2995 - 2998 |
Unique Hydride Chemistry on Silicon-PH3 Interaction with Si(100)-(2X1) Colaianni ML, Chen PJ, Yates JT |
2999 - 3011 |
Spontaneous Etching of Si(100) by Xef2 - Test-Case for a New Beam Surface Experiment Vugts MJ, Joosten GJ, Vanoosterum A, Senhorst HA, Beijerinck HC |
3012 - 3017 |
In-Situ Observations of Ge(001) and Ge/Si(001) Using Low-Energy Ion-Scattering Taferner WT, Freundlich A, Bensaoula A, Ignatiev A, Waters K, Eiperssmith K, Guehenneuc M, Schultz JA |
3018 - 3022 |
CrSi2/Si(III) - Growth of Monotype Domains by Solid-Phase Epitaxy on a Vicinal Surface Rocher A, Oustry A, David MJ, Caumont M |
3023 - 3032 |
Diffusion and Electrical-Activity of Indium in (Hg,Cd)Te Weck G, Wandel K |
3033 - 3039 |
Interaction of Hydrogen with Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Diamond Surfaces - A Thermal-Desorption Study Chua LH, Jackman RB, Foord JS, Chalker PR, Johnston C, Romani S |
3040 - 3047 |
Ga-CH3 Bond Scission by Atomic-H - The Depletion of Surface Carbon from a Gallium Alkyl Film on Silicon Dioxide Lucas SR, Partlow WD, Choyke WJ, Yates JT |
3048 - 3053 |
Amorphous Nitrogenated Carbon-Films - Structural Modifications Induced by Thermal Annealing Freire FL, Achete CA, Mariotto G, Canteri R |
3054 - 3061 |
Al Deposition on Fe - Formation of an Iron Aluminide Surface Alloy Schulze RK, Taylor TN, Paffett MT |
3062 - 3067 |
Depth Profiling Analysis of Aluminum Oxidation During Film Deposition in a Conventional High-Vacuum System Kim J, Weimer JJ, Zukic M, Torr DG |
3068 - 3073 |
Preparation of Highly Oriented Thin-Film of Nonlinear-Optical Material by Vacuum Deposition Inoue A, Okamoto M, Akagi Y, Koba M |
3074 - 3081 |
Growth and Characterization of Cubic Boron-Nitride Thin-Films Kester DJ, Ailey KS, Lichtenwalner DJ, Davis RF |
3082 - 3086 |
Composition Effects in Flash Evaporated Cuin(Sexte1-X)(2) Films Leon M, Diaz R, Rueda F |
3087 - 3090 |
Plasma and Processing Effects of Electrode Spacing for Tungsten Etchback Using a Bipolar Electrostatic Wafer Clamp Marx WF, Ra YJ, Yang R, Chen CH |
3091 - 3094 |
Damage and Contamination in Low-Temperature Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma-Etching Whang KW, Lee SH, Doh HH, Kim JS |
3095 - 3101 |
Investigation of Selective SiO2-to-Si Etching in an Inductively-Coupled High-Density Plasma Using Fluorocarbon Gases Bell FH, Joubert O, Oehrlein GS, Zhang Y, Vender D |
3102 - 3108 |
Measurements of Radical Densities in Radiofrequency Fluorocarbon Plasmas Using Infrared-Absorption Spectroscopy Haverlag M, Stoffels E, Stoffels WW, Kroesen GM, Dehoog FJ |
3109 - 3114 |
Characterization of H- Extraction for a Multipole Ion-Source Located in the Tail of the Magnetic-Field Distribution - Type-III Oka Y, Ando A, Kaneko O, Takeiri Y, Tsumori K, Akiyama R, Kawamoto T |
3115 - 3119 |
Spatial Distributions of Electron-Density and Temperature in Audio Frequency and Radio-Frequency Magnetron Glow-Discharges Fusselman SP, Yasuda HK, Javedani JB, Chiang J, Prelas MA |
3120 - 3125 |
Fourier-Transform Infrared-Absorption Spectrometry Measurements of a CF4 Discharge in an Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Reactor Goeckner MJ, Henderson MA, Meyer JA, Breun RA |
3126 - 3130 |
