2519 - 2522 |
Surface charge influence on the surface plasmon absorbance of electroactive thiol-protected gold nanoparticles Qu XH, Peng ZQ, Jiang X, Dong SJ |
2523 - 2526 |
Ultrahigh surface area nanoporous silica particles via an aero-sol-gel process Kim SH, Liu BYH, Zachariah MR |
2527 - 2530 |
Unique rodlike surface morphologies in trisilanolcyclohexyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane films Deng JJ, Farmer-Creely CE, Viers BD, Esker AR |
2531 - 2535 |
Pattern generation of biological ligands on a biodegradable poly(glycolic acid) film Lee KB, Kim DJ, Lee ZW, Woo SI, Choi IS |
2536 - 2538 |
Antioxidant action by gold-PAMAM dendrimer nanocomposites Esumi K, Houdatsu H, Yoshimura T |
2539 - 2542 |
Complexation of polyacrylates by Ca2+ ions. Time-resolved studies using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared dialysis spectroscopy Fantinel F, Rieger J, Molnar F, Hubler P |
2543 - 2545 |
Kinetics of protein aggregation with formation of unreactive intermediates Zhdanov VP, Kasemo B |
2546 - 2552 |
Swelling-shrinking behavior of a polyampholyte gel composed of positively charged networks with immobilized polyanions Ogawa Y, Ogawa K, Kokufuta E |
2553 - 2559 |
Programmable assembly of colloidal particles using magnetic microwell templates Yellen BB, Friedman G |
2560 - 2566 |
Interfacial properties of branch-tailed fluorinated surfactants yielding a water/supercritical CO2 microemulsion Sagisaka M, Fujii T, Ozaki Y, Yoda S, Takebayashi Y, Kondo Y, Yoshino N, Sakai H, Abe M, Otake K |
2567 - 2578 |
Test of the Epstein-Plesset model for gas microparticle dissolution in aqueous media: Effect of surface tension and gas undersaturation in solution Duncan PB, Needham D |
2579 - 2583 |
Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the micellar properties of two-headed surfactant systems: The disodium 4-alkyl-3-sulfonatosuccinates. 2. The dynamics of the chains comprising the interior of two-headed surfactant micelles Doyle MJ, Marangoni DG |
2584 - 2589 |
Quantitative effect of nonionic surfactant partitioning on the hydrophile-lipophile balance temperature Ben Ghoulam M, Moatadid N, Graciaa A, Lachaise J |
2590 - 2597 |
Phase behavior of CO2-expanded fluorinated microemulsions Kho YW, Conrad DC, Knutson BL |
2598 - 2606 |
Protecting nanoscaled non-oxidic particles from oxygen uptake by coating with nitrogen-containing surfactants Muller R, Knapp M, Heckmann K, von Ruthendorf M, Boden G |
2607 - 2613 |
Cubic phase prepared in an anionic/amphoteric surfactant/oleic acid/decane/water system and the relationship with the neighboring phase Watanabe K, Nakama Y, Yanaki T, Thunig C, Horbachek K, Hoffmann H |
2614 - 2627 |
Aggregation and breakup of colloidal particle aggregates in shear flow, studied with video microscopy Tolpekin VA, Duits MHG, van den Ende D, Mellema J |
2628 - 2639 |
Electrophoresis of concentrically and eccentrically positioned cylindrical particles in a long tube Liu H, Bau HH, Hu HH |
2640 - 2651 |
Dendritic chelating agents. 1. Cu(II) binding to ethylene diamine core poly(amidoamine) dendrimers in aqueous solutions Diallo MS, Christie S, Swaminathan P, Balogh L, Shi XY, Um W, Papelis C, Goddard WA, Johnson JH |
2652 - 2659 |
Partitioning of small amphiphiles at surfactant bilayer/water interfaces: An avoided level crossing muon spin resonance study Scheuermann R, Tucker IM, Dilger H, Staples EJ, Ford G, Fraser SB, Beck B, Roduner E |
2660 - 2666 |
Enhancement of Na+ diffusion in a bicontinuous cubic phase by the ionophore monensin Momot KI, Kuchel PW, Whittaker D |
2667 - 2676 |
Direct patterning of self-assembled monolayers on gold using a laser beam Shadnam MR, Kirkwood SE, Fedosejevs R, Amirfazli A |
2677 - 2682 |
Controlled rearrangement of adsorbed undecanol films on mica surfaces induced by an atomic force microscopy tip Wang L, Wang E |
2683 - 2689 |
Design of new materials for methane storage Duren T, Sarkisov L, Yaghi OM, Snurr RQ |
2690 - 2694 |
Adsorption of trinitrotoluene on uncoated silicon microcantilever surfaces Pinnaduwage LA, Yi D, Tian F, Thundat T, Lareau RT |
