367 - 367 |
Avoid Flaming Rows |
367 - 367 |
Burdens of Proof of Misconduct |
369 - 369 |
Scientists Lose Cold-Fusion Libel Case Abbott A |
369 - 369 |
Us Physicists Greet Promise of Open Access to Cerns Hadron Collider Macilwain C, Abbott A |
370 - 370 |
Slow-Release of Data Adds to Bse Confusion Butler D |
370 - 370 |
France Closes Risk Assessment Body Butler D |
371 - 371 |
Brazilian Researcher Protests Against Plagiarism Fine Neto RB |
371 - 371 |
New Grants for Young Russian Scientists Levitin C |
371 - 371 |
Geology Hits Rich Vein as South-Africa Boosts Science Spending Cherry M |
372 - 372 |
Neutrino Observatory Can Go Ahead After Canada Cancels Cut Spurgeon D |
372 - 372 |
Diploma Planned to Revive Science in UK Schools Masood E |
373 - 373 |
Planet-Earth Funds Revolve into 1996 Macilwain C |
373 - 373 |
NASA - 6 Weeks to Save Space Station Deal Macilwain C |
374 - 374 |
House Backs Curb on Genetic Information Wadman M |
374 - 374 |
Anthropologist Cleared in Patent Dispute Lehman S |
375 - 375 |
Researchers Rally to Save Primate Pioneers Station Masood E |
375 - 375 |
India Signs Up to Cerns New Accelerator Jayaraman KS |
375 - 375 |
Japanese Genomics Combines State and Industry Backing Barker S |
377 - 378 |
Research and the Internet Connection Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
378 - 378 |
Internet Growth - Boom or Bust Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
379 - 380 |
Packet Jams Clog International Highways Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
379 - 379 |
Late Developers Log on Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
380 - 381 |
End of the Free Lunch for Big Eaters Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
380 - 380 |
Cutting a Long Journey Short Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
381 - 381 |
High-Speed Testbeds Herald New Net Era Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
381 - 381 |
East-Asia Boosts Bandwidth Butler D, Barker S, Levitin C |
383 - 383 |
Implications of Cloning Campbell KH, Mcwhir J, Ritchie WA, Wilmut I |
383 - 383 |
Willing Genes Perutz MF |
383 - 383 |
Imagine That Estling R |
384 - 385 |
Genetic Testing and Insurance Bodmer W |
385 - 386 |
Genetic Testing and Insurance Berg P, Singer MF |
386 - 386 |
The Last Word Webster RM, Erickson B |
386 - 386 |
Science in India Rao AG |
386 - 386 |
Genetic Testing and Insurance Nickerson PH |
387 - 388 |
Ownership of the Human Genome Thomas SM, Davies AR, Birtwistle NJ, Crowther SM, Burke JF |
389 - 390 |
Raising Dust in the Greenhouse Andreae MO |
390 - 390 |
Blood - Taking the Pressure Off (Vol 380, Pg 205, 1996) Perutz MF |
391 - 392 |
RNA Editing - The Long and the Short of It Benne R |
392 - 393 |
Quantum Physics - Discrete Charm of the Photon Knight P |
393 - 394 |
Vision - Seeing Cones in Living Eyes Hughes A |
394 - 394 |
Daedalus - Common-Sense Jones D |
395 - 395 |
Origin of the Arthropod Mandible Popadic A, Rusch D, Peterson M, Rogers BT, Kaufman TC |
396 - 396 |
Bacterial-Infection and Coral Bleaching Kushmaro A, Loya Y, Fine M, Rosenberg E |
396 - 397 |
Pest-Control by Fluorescence Chao YC, Chen SL, Li CF |
398 - 398 |
