1853 - 1867 |
Relaxation processes in isotropic phase of cholesteryl myristate Sabirov L, Lerman V, Turakulov Y, Semenov D |
1869 - 1878 |
Raman studies of orientational ordering in a re-entrant nematic mixture 80CB-60CB Yakovenko SY, Minko AA, Pelzl J |
1879 - 1888 |
Studies of antiferroelectric molecular ordering in a re-entrant nematic mixture Yakovenko SY, Pelzl J |
1889 - 1894 |
NMR study of the local molecular dynamics in the isotropic phase of a thermotropic liquid crystal Chavez FV, Bonetto F, Pusiol DJ |
1895 - 1898 |
NMR spin-lattice relaxation study in the nematic phase of butylcyano-phenylcyclohexane Acosta RH, Pusiol DJ |
1899 - 1912 |
Smectic-F/G to isotropic liquid phase transition in nO.m homologues Nadh MJ, Rao CGR, Srinivasulu M, Pisipati VGKM |
1913 - 1920 |
Sm A-Sm C tricritical point in TBBA and TBDA mixtures Alapati PR, Arulsankar A, Gogoi B, Ghosh TK, Nagappa |
1921 - 1929 |
Investigation of rare phase transitions by density measurements Gogoi B, Arulsankar A, Alapati PR |
1931 - 1942 |
Thermodynamic study of binary mixtures of liquid crystals cholesteryl myristate and dodecyloxybenzoic acid Srivastava SL, Dhar R |
1943 - 1952 |
Rheological properties of liquid crystal 4-pentyl 4'-cyanobiphenil Sperkach YV, Sperkach VS, Aliokhin OD, Strybulevych AL, Masuko M |
1953 - 1958 |
Phase diagram of binary mixture TM74A : E48 liquid crystals Delica S, Estonactoc M, Micaller MC, Cada L, Domingo Z |
1959 - 1968 |
An analysis of photo-polymerization induced phase separation process in liquid crystal/polymer composite films Fujisawa T, Hayasi M, Nakada H, Tani Y, Aizawa M |
1969 - 1976 |
Simulation studies of crystal-smectic transition Aoki KM, Yokoyama H |
1977 - 1994 |
Mechanical rotor-bearing model for liquid crystal systems Xu J, Onnagawa H, Toriyama K, Okada O, Sugimori S |
1995 - 2001 |
Direct observation of the orientational fluctuations in a nematic liquid crystal with a high-speed camera Orihara H, Sakai A, Nagaya T |
2003 - 2008 |
Frank elasticity revisited: Contribution of rotational entropy Fukuda JI, Yokoyama H |
2009 - 2016 |
Bend and splay elastic constants and diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropies of four mesogenic cyclohexane carboxylates Pradhan NK, Paul R |
2017 - 2023 |
Nematic liquid crystals under decay pouseuille flow: New possibilities for measurement of shear viscosity Pasechnik SV, Tsvetkov VA, Torchinskaya AV, Karandashov DO |
2025 - 2033 |
Evaluation of elastic properties in nematic liquid crystal using elastic wave propagation Inoue M, Moritake H, Yoshino K, Toda K |
2035 - 2054 |
Temperature dependence of acoustical relaxation times involving the vicinity of N-I phase transition point in 5CB liquid crystal Sperkach YV, Sperkach VS, Aliokhin O, Strybulevych AL, Masuko M |
2055 - 2062 |
Orientational elastisity of 4,4'-bis-[omega-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)alkyloxy]biphenyls nematics Tsvetkov NV, Zuev VV, Andreeva LN, Kurakina VO, Ksenofontov IV |
2063 - 2072 |
Calorimetric and dielectric studies of relaxation accompanying a glass transition in the right-handed isopentylcyanobiphenyl (5*CB) Mayer J, Massalska-Arodz M, Krawczyk J |
2073 - 2080 |
Dielectric relaxation studies of 4-N-butyl-4'-thiocyanobiphenyl (4TCB) Massalska-Arodz M, Schmalfuss H, Witko W, Kresse H, Wuerflinger A |
2081 - 2090 |
Orientational order parameter as a function of temperature of cyanocyclohexyl cyclohexanes Bhowmick K, Mukhopadhyay A, Mukherjee CD |
