition in the Presence of a Cationic Dispersant Eroglu D, West AC |
D361 - D365 |
Direct Evidence of Homoepitaxial Growth in the Electrodeposition of Au Observed by Ultra-High Resolution Differential Optical Microscopy Azhagurajan M, Wen R, Lahiri A, Kim YG, Itoh T, Itaya K |
D366 - D371 |
Effect of Thiourea on Oxidation of Hypophosphite Ions on Ni Surface Investigated by Raman Spectroscopy and DFT Calculation Jiang B, Kunimoto M, Yanagisawa M, Homma T |
D372 - D379 |
Systematic Study of Anodic Etching of Highly Doped N-type 4H-SiC in Various HF Based Electrolytes Gautier G, Biscarrat J, Valente D, Defforge T, Gary A, Cayrel F |
D380 - D385 |
Mechanism for Codeposition of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with Copper from Acid Copper Sulfate Bath Arai S, Kato A |
D386 - D393 |
A Comparative Study of the Electrodeposition of Nanoporous Ir and Pt Thin Films El Sawy EN, Birss VI |
D394 - D402 |
Mechanism of Direct Electrochemical Reduction of Solid UO2 to Uranium Metal in CaCl2-48mol% NaCl Melt Vishnu DSM, Sanil N, Panneerselvam G, Sudha R, Mohandas KS, Nagarajan K |
D403 - D407 |
Preparations and Properties of Amorphous Fe-Mo-B Alloy Deposits by Chemical Plating Yi G, Zhang BW, Wang LL, Ouyang YF, Xie HW |
D408 - D416 |
Thermoelectric Characterization of Electrochemically Deposited Bi2Te3 Films Accounting for the Presence of Conductive Seed Layers Rostek R, Kottmeier J, Kratschmer M, Blackburn G, Goldschmidtboing F, Kroner M, Woias P |
D417 - D421 |
Potentiostatic Cu-Zn Alloying for Polymer Metallization Using Medium-Low Temperature Ionic Liquid Baths Kitada A, Yanase K, Ichii T, Sugimura H, Murase K |
E106 - E112 |
Modification of Carbon Xerogel Electrodes for More Efficient Asymmetric Capacitive Deionization Gao X, Landon J, Neathery JK, Liu KL |
E113 - E119 |
Fabrication and Characterization of Multi-Layer Ceramics for Electrochemical Flue Gas Purification Schmidt CG, Ippolito D, Bentzen JJ, Andersen KB, Kaiser A, Hansen KK |
F905 - F909 |
Preparation of LSM-Nano-Film via a Water-Based Impregnation Process and Its Application onto Porous LSCF Cathode Zhu XB, Lu Z, Zhen L |
F910 - F915 |
Highly Active Graphene Nanosheets Prepared via Extremely Rapid Heating as Efficient Zinc-Air Battery Electrode Material Lee DU, Park HW, Higgins D, Nazar L, Chen ZW |
F916 - F922 |
Effect of Al3+ Contaminant on Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Performance Qi J, Wang XF, Pasaogullari U, Bonville L, Molter T |
F923 - F930 |
Electrochemical and Physical Characterization of Pt Activated Micromesoporous Vanadium Carbide Derived Carbon Electrodes in Sulfuric Acid Solution Hark E, Steinberg V, Sepp S, Vaarmets K, Nerut J, Kallio T, Kontturi K, Lust E |
F931 - F942 |
Origin of Enhanced Chemical Capacitance in La0.8Sr0.2CoO3-delta Thin Film Electrodes Kreller CR, McDonald TJ, Adler SB, Crumlin EJ, Mutoro E, Ahn SJ, la O' GJ, Shao-Horn Y, Biegalski MD, Christen HM, Chater RR, Kilner JA |
F943 - F952 |
Electrocatalytic Activity of Transition Metal Oxide-Carbon Composites for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline Batteries and Fuel Cells Malkhandi S, Trinh P, Manohar AK, Jayachandrababu KC, Kindler A, Prakash GKS, Narayanan SR |
F953 - F957 |
Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide II. Design, Assembly, and Performance of Low Temperature Full Electrochemical Cells Wu JJ, Risalvato FG, Sharma PP, Pellechia PJ, Ke FS, Zhou XD |
F958 - F964 |
