561 - 562 |
Time to Ban British Boxing - Cockfighting and Bear-Baiting Have Been Banned for Several Decades in Most Grown-Up Countries, But Fist-Fights Between People Are Tragically Still Allowed |
562 - 562 |
Prize for Pugwash - Pugwash Is a Deserved (and Deserving) Winner of the Nobel-Peace-Prize Announced Last Week |
562 - 562 |
Deficits Cause Pain - Global Financial-Markets Have Made Governments Fiscal Deficits Unsupportable |
563 - 563 |
NASA Struggles to Save Jupiter Data Reichhardt T |
563 - 563 |
Nuclear Regulators to Investigate Contamination Incident at Mit Macilwain C |
564 - 564 |
Peace Prize Rewards Physicist of Conscience Dickson D |
564 - 564 |
Tighter Ozone Targets |
565 - 566 |
Particle Physics Prize Arrives at Last Buchanan M |
565 - 565 |
Ozone-Layer Chemists Represent Nobel First |
566 - 566 |
French Research Centers Told to Make Their Patents Pay Butler D |
566 - 566 |
Japan Accelerates Synchrotron Plans Barker S |
567 - 567 |
Cuts Raise Questions over Future of Fusion Macilwain C, Butler D |
567 - 567 |
Tritium Accelerator Project Gets the Green Light Macilwain C |
568 - 568 |
FBI Investigates Radiation Exposure Claims Appel A |
568 - 568 |
Spanish Research Ambitions May Face Spending Squeeze Abbott A |
569 - 569 |
Us Plays Hard to Get as UNESCO Continues to Woo Support Butler D |
569 - 569 |
Inquiry at Harvard Prompts Research Paper Corrections Dalton R |
570 - 570 |
Climate-Change Rao KV |
570 - 570 |
Anthropology and Race Marks J |
570 - 570 |
Exploited Authors Kumar A |
571 - 572 |
How Could Eu Research Be Improved Maddox J |
573 - 573 |
Systematic-Errors in Big-G - The Numerical Scatter in Classical Measurement of the Gravitational Constant May, After All, Be Explicable - The Elastic Properties of the Wires from Which Torsion Balances Are Suspended May Be Frequency-Dependent Maddox J |
574 - 574 |
Fractals - New Ways of Looking at Cities Batty M |
575 - 576 |
Developmental Biology - Making One-Cell from 2 Miller JB |
576 - 577 |
Immunology - Ways Around Rejection Vaux DL |
577 - 577 |
Peierls,Rudolf (1907-95) - Obituary Mott SN |
578 - 579 |
Solar-System Formation - Hot Times in the Solar Nebula Boss AP |
579 - 580 |
Astronomy - Seeing How Galaxies Form Hogan CJ |
580 - 581 |
Cancer-Chemotherapy - Heavy-Metal Revival Petsko GA |
581 - 582 |
Psychology - Insight into Intelligence Mackintosh NJ |
582 - 582 |
Daedalus - Traveling-Wave Jones D |
583 - 583 |
Baseball Teams Beaten by Jet-Lag Recht LD, Lew RA, Schwartz WJ |
584 - 585 |
Masculinization Costs in Hyaenas Frank LG, Weldele ML, Glickman SE |
584 - 584 |
Uncertainty over Complementarity Wiseman H, Harrison F |
585 - 586 |
Neanderthal Infant Burial Akazawa T, Muhesen S, Dodo Y, Kondo O, Mizoguchi Y |
587 - 587 |
An Unquiet Mind - A Memoir of Moods and Madness, by K.R. Jamison Gardner H |
588 - 588 |
Hubble,Edwin - Mariner of the Nebulae, by G.E. Christianson Lovell B |
589 - 590 |
Human Biodiversity - Genes, Race, and History, by J. Marks Neel JV |
590 - 590 |
The Quantum-Dot - A Journey into the Future of Microelectronics, by R. Turton, W.H. Freeman Holmessiedle A |
591 - 594 |
Cytokine Receptor Signaling Ihle JN |
595 - 600 |
Hydrous, Silica-Rich Melts in the Sub-Arc Mantle and Their Relationship with Erupted Arc Lavas Schiano P, Clocchiatti R, Shimizu N, Maury RC, Jochum KP, Hofmann AW |
600 - 602 |
The Observational Case for a Low-Density Universe with a Nonzero Cosmological Constant Ostriker JP, Steinhardt PJ |
603 - 605 |
Detection of Massive Forming Galaxies at Redshifts Z-Greater-Than-1 Cowie LL, Hu EM, Songaila A |
606 - 608 |
Electron Acceleration from the Breaking of Relativistic Plasma-Waves Modena A, Najmudin Z, Dangor AE, Clayton CE, Marsh KA, Joshi C, Malka V, Darrow CB, Danson C, Neely D, Walsh FN |
608 - 612 |
Modeling Urban-Growth Patterns Makse HA, Havlin S, Stanley HE |
612 - 616 |
Quantification of Pre-Eruptive Exsolved Gas Contents in Silicic Magmas Wallace PJ, Anderson AT, Davis AM |
616 - 618 |
A Beaked Bird from the Jurassic of China Hou LH, Zhou ZH, Martin LD, Feduccia A |
618 - 621 |
Multiple Equilibria in Metapopulation Dynamics Hanski I, Poyry J, Pakkala T, Kuussaari M |
621 - 623 |
Predation Risk and the Cost of Being Fat Gosler AG, Greenwood JJ, Perrins C |
624 - 627 |
Asymmetric Segregation of Numb and Prospero During Cell-Division Knoblich JA, Jan LY, Jan YN |
627 - 630 |
Asymmetric Segregation of the Homeodomain Protein Prospero During Drosophila Development Hirata J, Nakagoshi H, Nabeshima Y, Matsuzaki F |
630 - 632 |
A Role for Cd95 Ligand in Preventing Graft-Rejection Bellgrau D, Gold D, Selawry H, Moore J, Franzusoff A, Duke RC |
632 - 635 |
Protection Against Mycoplasma-Infection Using Expression-Library Immunization Barry MA, Lai WC, Johnston SA |
635 - 638 |
Increased T-Cell Apoptosis and Terminal B-Cell Differentiation-Induced by Inactivation of the ETS-1 Protooncogene Bories JC, Willerford DM, Grevin D, Davidson L, Camus A, Martin P, Stehelin D, Alt FW |
639 - 642 |
Defective Activation and Survival of T-Cells Lacking the ETS-1 Transcription Factor Muthusamy N, Barton K, Leiden JM |
643 - 646 |
Membrane-Restricted Regulation of Ca2+ Release and Influx in Polarized Epithelia Paradiso AM, Mason SJ, Lazarowski ER, Boucher RC |
646 - 649 |
Induction of the Growth Inhibitor IGF-Binding Protein-3 by p53 Buckbinder L, Talbott R, Velascomiguel S, Takenaka I, Faha B, Seizinger BR, Kley N |
649 - 652 |
Crystal-Structure of Double-Stranded DNA Containing the Major Adduct of the Anticancer Drug Cisplatin Takahara PM, Rosenzweig AC, Frederick CA, Lippard SJ |
652 - 656 |
A Metalloprotease-Disintegrin Participating in Myoblast Fusion Yagamihiromasa T, Sato T, Kurisaki T, Kamijo K, Nabeshima Y, Fujisawasehara A |
657 - 659 |
Plasmid-Based Transgenic Mouse Model for Studying in-Vivo Mutations Boerrigter ME, Dolle ME, Martus HJ, Gossen JA, Vijg J |