169 - 178 |
Ultrastructure of the zonula adherens revealed by rapid-freeze deep-etching Miyaguchi K |
180 - 190 |
Three-dimensional structure of the catalytic core of acetylxylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei: Insights into the deacetylation mechanism Hakulinen N, Tenkanen M, Rouvinen J |
191 - 200 |
Enamel biomineralization defects result from alterations to amelogenin self-assembly Paine ML, Zhu DH, Luo W, Bringas P, Goldberg M, White SN, Lei YP, Sarikaya M, Fong HK, Snead ML |
201 - 210 |
Statistical evaluation of colocalization patterns in immunogold labeling experiments Philimonenko AA, Janacek J, Hozak P |
212 - 225 |
A transmission electron microscope study using vitrified ice sections of predentin: Structural changes in the dentin collagenous matrix prior to mineralization Beniash E, Traub W, Veis A, Weiner S |
226 - 240 |
Quaternary organization of the Staphylothermus marinus phosphoenolpyruvate synthase: Angular reconstitution from cryoelectron micrographs with molecular modeling Li W, Ottensmeyer FP, Harauz G |
241 - 250 |
Structural analysis of F18 fimbriae expressed by porcine toxigenic Escherichia coli Hahn E, Wild P, Schraner EM, Bertschinger HU, Haner M, Muller SA, Aebi U |
251 - 254 |
Crystallization and characterization of Pumilio: A novel RNA binding protein Edwards TA, Trincao J, Escalante CR, Wharton RP, Aggarwal AK |