Molten Carbonates as an Effective Oxygen Reduction Catalyst for 550-650 degrees C Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Gong YH, Li X, Zhang LL, Tharp W, Qin CY, Huang K |
F965 - F971 |
Effect of Adding a Third Metal to Carbon-Supported PtSn-Based Nanocatalysts for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell in Acidic Medium Almeida TS, Palma LM, Morais C, Kokoh KB, De Andrade AR |
F972 - F979 |
A Carbon Corrosion Model to Evaluate the Effect of Steady State and Transient Operation of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Pandy A, Yang ZW, Gummalla M, Atrazhev VV, Kuzminyh NY, Sultanov VI, Burlatsky S |
F980 - F993 |
Effects of Cathode Corrosion on Through-Plane Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Fairweather JD, Spernjak D, Weber AZ, Harvey D, Wessel S, Hussey DS, Jacobson DL, Artyushkova K, Mukundan R, Borup RL |
F994 - F999 |
Carbonate and Bicarbonate Ion Transport in Alkaline Anion Exchange Membranes Kiss AM, Myles TD, Grew KN, Peracchio AA, Nelson GJ, Chiu WKS |
G125 - G134 |
Temperature Effect on Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Poly(o-anisidine) and Poly(aniline) Electro-Synthesis Romero M, del Valle MA, del Rio R, Diaz FR, Armijo F, Dalchiele EA |
H519 - H528 |
Kinetics of Polarization Mechanisms Roh HS |
H529 - H546 |
Multilayered Nanoclusters of Platinum and Gold: Insights on Electrodeposition Pathways, Electrocatalysis, Surface and Bulk Compositional Properties Mkwizu TS, Mathe MK, Cukrowski I |
H547 - H552 |
Electron Transfer Number Control of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Nitrogen-Doped Reduced-Graphene Oxides Using Experimental Design Strategies Liu CL, Hu CC, Wu SH, Wu TH |
H553 - H559 |
Electrochemical Analysis of Nitrofurans Based on Flow Injection Analysis on Pretreated Commercial Carbon Nanofiber Screen Printed Electrodes: Determination in Chicken Muscle Samples Salgado-Figueroa P, Jara-Ulloa P, Alvarez-Lueje A, Nunez-Vergara LJ, Squella JA |
H560 - H567 |
Both p and n-Dopable, Multichromic, Napthalineimide Clicked Poly(2,5-dithienylpyrrole) Derivatives Camurlu P, Karagoren N |
H568 - H572 |
Voltammetric Determination of the Adsorption Kinetics of Acetic Acid on Activated Carbon Li TB, Xu J, Zhou L, Wang L, Sun YL, Cheng JJ, Yuan MS, Wang L, Yue Y, Wang JY |
H573 - H580 |
A Sensing Platform for Direct Electron Transfer Study of Horseradish Peroxidase Farzana S, Ganesh V, Berchmans S |
H581 - H586 |
Surface Metallization of Polyimide as a Photoanode Substrate for Rear-Illuminated Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Huang YT, Zhan YY, Cherng SJ, Chen CM, Feng SP, Wei TC |
H587 - H590 |
Synthesis and Electrochromic Characterization of Vanadium Pentoxide/Graphene Nanocomposite Films Zhang XY, Sun HJ, Li ZL, Xu J, Jiang SS, Zhu QY, Jin AP, Zakharova GS |
H591 - H596 |
Theoretical Discussion of Electron Interfacial Transfer in Semiconductor Heterogeneous Photocatalysis Liu BS |
H597 - H603 |
Detailed Electrochemical Probing of a Biologically Active Isoquinoline Shah A, Ullah A, Rauf A, Rehman ZU, Shujah S, Shah SM, Waseem A |
H604 - H611 |
Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (NTf2)-Based Ionic Liquids for Facile Methane Electro-Oxidation on Pt Wang Z, Zeng XQ |
H612 - H619 |
Enzymatic Biofuel Cell with a Flow-through Toray Paper Bioanode for Improved Fuel Utilization Reid RC, Giroud F, Minteer SD, Gale BK |
H620 - H623 |
Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Oxygen Evolution Reaction based on Surface Autocatalytic Effect of Ultrathin 3C-SiC Nanocrystals Zhu XB, He ZQ, He CY, Wu XL, Chu PK |
