197 - 208 |
The human ITPA polymorphic variant P32T is destabilized by the unpacking of the hydrophobic core Simone PD, Struble LR, Kellezi A, Brown CA, Grabow CE, Khutsishvili I, Marky LA, Pavlov YI, Borgstahl GEO |
209 - 218 |
Interactions of the alpha-subunits of heterotrimeric G-proteins with GPCRs, effectors and RGS proteins: A critical review and analysis of interacting surfaces, conformational shifts, structural diversity and electrostatic potentials Baltoumas FA, Theodoropoulou MC, Hamodrakas SJ |
219 - 225 |
The molecular structure within dislocations in Cannabis sativa fibres studied by polarised Raman microspectroscopy Thygesen LG, Gierlinger N |
226 - 234 |
Hysteresis in swelling and in sorption of wood tissue Patera A, Derome D, Griffa M, Carmeliet J |
235 - 245 |
Fast and accurate reference-free alignment of subtomograms Chen YX, Pfeffer S, Hrabe T, Schuller JM, Forster F |
246 - 254 |
Crystallization of bi-functional ligand protein complexes Antoni C, Vera L, Devel L, Catalani MP, Czarny B, Cassar-Lajeunesse E, Nuti E, Rossello A, Dive V, Stura EA |
255 - 258 |
Deformed grids for single-particle cryo-electron microscopy of specimens exhibiting a preferred orientation Liu Y, Meng X, Liu Z |
259 - 263 |
Ligand promiscuity within the internal cavity of Epiphyas postvittana Takeout 1 protein Hamiaux C, Basten L, Greenwood DR, Baker EN, Newcomb RD |