455 - 455 |
Planetary persistence [Anonymous] |
455 - 455 |
Ill-advised 'freedom' of scientific information [Anonymous] |
457 - 457 |
German call to invest more in technology Schiermeier Q |
457 - 457 |
Europe bids to pull US patent law into line with first-to-file system Masood E |
458 - 458 |
DoE budget scramble as closure plan axed Masood E |
458 - 458 |
UK panel formed to rebuild trust in government science advice Masood E |
459 - 459 |
Scientists fight for right to withhold data Macilwain C |
459 - 459 |
SOIREE aims to iron out atmospheric puzzle Newton P |
460 - 460 |
Roche and Promega back in court for Taq Lehrman S |
460 - 460 |
US sanctions hurt basic research in India Jayaraman KS |
461 - 461 |
German science fights animal rights bill Schiermeier Q |
461 - 461 |
Japanese university approves genetic tests on in vitro embryos Saegusa A |
462 - 462 |
Everglades plan flawed, claim ecologists Reichhardt T |
462 - 462 |
Chandra slips, space shuttle runs a risk Reichhardt T |
463 - 463 |
British universities face review to increase accountability Loder N |
463 - 463 |
French ministry in climbdown over reform Butler D |
467 - 467 |
Pressure to publish stifles young talent Larkin MJ |
467 - 467 |
Language bias discredits the peer-review system Herrera AJ |
467 - 468 |
German job security leads to stagnation ... Passarge E |
468 - 468 |
... and reduces students' chances of publishing Herde A |
468 - 468 |
Fremiet's phantasms Buffetaut E |
469 - 469 |
Physics takes the biscuit Fisher L |
471 - 472 |
A transformed view of cyclosporine Nabel GJ |
472 - 473 |
Particle physics - The undemocratic proton Miller DJ |
473 - 474 |
Colour vision - A patchwork of cones Wassle H |
475 - 476 |
Oceanography - Bacteria and silica cycling Smetacek V |
476 - 478 |
Active galactic nuclei - Unstable by design Siemiginowska A, Elvis M |
479 - 480 |
Cell adhesion - New way to activate caspases Ruoslahti E, Reed J |
480 - 481 |
Photochemistry - Electronic motion in DNA Ratner M |
481 - 481 |
Daedalus - Cell squeezing Jones D |
482 - 482 |
Jean Leray (1906-98) - Master of applied mathematics Ekeland I |
483 - 484 |
Making make-up in ancient Egypt Walter P, Martinetto P, Tsoucaris G, Breniaux R, Lefebvre MA, Richard G, Talabot J, Dooryhee E |
484 - 485 |
Josephson effect and a pi-state in superfluid He-3 Avenel O, Mukharsky Y, Varoquaux E |
485 - 485 |
Josephson effect and a pi-state in superfluid He-3 - Reply Backhaus S, Simmonds RW, Loshak A, Davis JC, Packard RE |
485 - 486 |
How and why a parasitic nematode jumps Campbell JF, Kaya HK |
486 - 486 |
Non-fertile sperm delay female remating Cook PA, Wedell N |
487 - 488 |
Egg and ego: An almost true story of life in the biology lab Lawrence PA |
488 - 489 |
The evolution of mind Whiten A |
489 - 490 |
Theoretical global seismology Richards PG |
491 - 497 |
Changing sources of nutrients during four million years of ecosystem development Chadwick OA, Derry LA, Vitousek PM, Huebert BJ, Hedin LO |
498 - 500 |
Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market Lux T, Marchesi M |
500 - 503 |
A single-photon turnstile device Kim J, Benson O, Kan H, Yamamoto Y |
503 - 506 |
Modulated phases and proton centring in ice observed by X-ray diffraction up to 170 GPa Loubeyre P, LeToullec R, Wolanin E, Hanfland M, Husermann D |
506 - 508 |
Circularly polarized light generated by photoexcitation of luminophores in glassy liquid-crystal films Chen SH, Katsis D, Schmid AW, Mastrangelo JC, Tsutsui T, Blanton TN |
508 - 512 |
Accelerated dissolution of diatom silica by marine bacterial assemblages Bidle KD, Azam F |
512 - 514 |
Cool surface waters of the subtropical North Pacific Ocean during the last glacial Lee KE, Slowey NC |
515 - 517 |
Holocene periodicity in North Atlantic climate and deep-ocean flow south of Iceland Bianchi GG, McCave IN |
517 - 520 |
Auditory distance perception in rooms Bronkhorst AW, Houtgast T |
520 - 522 |
The arrangement of the three cone classes in the living human eye Roorda A, Williams DR |
523 - 526 |
Asymmetric Notch activation specifies photoreceptors R3 and R4 and planar polarity in the Drosophila eye Fanto M, Mlodzik M |
526 - 530 |
Frizzled regulation of Notch signalling polarizes cell fate in the Drosophila eye Cooper MTD, Bray SJ |
530 - 534 |
Cyclosporine induces cancer progression by a cell-autonomous mechanism Hojo M, Morimoto T, Maluccio M, Asano T, Morimoto K, Lagman M, Shimbo T, Suthanthiran M |
534 - 539 |
RGD peptides induce apoptosis by direct caspase-3 activation Buckley CD, Pilling D, Henriquez NV, Parsonage G, Threlfall K, Scheel-Toellner D, Simmons DL, Albar AN, Lord JM, Salmon M |
543 - 544 |
Expanding Canada's knowledge base Wickware P |