H624 - H629 |
Electrochemically Deposited CoS Films as Counter Electrodes for Efficient Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Yuan HL, Lu JF, Xu XB, Huang DK, Chen W, Shen Y, Wang MK |
H630 - H635 |
Electrical Properties of Two-Dimensional Gold Nanoparticle-Alkanethiol Networks Formed on Plastic Microbeads Shiigi H, Shirai S, Fujita T, Morishita H, Yamamoto Y, Nishino T, Tokonami S, Nakao H, Nagaoka T |
H636 - H643 |
Dynamic Stress Analysis Applied to (111)-Textured Pt in HClO4 Electrolyte Lafouresse MC, Bertocci U, Stafford GR |
A1341 - A1347 |
A Core-Shell Structured Polysulfonamide-Based Composite Nonwoven Towards High Power Lithium Ion Battery Separator Zhou XH, Yue LP, Zhang JJ, Kong QS, Liu ZH, Yao JH, Cui GL |
A1348 - A1352 |
Electrochemical Behavior's of Diamond-Like-Carbon-Coated Silicon Monoxide-Graphite Composite Anode for Li-Ion Battery Lee JK, Yoon WY, Kim BK |
A1353 - A1357 |
Effects Of Polyacrylic Acid on the Suppression of Fe Deposition on Graphite for Lithium-Ion Batteries Zhang ZA, Cao Z, Zeng T, Li J, Jia M, Liu J, Lai YQ |
A1358 - A1363 |
Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of LixMnO2 Materials by a Reduction and Lithiation Method Lehr J, Dose WM, Yakovleva M, Donne SW |
A1364 - A1368 |
Theoretical Study on Stability of Lithium Ion Battery in Charging Process: Analysis Based on Partial Charge and Partial Energy Yamauchi Y, Nakai H |
A1369 - A1374 |
Fluoroethylene Carbonate as an Additive for gamma-Butyrolactone Based Electrolytes Kasnatscheew J, Schmitz RW, Wagner R, Winter M, Schmitz R |
A1375 - A1379 |
Discharge Characteristics of Li-Mg-B Alloy/MnO2 Couples in Molten LiNO3-KNO3-Ca(NO3)(2) Eutectic Electrolyte Niu YQ, Wu Z, Du JL |
A1380 - A1383 |
Conductive Polymer and Silicon Composite Secondary Particles for a High Area-Loading Negative Electrode Xun SD, Xiang B, Minor A, Battaglia V, Liu G |
A1384 - A1389 |
High Voltage Vanadium-Metal Hydride Rechargeable Semi-Flow Battery Weng GM, Li CYV, Chan KY |
A1390 - A1398 |
Controlled Growth and Application in Lithium and Sodium Batteries of High-Aspect-Ratio, Self-Organized Titania Nanotubes Gonzalez JR, Alcantara R, Ortiz GF, Nacimiento F, Tirado JL |
A1399 - A1405 |
Battery Electrolytes Based on Unsaturated Ring Ionic Liquids: Conductivity and Electrochemical Stability Dileo RA, Marschilok AC, Takeuchi KJ, Takeuchi ES |
A1406 - A1414 |
Effect of Structural Integration on Electrochemical Properties of 0.5Li(2)MnO(3)-Li-0.5(Mn0.375Ni0.375Co0.25)O-2 Composite Cathodes for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries Ghanty C, Chatterjee S, Basu RN, Majumder SB |
A1415 - A1420 |
Decrease in Capacity in Mn-Based/Graphite Commercial Lithium-Ion Batteries Kobayashi Y, Kobayashi T, Shono K, Ohno Y, Mita Y, Miyashiro H |
A1421 - A1424 |
A Concept for Making Poly(ethylene oxide) Based Composite Gel Polymer Electrolyte Lithium/Sulfur Battery Zhang SS |
A1425 - A1429 |
Fabrication and Electrochemical Performance of Porous Nickel-Based Hybrid Electrodes from Anodized Etched Aluminum Hu X, Jiang JL, Fan ZH, Ling ZY |
A1430 - A1441 |
Solid-State Transport of Lithium in Lithium-Ion-Battery Positive Electrodes Bernardi DM, Chandrasekaran R, Go JY |
A1442 - A1445 |
Nanoparticle Fe2O3-Loaded Carbon Nanofibers as Iron-Air Battery Anodes Hang BT, Thang DH, Nga NT, Minh PTL, Kobayashi E |
A1446 - A1450 |
Nonstochiometry in LiFe0.5Mn0.5PO4: Structural and Electrochemical Properties Amisse R, Hamelet S, Hanzel D, Courty M, Dominko R, Masquelier C |
A1451 - A1456 |