Diagnostics and Control of Radiofrequency Glow-Discharge Mutsukura N, Fukasawa Y, Machi Y, Kubota T |
3131 - 3136 |
Plasma Diagnostics of a Direct-Current Arcjet Diamond Reactor .1. Electrostatic-Probe Analysis Reeve SW, Weimer WA |
3137 - 3145 |
Observations of Particle Layers Levitated in a Radiofrequency Sputtering Plasma Praburam G, Goree J |
3146 - 3148 |
Corrosion Behavior of Sputtered Amorphous Magnetic Thin-Films, with and Without Protective Overlayers Wallace JL |
3149 - 3151 |
Estimation of Indium-to-Germanium and Gallium-to-Germanium Sputtering Yield Ratios Using Cosputtering Deposition Comedi D, Fajardo F, Chambouleyron I, Tabacniks M |
3152 - 3156 |
Erbium-Doped Indium Oxide-Films Prepared by Radio-Frequency Sputtering Kim HK, Li CC, Barrios PJ |
3157 - 3164 |
Intrinsic Resputtering During Film Deposition Investigated by Monte-Carlo Simulation Bauer W, Betz G, Bangert H, Bergauer A, Eisenmengersittner C |
3165 - 3168 |
Comparative-Study of Ni Ultrathin-Film Grown on Pt(110)-(1X1) and Pt(110)-(1X2) at 130-K Tsay JS, Fu TY, Tsai PS, Shern CS |
3169 - 3175 |
Directed Sputter-Deposition of AlCu - Film Microstructure and Microchemistry Kim YW, Moser J, Petrov I, Greene JE, Rossnagel SM |
3176 - 3179 |
Enhancement of the Deposition Rate of TiO2 Film in Radio-Frequency Reactive Sputtering Sekiguchi H, Kanzawa A, Imai T, Honda T |
3180 - 3185 |
Characteristics of Polyimide Films Deposited by Ionized Cluster Beam Kim KW, Hong CE, Choi SC, Cho SJ, Whang CN, Shim TE, Lee DH |
3186 - 3191 |
Outgassing Characteristics and Surface-Analysis of Pure Aluminum Plates Under Electron-Beam Irradiation Ohi T, Konno O |
3192 - 3199 |
Computer-Simulation of the Ion-Beam Deposition of Binary Thin-Films - Carbon Nitride and Boron-Carbide Todorov SS, Marton D, Boyd KJ, Albayati AH, Rabalais JW |
3200 - 3204 |
Existence of Structural Inhomogeneity in Ion-Beam-Modified Polyimide Films Xu XL, Xu D, Xu HL, Wang R, Zou SC, Du GD, Xia GQ |
3205 - 3216 |
Influence of the Composition of the Altered Layer on the Ripple Formation Elst K, Vandervorst W |
3217 - 3223 |
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Mechanical-Behavior of Knife-Edge-Type Metal-Seal Flange for Fusion Vacuum Sealing Kitamura K, Itoh K, Uchida T, Kondoh M, Obara K, Nakamura K, Murakami Y |
3224 - 3227 |
Test-Results for a Sputter-Ion Pump with a New Cell Structure Suetsugu Y |
3228 - 3232 |
Capillary Arrays with Variable Channel Density - An Improved Gas Injection System Scheinowitz DA, Werner K, Radelaar S |
3233 - 3238 |
Performance of an Ionization Gauge with a Large-Angle Ion Deflector .1. Total Pressure Measurement in Extreme High-Vacuum Oshima C, Otuka A |
3239 - 3241 |
Coupling of Radiofrequency Bias Power to Substrates Without Direct-Contact, for Application to Film Deposition with Substrate Transport Smith DL, Alimonda AS |
3242 - 3244 |
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Ion-Transport Through Radio-Frequency Collisional Sheaths Ardehali M |
3245 - 3247 |
Simple Source of Li Metal for Evaporators in Ultrahigh-Vacuum (UHV) Applications Esposto FJ, Griffiths K, Norton PR, Timsit RS |
3248 - 3248 |
Optical-Emission Spectroscopy of Zinc-Sulfide Etch (Vol 10, Pg 3065, 1992) Orloff GJ |