165 - 165 |
3rd International conference on structure, dynamics and function of proteins in biological membranes Engel A, Winkler FK |
166 - 178 |
High-level expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae enables isolation and spectroscopic characterization of functional human adenosine A(2)a receptor O'Malley MA, Lazarova T, Britton ZT, Robinson AS |
179 - 193 |
Functional expression of mammalian receptors and membrane channels in different cells Eifler N, Duckely M, Sumanovski LT, Egan TM, Oksche A, Konopka JB, Luthi A, Engel A, Werten PJL |
194 - 205 |
Cell-free production of G protein-coupled receptors for functional and structural studies (vol 158, pg 482, 2007) Klammt C, Schwarz D, Eifler N, Engel A, Piehler J, Haase W, Hahn S, Dotsch V, Bernhard F |
206 - 221 |
In vitro selection and characterization of DARPins and Fab fragments for the co-crystallization of membrane proteins: The Na+-citrate symporter CAS as an example Huber T, Steiner D, Rothlisberger D, Pluckthun A |
222 - 227 |
Introduction of a rod pigment aromatic cluster does not improve the structural stability of the human green cone pigment Giesbers ME, Bosman GJCGM, Bovee-Geurts PHM, DeGrip WJ |
228 - 237 |
Structural characteristics of channels and pathways in photosystem II including the identification of an oxygen channel Murray JW, Barber J |
238 - 242 |
Single particle analysis confirms distal location of subunits NuoL and NuoM in Escherichia coli complex I Baranova EA, Morgan DJ, Sazanov LA |
243 - 252 |
Structural and mechanistic aspects of Amt/Rh proteins (vol 158, pg 472, 2007) Javelle A, Lupo D, Li XD, Merrick M, Chami M, Ripoche P, Winkler FK |
253 - 260 |
Crystal packing analysis of rhodopsin crystals (vol 158, pg 455, 2007) Lodowski DT, Salom D, Le Trong I, Teller DC, Ballesteros JA, Palczewski K, Stenkamp RE |
261 - 267 |
Discontinuous membrane helices in transport proteins and their correlation with function Screpanti E, Hunte C |
268 - 276 |
From high-resolution AFM topographs to atomic models of supramolecular assemblies Scheuring S, Boudier T, Sturgis JN |
277 - 289 |
Nanomechanical interactions of phenylalanine-glycine nucleoporins studied by single molecule force-volume spectroscopy Lim RYH, Koser J, Huang NP, Schwarz-Herion K, Aebi U |
290 - 301 |
Detecting molecular interactions that stabilize, activate and guide ligand-binding of the sodium/proton antiporter MjNhaP1 from Methanococcus jannaschii Kedrov A, Wegmann S, Smits SHJ, Goswami P, Baumann H, Muller DJ |
302 - 310 |
Generation of ribosome nascent chain complexes for structural and functional studies (vol 158, pg 463, 2007) Schaffitzel C, Ban N |
311 - 323 |
Role of sterol type on lateral pressure profiles of lipid membranes affecting membrane protein functionality: Comparison between cholesterol, desmosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol and ketosterol Ollila OHS, Rog T, Karttunen M, Vattulainen I |