2695 - 2700 |
Nanoscale aggregate structures of trisiloxane surfactants at the solid-liquid interface Dong JP, Mao GZ, Hill RM |
2701 - 2706 |
Effects of surface hydrophobization on the growth of self-assembled monolayers on silicon Foisner J, Glaser A, Leitner T, Hoffmann H, Friedbacher G |
2707 - 2712 |
In situ determination of the thermodynamic surface properties of chemically modified surfaces on a local scale: An attempt with the atomic force microscope Noel O, Brogly M, Castelein G, Schultz J |
2713 - 2719 |
Chiral morphologies and interfacial electronic structure of naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene on Au(111) France CB, Parkinson BA |
2720 - 2725 |
On the adsorption kinetics of surface-chemically pure n-dodecanoic acid at the air/water interface Prosser AJ, Retter U, Lunkenheimer M |
2726 - 2729 |
Analysis of pseudopartial and partial wetting of various substrates by lead Humfeld KD, Garoff S, Wynblattt P |
2730 - 2738 |
Polyelectrolyte multilayer films of different charge density copolymers with synergistic nonelectrostatic interactions prepared by the layer-by-layer technique Schoeler B, Sharpe S, Hatton TA, Caruso F |
2739 - 2745 |
Deposition and wetting characteristics of polyelectrolyte multilayers on plasma-modified porous polyethylene Greene G, Yao G, Tannenbaum R |
2746 - 2752 |
Chemically transformable configurations of mercaptohexadecanoic acid self-assembled monolayers adsorbed on Au(111) Willey TM, Vance AL, van Buuren T, Bostedt C, Nelson AJ, Terminello LJ, Fadley CS |
2753 - 2759 |
Photocatalytic one-electron oxidation of biphenyl derivatives strongly coupled with the TiO2 surface Tachikawa T, Tojo S, Fujitsuka M, Majima T |
2760 - 2764 |
Tilt of atomic force microscope cantilevers: Effect on spring constant and adhesion measurements Heim LO, Kappl M, Butt HJ |
2765 - 2771 |
Synthesis and supramolecular self-assembly study of a novel porphyrin molecule in langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films Ni YH, Puthenkovilakom RR, Huo Q |
2772 - 2780 |
Langmuir monolayers of bent-core molecules Zou L, Wang J, Beleva VJ, Kooijman EE, Primak SV, Risse J, Weissflog W, Jakli A, Mann EK |
2781 - 2784 |
SAMs of shape-persistent macrocycles: Structure and binding on HOPG and Au(111) Borissov D, Ziegler A, Hoger S, Freyland W |
2785 - 2791 |
Electrostatic free energy of weakly charged macromolecules in solution and intermacromolecular complexes consisting of oppositely charged polymers Biesheuvel PM, Stuart MAC |
2792 - 2796 |
Coadsorption of sodium dodecyl sulfate and a polyanion onto poly(ethylenimine) in multilayered thin films Johal MS, Ozer BH, Casson JL, John AS, Robinson JM, Wang HL |
2797 - 2802 |
Self-assembled monolayers of 4-mereaptopyridine on Au(111): A potential-induced phase transition in sulfuric acid solutions Baunach T, Ivanova V, Scherson DA, Kolb DA |
2803 - 2806 |
On the existence of ordered organic adlayers at the Cu(111)/electrolyte interface Friebel D, Mangen T, Obliers B, Schlaup C, Broekmann P, Wandelt K |
2807 - 2807 |
Comment on - On the existence of ordered organic adlayers at the Cu(111)/electrolyte interface Han MJ, Diao YX, Zhang HM, Wan LJ, Itaya K |
2808 - 2808 |
Reply to comment on - On the existence of ordered organic adlayers at the Cu(111)/electrolyte interface Friebel D, Broekmann P, Wandelt K |
2809 - 2812 |
Operation of the quartz crystal microbalance in liquids: Derivation of the elastic compliance of a film from the ratio of bandwidth shift and frequency shift Du BY, Johannsmann D |
2813 - 2818 |
Frequency-dependent electromechanics of aqueous liquids: Electrowetting and dielectrophoresis Jones TB, Wang KL, Yao DJ |
2819 - 2829 |
Analysis of myoglobin adsorption to Cu(II)-IDA and Ni(II)-IDA functionalized Langmuir monolayers by grazing incidence neutron and X-ray techniques Kent MS, Yim H, Sasaki DY, Satija S, Majewski J, Gog T |
2830 - 2836 |
Contact angle hysteresis, adhesion, and marine biofouling Schmidt DL, Brady RF, Lam K, Schmidt DC, Chaudhury MK |
2837 - 2851 |