Human Parasite Finds Taxonomic Home Silberman JD, Sogin ML, Leipe DD, Clark CG |
399 - 400 |
Biologists Under Hitler, by U. Deichmann Weindling P |
400 - 400 |
Biochemistry of Smooth-Muscle Contraction, by M. Barany Somlyo AP |
401 - 401 |
The Others - How Animals Made Us Human, by P. Shepard Midgley M |
402 - 402 |
Insects Through the Seasons, by G. Waldbauer Mcgavin GC |
402 - 402 |
Dynamics of Human-Reproduction - Biology, Biometry, Demography, by J.W. Wood Gosden R |
403 - 409 |
Characterization and Inhibition of a Cholecystokinin-Inactivating Serine Peptidase Rose C, Vargas F, Facchinetti P, Bourgeat P, Bambal RB, Bishop PB, Chan SM, Moore AN, Ganellin CR, Schwartz JC |
411 - 413 |
A Companion to a Quasar at Redshift Z=4.7 Petitjean P, Pecontal E, Vallsgabaud D, Charlot S |
413 - 416 |
Orographic Control of Storm Zones on Mars Hollingsworth JL, Haberle RM, Barnes JR, Brider AF, Pollack JB, Lee H, Schaeffer J |
416 - 419 |
Dominance of Mineral Dust in Aerosol Light-Scattering in the North-Atlantic Trade Winds Li X, Maring H, Savoie D, Voss K, Prospero JM |
419 - 422 |
The Influence on Climate Forcing of Mineral Aerosols from Disturbed Soils Tegen I, Lacis AA, Fung I |
422 - 425 |
Reorganization of Deep-Ocean Circulation Accompanying a Late Cretaceous Extinction Event Macleod KG, Huber BT |
425 - 428 |
Creep Events Preceding Small to Moderate Earthquakes on the San-Andreas Fault Thurber CH |
428 - 430 |
Reinterpretation of Yunnanozoon as the Earliest Known Hemichordate Shu D, Zhang X, Chen L |
430 - 432 |
Predicting Animal Cadmium Concentrations in Lakes Hare L, Tessier A |
433 - 435 |
Ultraviolet Vision and Mate Choice in Zebra Finches Bennett AT, Cuthill IC, Partridge JC, Maier EJ |
435 - 439 |
Abnormal-Blood Vessel Development and Lethality in Embryos Lacking a Single Vegf Allele Carmeliet P, Ferreira V, Breier G, Pollefeyt S, Kieckens L, Gertsenstein M, Fahrig M, Vandenhoeck A, Harpal K, Eberhardt C, Declercq C, Pawling J, Moons L, Collen D, Risau W, Nagy A |
439 - 442 |
Heterozygous Embryonic Lethality Induced by Targeted Inactivation of the Vegf Gene Ferrara N, Carvermoore K, Chen H, Dowd M, Lu L, Oshea KS, Powellbraxton L, Hillan KJ, Moore MW |
442 - 446 |
Convergence of Magnocellular and Parvocellular Pathways in Layer 4B of Macaque Primary Visual-Cortex Sawatari A, Callaway EM |
446 - 450 |
Role of Intercellular Interactions in Heterosynaptic Long-Term Depression Scanziani M, Malenka RC, Nicoll RA |
451 - 453 |
Direct Observation of Single Kinesin Molecules Moving Along Microtubules Vale RD, Funatsu T, Pierce DW, Romberg L, Harada Y, Yanagida T |
454 - 456 |
RNA Editing of Hepatitis-Delta Virus Antigenome by dsRNA-Adenosine Deaminase Polson AG, Bass BL, Casey JL |
456 - 460 |
A New Pattern for Helix-Turn-Helix Recognition Revealed by the Pu.1 ETS-Domain-DNA Complex Kodandapani R, Pio F, Ni CZ, Piccialli G, Klemsz M, Mckercher S, Maki RA, Ely KR |
460 - 460 |
Rapid Energy-Dissipation and Variability of the Io Jupiter Electrodynamic Circuit (Vol 379, Pg 323, 1995) Prange R, Rego D, Southwood D, Zarka P, Miller S, Ip W |
461 - 462 |
High-Resolution Carbohydrate Profiling by Capillary Gel-Electrophoresis Guttman A |