Predicting and Extending the Lifetime of Li-Ion Batteries Burns JC, Kassam A, Sinha NN, Downie LE, Solnickova L, Way BM, Dahn JR |
A1457 - A1466 |
Synthesis and Characterization of (1-x)Li2FeSiO4 center dot xLi(3)PO(4)/C as a Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries Deng C, Zhang S, Zhao GS, Dong Z, Shang Y, Wu YX, Zhao BD |
A1467 - A1472 |
A Mixed Aqueous/Aprotic Sodium/Air Cell Using a NASICON Ceramic Separator Hayashi K, Shima K, Sugiyama F |
A1473 - A1481 |
Electrochemical Characterization of Lithium Intercalation Processes of PAN-Based Carbon Fibers in a Microelectrode System Kjell MH, Zavalis TG, Behm M, Lindbergh G |
A1482 - A1488 |
Effect of Ni/Mn Ordering on Elementary Polarizations of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Spinel and Its Nanostructured Electrode Cho HM, Meng YS |
A1489 - A1496 |
The Study of Activated Carbon/CNT/MoO3 Electrodes for Aqueous Pseudo-Capacitors Okashy S, Noked M, Zimrin T, Aurbach D |
A1497 - A1501 |
An All-Solid-State Li-Ion Battery with a Pre-Lithiated Si-Ti-Ni Alloy Anode Yersak TA, Son SB, Cho JS, Suh SS, Kim YU, Moon JT, Oh KH, Lee SH |
A1502 - A1509 |
Unveiling the Roles of Binder in the Mechanical Integrity of Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Chen JC, Liu JY, Qi Y, Sun T, Li XD |
A1510 - A1516 |
Carbon Nanofoam-Based Cathodes for Li-O-2 Batteries: Correlation of Pore Solid Architecture and Electrochemical Performance Chervin CN, Wattendorf MJ, Long JW, Kucko NW, Rolison DR |
A1517 - A1523 |
High Precision Coulometry Study of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/Li Coin Cells Li SR, Chen CH, Camardese J, Dahn JR |
A1524 - A1528 |
The Impact of Electrolyte Oxidation Products in LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/Li4Ti5O12 Cells Li SR, Chen CH, Xia X, Dahn JR |
A1529 - A1533 |
EQCM Measurement of Deposition and Dissolution of Lithium in Glyme-Li Salt Molten Complex Serizawa N, Seki S, Takei K, Miyashiro H, Yoshida K, Ueno K, Tachikawa N, Dokko K, Katayama Y, Watanabe M, Miura T |
A1534 - A1538 |
Influence of Cut-Off Potential on the Electrochemistry of M0.5TiOPO4 (M = Fe, Cu) Synthesized by a New Route Bleith P, Novak P, Villevieille C |
A1539 - A1543 |
A Comparative Study on Thermal Stability of Two Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) Films on Graphite Negative Electrode Park H, Yoon T, Mun J, Ryu JH, Kim JJ, Oh SM |
A1544 - A1550 |
Synergistic Effect of Oxygen and LiNO3 on the Interfacial Stability of Lithium Metal in a Li/O-2 Battery Giordani V, Walker W, Bryantsev VS, Uddin J, Chase GV, Addison D |
A1551 - A1558 |
Studies on the Kinetic Properties of Mn-Rich LiFexMn1-xPO4 Olivine Phases as Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries Back CK, Yin RZ, Kim YS |
A1559 - A1564 |
A Electrochemical Performance of Leady Oxide Nanostructure Prepared by Hydrometallurgical Leaching and Low-Temperature Calcination from Simulated Lead Paste Gao LX, Liu JW, Zhu XF, Yang DN, Wang Q, Li L, He DS, Kumar RV, Yang JK |
A1565 - A1571 |
Efficient Conservative Numerical Schemes for 1D Nonlinear Spherical Diffusion Equations with Applications in Battery Modeling Zeng Y, Albertus P, Klein R, Chaturvedi N, Kojic A, Bazant MZ, Christensen J |
A1572 - A1576 |
The Effect of Cathode and Anode Potentials on the Cycling Performance of Li-Ion Capacitors Cao WJ, Zheng JP |
A1577 - A1586 |
Cobalt Phthalocyanine Catalyzed Lithium-Air Batteries Trahan MJ, Jia QY, Mukerjee S, Plichta EJ, Hendrickson MA, Abraham KM |
A1587 - A1593 |
