

Nature, Vol.379, No.6567 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0028-0836 (Print) 

In this Issue (60 articles)

661 - 661 2 Cheers for Small Space Missions
661 - 661 South-Africa Progress
663 - 663 Canadian Inquiry Points the Finger
Spurgeon D
663 - 664 Health Ministry Accepts Liability in Japanese HIV-Infected Blood Row
Barker S, Swinbanks D
664 - 664 Scientists Urged to Turn Their Attentions to Nuclear Waste
Macilwain C
665 - 665 HIV Vaccine Strategy Seeks to Woo Industry
Wadman M
665 - 665 Yeltsin Promises to Pay Governments Debts to Scientists
Levitin C
666 - 666 South-Africa Boosts Funding for Universities
Cherry M
666 - 666 Funding Agency Names New President
Cherry M
667 - 667 Montagnier Sets Up AIDS Research-Center
Butler D
667 - 667 Infrared Images Map Invisible Matter
Butler D
667 - 667 French Biomedical-Research Needs More Coordination
Butler D
668 - 668 Review Panel Cancels Meeting as Gene-Therapy Proposals Fall
Wadman M
668 - 668 Votes Nudge Australia Closer to Joining Telescope Project
Pockley P
669 - 669 German Institutes Face Closure After Review
Schiermeier Q
669 - 669 Combined Beams Bring Stars into Focus
Masood E
672 - 672 Genes, Patents and Insurance
Stevenson P
672 - 672 Genes, Patents and Insurance
Aston DJ
672 - 672 Art for Sciences Sake
Poralla K
672 - 672 Genes, Patents and Insurance
Shaw G
673 - 674 Diversity and Sustainability on the Prairie
Kareiva P
674 - 674 Biodiversity from Darwin on
Kareiva P
674 - 675 Particle Physics - A Glimpse of the Antiworld
Eades J
676 - 677 Meteorites - Signs of an Early Spring
Hutcheon ID
676 - 676 Gene-Expression - RNA Bound to Silence
Carr K
677 - 678 Neuropharmacology - Psychoactive Smoke
Glassman AH, Koob GF
678 - 679 Galaxy Formation - A Distant But Absorbing Youth
Cowie AS
679 - 680 Oceanography - Deep-Water Distillation
Boyle E
680 - 680 Daedalus - Romantic Airs
Jones D
681 - 681 Similar Bacteria in Remote Oil-Fields
Magot M
681 - 681 Why Old Fiddles Sound Sweeter
Hunt DG, Balsan E
682 - 682 Cd95 Ligand in Graft-Rejection
Yagita H, Seino K, Kayagaki N, Okumura K
682 - 683 Cd95 Ligand in Graft-Rejection - Reply
Duke RC, Franzusoff A, Bellgrau D
683 - 684 Drought Tolerance in Tobacco
Holmstrom KO, Mantyla E, Welin B, Mandal A, Palva ET
684 - 684 Insect Pheromone in Elephants
Rasmussen LE, Lee TD, Roelofs WL, Zhang AJ, Daves GD
685 - 685 Soul-Searching - Human-Nature and Supernatural Belief, by N. Humphrey
Crane T
686 - 687 Hitlers Uranium Club - The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall, by J. Bernstein
Jones RV
687 - 687 The Day Before Yesterday - 5-Million Years of Human History, by C. Tudge
Wood B
687 - 687 Dominion - Can Nature and Culture Coexist, by N. Eldredge
Wood B
688 - 688 Arctic and Alpine Biodiversity - Patterns, Causes and Ecosystem Consequences, by F.S. Chapin, C. Korner
Haslett J
689 - 694 Similar Rates of Modern and Last-Glacial Ocean Thermohaline Circulation Inferred from Radiochemical Data
Yu EF, Francois R, Bacon MP
694 - 699 RNA Recognition and Translational Regulation by a Homeodomain Protein
Dubnau J, Struhl G
701 - 703 Early Aqueous Activity on Primitive Meteorite Parent Bodies
Endress M, Zinner E, Bischoff A
703 - 705 Synthesis of Oriented Films of Mesoporous Silica on Mica
Yang H, Kuperman A, Coombs N, Mamicheafara S, Ozin GA
705 - 708 Consequences of Climate Warming and Lake Acidification for UV-B Penetration in North-American Boreal Lakes
Schindler DW, Curtis PJ, Parker BR, Stainton MP
708 - 711 The Origin of Harmonic Tremor at Old-Faithful Geyser
Kedar S, Sturtevant B, Kanamori H
712 - 715 Non-Chondritic Platinum-Group Element Ratios in the Earths Mantle
Pattou L, Lorand JP, Gros M
715 - 718 Fossil Evidence for the Origin of the Marsupial Pattern of Tooth Replacement
Cifelli RL, Rowe TB, Luckett WP, Banta J, Reyes R, Howes RI
718 - 720 Productivity and Sustainability Influenced by Biodiversity in Grassland Ecosystems
Tilman D, Wedin D, Knops J
720 - 722 Allometry and Simple Epidemic Models for Microparasites
Deleo GA, Dobson AP
723 - 725 Longevity in Caenorhabditis-Elegans Reduced by Mating But Not Gamete Production
Gems D, Riddle DL
725 - 728 A Systematic Map of Direction Preference in Primary Visual-Cortex
Weliky M, Bosking WH, Fitzpatrick D
728 - 733 Long-Range Synchronization of Oscillatory Light Responses in the Cat Retina and Lateral Geniculate-Nucleus
Neuenschwander S, Singer W
733 - 736 Inhibition of Monoamine-Oxidase-B in the Brains of Smokers
Fowler JS, Volkow ND, Wang GJ, Pappas N, Logan J, Macgregor R, Alexoff D, Shea C, Schlyer D, Wolf AP, Warner D, Zezulkova I, Cilento R
736 - 739 Disruption of the Nuclear Hormone-Receptor Ror-Alpha in Staggerer Mice
Hamilton BA, Frankel WN, Kerrebrock AW, Hawkins TL, Fitzhugh W, Kusumi K, Russell LB, Mueller KL, Vanberkel V, Birren BW, Kruglyak L, Lander ES
739 - 742 Characterization of a Cancer Cachectic Factor
Todorov P, Cariuk P, Mcdevitt T, Coles B, Fearon K, Tisdale M
742 - 746 Inhibition of C-Protein-Mediated Map Kinase Activation by a New Mammalian Gene Family
Druey KM, Blumer KJ, Kang VH, Kehrl JH
746 - 749 RNA-Binding and Translational Suppression by Bicoid
Riverapomar R, Niessing D, Schmidtott U, Gehring WJ, Jackle H
749 - 749 Identification of the Breast-Cancer Susceptibility Gene Brca2 (Vol 378, Pg 789, 1995)
Wooster R, Bignell G, Lancaster J, Swift S, Seal S, Mangion J, Collins N, Gregory S, Gumbs C, Michlem G, Barfoot R, Hamoudi R, Patel S, Rice C, Biggs P, Hashim Y, Smith A, Conner F, Arason A, Gudmundsson J, Ficenec D, Kelsell D, Ford D, Tonin P, Bishop DT, Spurr NK, Ponder BA, Eeles R, Peto J, Devilee P, Cornelisse C, Lynch H, Narod S, Lenoir G, Egilsson V, Barkadottir RB, Easton DF, Bentley DR, Futreal PA, Ashworth A, Stratton MR
749 - 749 Mechanosensory Signaling in C-Elegans Mediated by the GLR-1 Glutamate-Receptor (Vol 378, Pg 78, 1995)
Maricq AV, Peckol E, Driscoll M, Bargmann CI