4787 - 4802 |
Tailoring the Attraction of Polymers toward Surfaces Stein GE, Laws TS, Verduzco R |
4803 - 4811 |
Self-Assembled Morphologies of Lamella-Forming Block Copolymers Confined in Conical Nanopores Kim Y, Kumagai A, Ju XJ, Shi AC, Li BH, Jinnai H, Char K |
4812 - 4819 |
Micellization and Phase Separation in Aqueous Solutions of Thermosensitive Block Copolymer Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-b-poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) upon Heating Kuang C, Yusa S, Sato T |
4820 - 4827 |
Halochromic Switch from the 1st to 2nd Near-Infrared Window of Diazapentalene-Dithienosilole Copolymers Khelifi W, Awada H, Brymora K, Blanc S, Hirsch L, Castet F, Bousquet A, Lartigau-Dagron C |
4828 - 4838 |
End-Capping Reaction of Living Anionic Poly(benzyl methacrylate) with a Pentafluorophenyl Ester for a Norbornenyl-omega-End Macromonomer with a Long Flexible Spacer: Advantage in the Well Controlled Synthesis of Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Bottlebrush Polymers Chae CG, Yu YG, Seo HB, Kim MJ, Wen Z, Lee JS |
4839 - 4846 |
Fully Isotactic Poly(p-methylstyrene): Precise Synthesis via Catalytic Polymerization and Crystallization Studies Wu TY, Valencia L, Pfohl T, Heck B, Reiter G, Lutz PJ, Mulhaupt R |
4847 - 4857 |
Engineering of Molecular Geometry in Bottlebrush Polymers Walsh DJ, Dutta S, Sing CE, Guironnet D |
4858 - 4874 |
Bridging Simulation Length Scales of Bottlebrush Polymers Using a Wormlike Cylinder Model Dutta S, Pan TY, Sing CE |
4875 - 4887 |
Development of an Accurate Coarse-Grained Model of Poly(acrylic acid) in Explicit Solvents An YX, Singh S, Bejagam KK, Deshmukh SA |
4888 - 4894 |
Core-Size Dispersity Dominates the Self-Assembly of Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles in Solution Bachhar N, Kurnaraswamy G, Kumar SK |
4895 - 4906 |
Connecting Elasticity and Effective Interactions of Neutral Microgels: The Validity of the Hertzian Model Rovigatti L, Gnan N, Ninarello A, Zaccarelli E |
4907 - 4915 |
Oscillatory Shear Response of the Rigid Rod Model: Microstructural Evolution De Corato M, Natale G |
4916 - 4925 |
Impact of Unsymmetrical Alkyl Fluoroalkyl Side Chains over Coil-to-Rod Transition of Soluble Polyacetylenes: Modulation of Electronic Conjugation of Isolated Chains and Their Self-Assembly Motomura Y, Hattori Y, Sakurai T, Ghosh S, Seki S |
4926 - 4933 |
Thermothickening Behavior of Self-Stabilized Colloids Formed from Associating Polymers Chen YY, Shull KR |
4934 - 4948 |
Crystallization of Long-Spaced Precision Polyacetals I: Melting and Recrystallization of Rapidly Formed Crystallites Zhang XS, Zuo XB, Ortmann P, Mecking S, Alamo RG |
4949 - 4956 |
Monodisperse and Telechelic Polyethylenes Form Extended Chain Crystals with Ionic Layers Yan L, Haussler M, Bauer J, Mecking S, Winey KI |
4957 - 4967 |
Charge-Density-Dominated Phase Behavior and Viscoelasticity of Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates Huang J, Morin FJ, Laaser JE |
4968 - 4978 |
Independent Control of Singlet Oxygen and Radical Generation via Irradiation of a Two-Color Photosensitive Molecule Childress KK, Kim K, Glugla DJ, Musgrave CB, Bowman CN, Stansbury JW |
4979 - 4988 |
Tailoring the Morphology of Polymer/Montrnorillonite Hybrid Latexes by Surfactant-Free Emulsion Polymerization Mediated by Arnphipathic MacroRAFT Agents Silva RD, Chaparro TD, Monteiro IS, Dugas PY, D'Agosto F, Lansalot M, dos Santos AM, 'Bourgeat-Lami E |
4989 - 4996 |
Grafting Polymers onto Carbon Nitride via Visible-Light-Induced Photofunctionalization Cao Q, Kumru B, Antonietti M, Schmidt BVKJ |
4997 - 5005 |
Uptake of Methanol by Poly(methyl methacrylate): An Old Problem Addressed by a Novel Raman Technique Nixdorf J, Di Florio G, Brockers L, Borbeck C, Hermes HE, Egelhaaf SU, Gilch P |
5006 - 5013 |
Single-Molecule Studies Reveal That Water Is a Special Solvent for Amylose and Natural Cellulose Qian L, Cai WH, Xu D, Bao Y, Lu ZY, Cui SX |
5014 - 5025 |
Using Dynamic Bonds to Enhance the Mechanical Performance: From Microscopic Molecular Interactions to Macroscopic Properties Zhang C, Yang ZJ, Duong NT, Li XH, Nishiyama Y, Wu Q, Zhang RC, Sun PC |
5026 - 5032 |
Roll-to-Roll Scalable Production of Ordered Microdomains through Nonvolatile Additive Solvent Annealing of Block Copolymers Weller DW, Galuska L, Wang WY, Ehlenburg D, Hong K, Gu XD |
5033 - 5041 |
Highly Ordered Sub-10 nm Patterns Based on Multichain Columns of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers Jiang XQ, Zhao RY, Chang WY, Yin DX, Guo YC, Wang W, Liang DH, Yang S, Shi AC, Chen EQ |
5042 - 5053 |
Microscopic State of Polymer Network Chains upon Swelling and Deformation Naurnova A, Agudelo DC, Villar MA, Vega DA, Valentin JL, Saalwachter K |
5054 - 5066 |
Spontaneous Chain Orientation of Aromatic Polyimides Evolved during Thermal lmidization from Shear-Oriented Glassy Liquid Crystalline Precursors Tanaka K, Ando S, Ishige R |