Combinatorial Studies of Si1-xOx as a Potential Negative Electrode Material for Li-Ion Battery Applications Al-Maghrabi MA, Suzuki J, Sanderson RJ, Chevrier VL, Dunlap RA, Dahn JR |
A1594 - A1603 |
Phase and Microstructure Development in the Conversion Type Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries Based on the Cu-Fe-O System Adam R, Wadewitz D, Gruner W, Klemm V, Ehrenberg H, Rafaja D |
A1604 - A1610 |
Physicochemical and Electrochemical Properties of Ionic Liquids Containing Aprotic Heterocyclic Anions Doped With Lithium Salts Shi CJ, Quiroz-Guzman M, DeSilva A, Brennecke JF |
A1611 - A1617 |
Nanocomposites of Titanium Dioxide and Polystyrene-Poly(ethylene oxide) Block Copolymer as Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries Gurevitch I, Buonsanti R, Teran AA, Gludovatz B, Ritchie RO, Cabana J, Balsara NP |
F1000 - F1005 |
Composition Dependence of the Pore Structure and Water Transport of Composite Catalyst Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Sun CN, More KL, Veith GM, Zawodzinski TA |
F1006 - F1021 |
Investigation of Cation Degradation in Anion Exchange Membranes Using Multi-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy Arges CG, Ramani V |
F1022 - F1026 |
Oxygen Stoichiometry in La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-delta and La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta Cathodes under Applied Potential as a Function of Temperature and Oxygen Partial Pressure, Measured by Electrochemical in Situ High-Temperature XRD Method Kivi I, Aruvali J, Kirsimae K, Heinsaar A, Nurk G, Lust E |
F1027 - F1032 |
The Effect of Post-Annealing on the Properties of a Pulsed-Laser-Deposited La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-delta-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-delta Nano-Composite Cathode Park JH, Hong WS, Kim GC, Chang HJ, Lee JH, Yoon KJ, Son JW |
F1033 - F1039 |
Effect of Volatile Boron Species on the Microstructure and Composition of (La,Sr)MnO3 and (La,Sr)(Co,Fe)O-3 Cathode Materials of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Chen KF, Hyodo J, Zhao L, Ai N, Ishihara T, Jiang SP |
F1040 - F1047 |
Composition and Conductivity of Membranes Equilibrated with Solutions of Sulfuric Acid and Vanadyl Sulfate Tang ZJ, Svoboda R, Lawton JS, Aaron DS, Papandrew AB, Zawodzinski TA |
F1048 - F1054 |
Study of Oxygen Nonstoichiometry and Transport in Y0.08Sr0.92Fe0.1Ti0.9O3-delta for Application as SOFC Anode Im HN, Jeon SY, Choi MB, Singh B, Song SJ |
F1055 - F1066 |
Analysis of SOFCs Using Reference Electrodes Finklea H, Chen XK, Gerdes K, Pakalapati S, Celik I |
F1067 - F1073 |
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Operational History on Activity Changes in a PEMFC Jomori S, Komatsubara K, Nonoyama N, Kato M, Yoshida T |
F1074 - F1080 |
Durability of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells for Syngas Production Sun XF, Chen M, Liu YL, Hjalmarsson P, Ebbesen SD, Jensen SH, Mogensen MB, Hendriksen PV |
F1081 - F1087 |
Influence of Zinc Oxide on the Conductivity of Ceria Schmale K, Daniels M, Buchheit A, Grunebaum M, Haase L, Koops S, Wiemhofer HD |
F1088 - F1095 |
Tuning the Process Gas in a Dual Plasma Process to Enhance the Performance of Cobalt-Polypyrrole Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Fuel Cells Walter C, Kummer K, Vyalikh D, Bruser V, Weltmann KD |
F1096 - F1102 |
Compositional Dependence of the Proton Conductivity of Anodic ZrO2-WO3-SiO2 Nanofilms at Intermediate Temperatures Ye K, Aoki Y, Tsuji E, Nagata S, Habazaki H |