2091 - 2098 |
Variation of the entropy of the transition in nematic mixtures Jagadish NKN, Mahadeva J, Naveenkumar SK, Somashekar R |
2099 - 2106 |
Thermal, optical and electro-optical properties of a cholesteric side-chain polymer with a siloxane backbone Singh U, Hunte C |
2107 - 2114 |
The electronic absorption spectra and molecular aggregate formation in vacuum deposited films of mesogenic cyanobiphenyls and their solutions Shabatina TI, Vovk EV, Kovalevskaya NV, Sergeev GB |
2115 - 2122 |
Perylene-based fluorescent liquid crystal dye guest-host mixtures De Hondt P, Perkins SP, Coles HJ |
2123 - 2134 |
Dielectric relaxation modes in ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures Ahuja JK, Gathania AK, Raina KK |
2135 - 2145 |
Polarization measurement in nematic liquid crystal based on the pyroelectric response to laser irradiation Ohoka H, Ozaki M, Blinov LM, Barnik MI, Shtykov NM, Yoshino K |
2147 - 2155 |
Nonlinear dielectric relaxation spectra of mesogenic molecules in benzene solutions Kedziora P, Jadzyn J, Hellemans L |
2157 - 2164 |
Dielectric anisotropy of nematic 4-pentil-4'-cyanobiphenyl Belyaev BA, Drokin NA, Shabanov VF, Shepov VN |
2165 - 2172 |
Dielectric relaxation of nematic liquid crystals with different molecular shapes Sato H, Sawada A, Manabe A, Naemura S |
2173 - 2177 |
Temperature and pressure studies of the isotropic - Mesophase transition discontinuity by static nonlinear dielectric effect Drozd-Rzoska A, Rzoska SJ, Ziolo J, Czuprynski K |
2179 - 2187 |
The novel 8x8 transfer matrix method of the LC optics simulations: Application to reflective LCDs Yakovlev DA, Chigrinov VG, Kwok HS |
2189 - 2210 |
Optical spatial solitons in liquid crystals Srivatsa SK, Ranganath GS |
2211 - 2219 |
Time of flight study on carrier generation and transport in discotic liquid crystal Azumai R, Ozaki M, Nakayama H, Fujisawa T, Schmidt WF, Yoshino K |
2221 - 2228 |
Electrical properties of domain boundary in photoconductive smectic mesophases and their crystal phases Maeda H, Funahashi M, Hanna JI |
2229 - 2237 |
Structural properties of hetero layer thin film composed of freely suspended and spin-coated liquid crystal films Nakano K, Oue T, Ozaki M, Yoshino K |
2239 - 2246 |
Analysis of the optical properties of a helicoidal liquid crystal in a general coupled mode formalism Yoon TY, Lee SD |
2247 - 2254 |
Polarization studies on stretched polymer dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystal films Manaila-Maximean D, Hamplova V, Rosu C, Glogarova M, Klosowicz S, Bena R |
2255 - 2264 |
Cylindrical, spherical and toroidal layering of smectic C liquid crystals McKay G |
2265 - 2272 |
High quality adaptive liquid crystal microlenses Scharf T, Cottier K, Dandliker R |
2273 - 2281 |
Bend elastic constant in ferroelectric free standing films of tilted smectics Najjar R, Galerne Y |
2283 - 2307 |
Thermal, ferroelectric and dielectric studies on two distinct structural isomers: A field induced transition in pseudo-nematic phase Mohan MLNM, Kumar PA, Pisipati VGKM |
2309 - 2323 |
Phase transition and pre transitional studies across isotropic - Smectic-F and G phases in N-(P-n-alkoxybenzylidene)p-n-tetradecyl anilines, (nO.14): A dilatometry study Nadh MJ, Rao CGR, Srinivasulu M, Potukuchi DM, Pisipati VGKM |
2325 - 2334 |
Spontaneous formation of two-dimensional self-assembled polar atomic layers with ferroelectric ordering of ion pairs in liquid-crystalline surfactant complexes Kanazawa A, Ikeda T |