Structural characteristics of activated carbons and ibuprofen adsorption affected by bovine serum albumin Melillo M, Gun'ko VM, Tennison SR, Mikhalovska LI, Phillips GJ, Davies JG, Lyoyd AW, Kozynchenko OP, Malik DJ, Streat M, Mikhalovsky SV |
2852 - 2854 |
Effect of the mobility of ligands in polyrotaxanes on order structure of water clusters Hirose H, Sano H, Mizutani G, Eguchi M, Ooya T, Yui N |
2855 - 2860 |
Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles on a clay mineral surface in dimethyl sulfoxide medium Nemeth J, Rodriguez-Gattorno G, Diaz D, Vazquez-Olmos AR, Dekany I |
2861 - 2866 |
Development of novel pillared clays for the encapsulation of inorganic complexes Pires J, Francisco J, Carvalho A, de Carvalho MB, Silva AR, Freire C, de Castro B |
2867 - 2873 |
Polymer-stabilized gold nanoparticles with high grafting densities Corbierre MK, Cameron NS, Lennox RB |
2874 - 2878 |
Effect of pH and salt on the stiffness of polyelectrolyte multilayer microcapsules Lulevich VV, Vinogradova OI |
2879 - 2882 |
Novel coassembly route to Cu-SiO2 MCM-41-like mesoporous materials Guo XF, Lai M, Kong Y, Ding WP, Yan QJ |
2883 - 2889 |
Characterization of structural changes of poly(vinyl methyl ether) gamma-irradiated in diluted aqueous solutions Querner C, Schmidt T, Arndt KF |
2890 - 2899 |
Near-critical CO2 in mesoporous silica studied by in situ FTIR spectroscopy Schneider MS, Grunwaldt JD, Baiker A |
2900 - 2907 |
Synthesis and structure of nanocrystalline TiO2 with lower band gap showing high photocatalytic activity Nagaveni K, Hegde MS, Ravishankar N, Subbanna GN, Madrao G |
2908 - 2914 |
Postsynthesis stabilization of free-standing mesoporous silica films Vogel R, Dobe C, Whittaker A, Edwards G, Riches JD, Harvey M, Trau M, Meredith P |
2915 - 2920 |
Synthesis, characterization, and surface immobilization of platinum and palladium nanoparticles encapsulated within amine-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimers Ye HC, Scott RWJ, Crooks RM |
2921 - 2927 |
Fabrication of composite films containing zirconia and cationic polyelectrolytes Pang X, Zhitomirsky I |
2928 - 2933 |
Dynamic alterations of fibronectin layers on copolymer substrates with graded physicochemical characteristics Renner L, Pompe T, Salchert K, Werner C |
2934 - 2937 |
Property influence of polyanilines on photovoltaic behaviors of dye-sensitized solar cells Tan SX, Zhai J, Xue BF, Wan MX, Meng QB, Li YL, Jiang L, Zhu DB |
2938 - 2946 |
Linear free energy relationships between dissolution rates and molecular modeling energies of rhombohedral carbonates Duckworth OW, Cygan RT, Martin ST |
2947 - 2961 |
Role of capillary stresses in film formation Tirumkudulu MS, Russel WB |
2962 - 2965 |
Ion exchange effects on the electrical conductivity of acidified (HCI) sodium dodecyl sulfate solutions Pazo-Llorente R, Bravo-Diaz C, Gonzalez-Romero E |
2966 - 2969 |
PAMAM dendrimer-induced cross-linking modification of polyimide membranes Chung TS, Chng ML, Pramoda KP, Xiao YC |
2970 - 2974 |
Surface phase partitioning in film formation of waterborne polyurethanes. Monte Carlo simulations and internal-reflectance IR imaging Pandey RB, Urban MW |
2975 - 2976 |
On the critical radius in ostwald ripening Finsy R |
2977 - 2978 |
Initial spreading dynamics of supported lipid monolayers Blake TD, De Coninck J |
2979 - 2981 |
Hierarchical texture of calcium carbonate crystals grown on a polymerized Langmuir-Blodgett film Sato K, Kumagai Y, Watari K, Tanaka JZ |
2982 - 2985 |
Structure and dynamics of cationic surfactants intercalated in synthetic clays Muller R, Hrobarikova J, Calberg C, Jerome R, Grandjean J |
2986 - 2988 |
Standard states and activity coefficients of interfacial species Kallay N, Preocanin T, Zalac S |
2989 - 2991 |
Energy transfer in fluorescent silica nanoparticles Montalti M, Prodi L, Zacheroni N, Zattoni A, Reschiglian P, Falini G |
2992 - 2994 |
Small-angle neutron scattering study of the structure of superswollen micelles formed by a highly asymmetric poly(oxybutylene)-poly(oxyethylene) diblock copolymer in aqueous solution Castelletto V, Hamley IW |