1 - 1 |
Special issue: Advances in computational image processing for microscopy Aebi U, Carragher B, Smith PR |
2 - 8 |
Advances in computational image processing for microscopy Carragher B, Smith PR |
9 - 16 |
MRC image processing programs Crowther RA, Henderson R, Smith JM |
17 - 24 |
A new generation of the IMAGIC image processing system vanHeel M, Harauz G, Orlova EV, Schmidt R, Schatz M |
25 - 29 |
The flying cylinder: A new algorithm for filament recognition in noisy stereo images Margalef FP, Furrer P, Kunt M, Dubochet J |
30 - 34 |
The EM program package: A platform for image processing in biological electron microscopy Hegerl R |
35 - 40 |
The micrograph data processing program Smith PR, Gottesman SM |
41 - 47 |
PTOOL: A software package for the selection of particles from electron cryomicroscopy spot-scan images ThumanCommike PA, Chiu W |
48 - 55 |
Three-dimensional reconstruction of icosahedral particles - The uncommon line Fuller SD, Butcher SJ, Cheng RH, Baker TS |
56 - 60 |
IVE (Image Visualization Environment): A software platform for all three-dimensional microscopy applications Chen H, Hughes DD, Chan TA, Sedat JW, Agard DA |
61 - 67 |
Digital image processing of electron micrographs: The PIC system-III Trus BL, Kocsis E, Conway JF, Steven AC |
68 - 70 |
A brief description of ICE: The integrated crystallographic environment Hardt S, Wang B, Schmid MF |
71 - 76 |
Computer visualization of three-dimensional image data using IMOD Kremer JR, Mastronarde DN, McIntosh JR |
77 - 85 |
NewVision: A program for interactive navigation and analysis of multiple 3-D data sets using coordinated virtual cameras Pixton JL, Belmont AS |
86 - 92 |
Real-time isocontouring and texture mapping meet new challenges in interactive molecular graphics applications Henn C, Teschner M, Engel A, Aebi U |
93 - 98 |
Sterecon - Three-dimensional reconstructions from stereoscopic contouring Marko M, Leith A |
99 - 106 |
AVS software for visualization in molecular microscopy Sheehan B, Fuller SD, Pique ME, Yeager N |
107 - 112 |
Helical processing using PHOELIX Carragher B, Whittaker M, Milligan RA |
113 - 119 |
A flexible environment for the visualization of three-dimensional biological structures Hessler D, Young SJ, Ellisman MH |
120 - 130 |
A model-based approach for determining orientations of biological macromolecules imaged by cryoelectron microscopy Baker TS, Cheng RH |
131 - 137 |
SUPRIM: Easily modified image processing software Schroeter JP, Bretaudiere JP |
138 - 143 |
The contour-buildup algorithm to calculate the analytical molecular surface Totrov M, Abagyan R |
144 - 149 |
Processing of electron diffraction patterns acquired on a slow-scan CCD camera Brink J, Tam MW |
150 - 154 |
3-D TOP-A software package for the topological analysis of image sequences Kriete A, Schwebel T |
155 - 160 |
Extensible and object-oriented system Eos supplies a new environment for image analysis of electron micrographs of macromolecules Yasunaga T, Wakabayashi T |
161 - 166 |
Proposal for a new distributed database of macromolecular and subcellular structures from different areas of microscopy Marabini R, Vaquerizo C, Fernandez JJ, Carazo JM, Engel A, Frank J |
167 - 175 |
Image analysis of helical objects: The Brandeis Helical Package Owen CH, Morgan DG, DeRosier DJ |
176 - 180 |
COSAS 2.0 - A Macintosh-based stereological analysis system Black VH, Rosen S |
181 - 189 |
Toward fully automated high-resolution electron tomography Fung JC, Liu WP, deRuijter WJ, Chen H, Abbey CK, Sedat JW, Agard DA |
190 - 199 |
SPIDER and WEB: Processing and visualization of images in 3D electron microscopy and related fields Frank J, Radermacher M, Penczek P, Zhu J, Li YH, Ladjadj M, Leith A |
200 - 208 |
Visualization of three-dimensional density maps reconstructed from cryoelectron micrographs of viral capsids Conway JF, Trus BL, Booy FP, Newcomb WW, Brown JC, Steven AC |
209 - 215 |
Automated software package for icosahedral virus reconstruction Lawton JA, Prasad BVV |
216 - 222 |
CTF determination of images of ice-embedded single particles using a graphics interface Zhou ZH, Hardt S, Wang B, Sherman MB, Jakana J, Chiu W |
223 - 229 |
Presentation of the SIGMA software: Software of imagery and graphics for molecular architecture Taveau JC |
230 - 236 |
Semper: Distortion compensation, selective averaging, 3-D reconstruction, and transfer function correction in a highly programmable system Saxton WO |
237 - 240 |
Xmipp: An image processing package for electron microscopy Marabini R, Masegosa IM, SanMartin MC, Marco S, Fernandez JJ, delaFraga LG, Vaquerizo C, Carazo JM |
241 - 247 |
Software for 3-D reconstruction from images of oblique sections through 3-D crystals Winkler H, Taylor KA |
248 - 249 |
Special issue: Advances in computational image processing for microscopy Steven AC, Baumeister W |