2335 - 2342 |
Measurement of electrorheology effect of ferroelectric liquid crystal using a shear-horizontal wave delay line oscillator Inoue M, Moritake H, Yoshino K, Toda K |
2343 - 2356 |
Nonlinear second harmonic generation in chiral smectics for fundamental wave being at the edge of selective reflection band Belyakov VA |
2357 - 2369 |
Dielectric characterization of B-n phases Kresse H, Schmalfuss H, Weissflog W, Tschierske C, Hauser A |
2371 - 2375 |
Electrooptic effects of thick freely suspended ferroelectric liquid crystal film and cell Matsumoto Y, Uto S, Ozaki M, Yoshino K |
2377 - 2384 |
Relaxation modes in a ferroelectric liquid crystal under pressure Uehara H, Hatano J |
2385 - 2398 |
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex dielectric permittivity of the ferroelectric liquid crystal on the basis of the Nordio-Rigatti-Segre theory Otowski W, Demus D |
2399 - 2408 |
New ferroelectric liquid crystalline substances with lateral groups in the core Bubnov A, Hamplova V, Kaspar M, Vanek P, Pociecha D, Glogarova M |
2409 - 2416 |
Effect of azimuthal surface layer anchoring on field-induced layer reorientation in a short pitch ferroelectric liquid crystal Kim WS, Park G, Lee SD |
2417 - 2423 |
Ellipsometry of molecular reorientation in a freely suspended ferroelectric liquid crystal film Uto S, Matsumoto Y, Ozaki M, Yoshino K |
2425 - 2433 |
Molecular and collective processes in the antiferroelectric phase of a chlorinated compound Makrenek M, Ganzke D, Haase W, Wrobel S, Dabrowski R |
2435 - 2443 |
Phase behaviour and electrooptic properties of a new fluorinated MHPOBC analogue Marzec M, Ganzke D, Haase W, Dabrowski R, Czuprynski K, Fafara A, Wrobel S |
2445 - 2457 |
Electro-optic and dielectric properties of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal material Kundu S, Roy SK, Dabrowski R, Ganzke D, Haase W |
2459 - 2468 |
Determination of molecular parameters of the MHPB(H)PBC and MHPB(F)PBC antiferroelectric liquid crystals Raszewski Z, Kedzierski J, Rutkowska J, Piecek W, Perkowski P, Czuprynski K, Dabrowski R, Drzewinski W, Zielinski J, Zmija J |
2469 - 2480 |
Properties of system with induced SmCA* phase Rutkowska J, Kedzierski J, Raszewski Z, Perkowski P, Dabrowski R, Czuprynski K, Gauza S |
2481 - 2488 |
Stabilization of the SmC* phase in mixtures of ferroelectric and non-ferroelectric homologues Novotna V, Glogarova M, Hamplova V, Kaspar M, Tsyganenkc O |
2489 - 2496 |
Different dielectric behaviors in the S*(C alpha) phase: Confrontation between experimental results and theoretical predictions Douali R, Legrand C, Nguyen HT |
2497 - 2503 |
Nonlinear dielectric measurements in the smectic-A-smectic-C-alpha* phase transition Murai H, Bourny V, Fajar A, Orihara H |
2505 - 2512 |
Fluctuation-induced Kerr effect near the smectic-A-smectic-C-alpha* phase transition Fajar A, Bourny V, Orihara H |
2513 - 2523 |
Field driven helix unwinding in thick AFLC cells Judge LA, Kriezis EE, Elston SJ |
2525 - 2533 |
Dielectric and phase transition studies of 1MC1EPOPB ferroelectric liquid crystal Johri GK, Srivastava K, Johri M, Ozaki M, Yoshino K |
2535 - 2544 |
Investigations on the dynamic behaviour and threshold voltages of binary antiferroelectric liquid-crystalline mixtures Futterer T, Parghi DD, D'Have K, Heppke G |
2545 - 2553 |
Molecular chirality due to twisted conformation in a bent-shaped liquid crystal studied by polarized FT-IR spectroscopy Zennyoji M, Takanishi Y, Ishikawa K, Thisayukta J, Watanabe J, Takezoe H |
