1 - 2 |
Supported membranes in structural biology Tamm LK, Groves JT |
3 - 10 |
Capturing the nanoscale complexity of cellular membranes in supported lipid bilayers Kam LC |
11 - 20 |
Actin-induced perturbation of PS lipid-cholesterol interaction: A possible mechanism of cytoskeleton-based regulation of membrane organization Garg S, Tang JX, Ruhe J, Naumann CA |
21 - 36 |
Combinatorial microscopy for the study of protein-membrane interactions in supported lipid bilayers: Order parameter measurements by combined polarized TIRFM/AFM Oreopoulos J, Yip CM |
37 - 52 |
Phospholipid flip-flop modulated by transmembrane peptides WALP and melittin Anglin TC, Brown KL, Conboy JC |
53 - 60 |
Utility of surface-supported bilayers in studies of transmembrane helix dimerization Li E, Merzlyakov M, Lin J, Searson P, Hristova K |
61 - 77 |
In situ molecular level studies on membrane related peptides and proteins in real time using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy Ye SJ, Nguyen KT, Le Clair SV, Chen Z |
78 - 89 |
Enzymatic generation of ceramide induces membrane restructuring: Correlated AFM and fluorescence imaging of supported bilayers Ira, Zou S, Ramirez DMC, Vanderlip S, Ogilvie W, Jakubek ZJ, Johnston LJ |
90 - 94 |
Multivalent ligand-receptor binding on supported lipid bilayers Jung H, Robison AD, Cremer PS |
95 - 106 |
Total internal reflection with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: Applications to substrate-supported planar membranes Thompson NL, Wang X, Navaratnarajah P |
107 - 116 |
Annexin-A6 presents two modes of association with phospholipid membranes. A combined QCM-D, AFM and cryo-TEM study Buzhynskyy N, Golczak M, Lai-Kee-Him J, Lambert O, Tessier B, Gounou C, Berat R, Simon A, Granier T, Chevalier JM, Mazeres S, Bandorowicz-Pikula J, Pikula S, Brisson AR |
117 - 124 |
Conformation and topology of amyloid beta-protein adsorbed on a tethered artificial membrane probed by surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy Song HP, Ritz S, Knoll W, Sinner EK |
125 - 136 |
Lipopeptides derived from HIV and SIV mimicking the prehairpin intermediate of gp41 on solid supported lipid bilayers Schuy S, Schafer E, Yoder NC, Kumar K, Vogel R, Janshoff A |
137 - 142 |
Native supported membranes on planar polymer supports and micro-particle supports Tanaka M, Tutus M, Kaufmann S, Rossetti FF, Schneck E, Weiss IM |
143 - 151 |
Biomimetic membrane systems to study cellular organization Loose M, Schwille P |
152 - 160 |
Supported bilayers at the vanguard of immune cell activation studies Dustin ML |
161 - 167 |
Roles for SH2 and SH3 domains in Lyn kinase association with activated Fc epsilon RI in RBL mast cells revealed by patterned surface analysis Hammond S, Wagenknecht-Wiesner A, Veatch SL, Holowka D, Baird B |
168 - 176 |
The M34A mutant of Connexin26 reveals active conductance states in pore-suspending membranes Gassmann O, Kreir M, Ambrosi C, Pranskevich J, Oshima A, Roling C, Sosinsky G, Fertig N, Steinem C |
177 - 182 |
A synthetic membrane protein in tethered lipid bilayers for immunosensing in whole blood Terrettaz S, Follonier S, Makohliso S, Vogel H |
183 - 189 |
Supported double membranes Murray DH, Tamm LK, Kiessling V |
190 - 199 |
DNA-tethered membranes formed by giant vesicle rupture Chung M, Lowe RD, Chan YHM, Ganesan PV, Boxer SG |
200 - 206 |
Self-assembly formation of multiple DNA-tethered lipid bilayers Tabaei SR, Jonsson P, Branden M, Hook F |
207 - 216 |
Composite S-layer lipid structures Schuster B, Sleytr UB |
217 - 222 |
Detection of metal binding sites on functional S-layer nanoarrays using single molecule force spectroscopy Tang JL, Ebner A, Kraxberger B, Leitner M, Hykollari A, Kepplinger C, Grunwald C, Gruber HJ, Tampe R, Sleytr UB, Ilk N, Hinterdorfer P |