2555 - 2566 |
Optical transmission and polarization switching properties of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell with a stable twisted state Maeda M, Miyamori M, Suzuki I |
2567 - 2576 |
Physical properties of some novel nematic bimesogens for the flexoelectric effect Schott C, Perkins SP, Coles HJ |
2577 - 2586 |
The flexoelectric behaviour of a hypertwisted chiral nematic liquid crystal Noot C, Coles MJ, Musgrave B, Perkins SP, Coles HJ |
2587 - 2594 |
Enhanced flexoelectric switching behaviour in the chiral nematic phase Musgrave B, Coles MJ, Perkins SP, Coles HJ |
2595 - 2602 |
V-shaped switching: Models and physical reasons Haase W, Gorkunov M, Beresnev L, Pikin S |
2603 - 2612 |
Photoisomerising effects in nitroazo ferroelectric dye guest host systems Remnant AM, Perkins SP, Coles HJ |
2613 - 2621 |
Photoisomerising effects in nitroazo flexoelectric dimeric nematic systems Remnant AM, Perkins SP, Coles HJ |
2623 - 2636 |
Kinetics of the transition between ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states in liquid-crystalline mixtures Kuczynski W, Goc F, Dabrowski R |
2637 - 2648 |
Alignment instability induced by irradiation of visible light in frustoelectric liquid crystalline cells showing the V-shaped switching Seomun SS, Hayashi N, Kato T, Fukuda A, Vij JK |
2649 - 2657 |
On the hysteresis-free response of antiferroelectric smectics -The case of mesophases with long period - Tanaka S, Yamashita M |
2659 - 2666 |
Light-induced pattern formation in nematic liquid crystals Demeter G, Kramer L |
2667 - 2676 |
Vertically suspended smectic films with in-plane temperature gradients Birnstock J, Stannarius R |
2677 - 2684 |
Performance of shorter periodical domain of nematic liquid crystal induced by elastic wave propagation Moritake H, Sasaki Y, Inoue M, Toda K |
2685 - 2692 |
New classification of chevrons in electroconvection in homeotropically-aligned nematics Huh JH, Hidaka Y, Kai S |
2693 - 2700 |
Drifting abnormal rolls in electroconvection of hybrid aligned nematic Delev VA, Krekhov AP |
2701 - 2708 |
Crossover between flexoelectric stripe patterns and electroconvection in hybrid aligned nematics Delev VA, Krekhov AP, Kramer L |
2709 - 2716 |
Phase separation in liquid crystal/gel composites: Role of network elasticity Uchida N |
2717 - 2722 |
Electric field-induced director orientation of smectic-A domains in an isotropic phase Seike K, Todorokihara M, Yamada M, Naito H |
2723 - 2730 |
Polymerization-induced phase separation of polymer-dispersed liquid crystal Nakazawa H, Fujinami S, Motoyama M, Ohta T, Araki T, Tanaka H |
2731 - 2736 |
On short surface waves in nematic liquid crystals Golubiatnikov AN, Kalugin AG |
2737 - 2744 |
Flexoelectric instability in nematic liquid crystal between coaxial cylinders Kotov IV, Khazimullin MV, Krekhova AP |
2745 - 2752 |
Morphological transformations during phase-separation/ordering phenomena Aksimentiev A |
2753 - 2760 |
Phase separation kinetics of main-chain liquid crystalline polymers Fukuda JI |
2761 - 2770 |
Computer simulation of the homeotropic to focal conic transition in cholesterics Anderson JE, Watson P, Ernst T, Bos PJ |
2771 - 2780 |
Distortions induced by a magnetic field in planar aligned samples of smectic-C liquid crystals Stewart IW |
2781 - 2788 |
Dynamical simulation of orientation texture evolution of a polymeric liquid crystal under simple shear flow Han WH, Koh ST, Noh SG, Jeon JK, Cho JH |