

Nature, Vol.404, No.6778 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0028-0836 (Print) 

In this Issue (71 articles)

527 - 527 Taking the initiative
527 - 527 Don't blame NASA alone for Mars mission failures
529 - 529 Japan sets tissue donor guidelines
Treindl R
529 - 530 Complaints grow over delays in UK animal licence processing
Loder N
530 - 530 US geneticists encouraged to play by the book
Wadman M
530 - 530 Varmus tells Congress to grasp thorny policy issues
Smaglik P
531 - 531 Global warming could be bad news for Arctic ozone layer
Aldhous P
531 - 532 Japan squares up to conservationists over grey whale's status
Saegusa A
532 - 532 US court tests the breadth of patent protection on proteins
Wadman M
533 - 533 Baja peninsula claims five victims in tragic accident
Dalton R, Cyranoski D
533 - 533 Reshuffle lifts French synchrotron hopes
McCabe H
534 - 534 Cereal gene bank accepts need for patents ...
Dalton R
534 - 534 Cereal gene bank accepts need for patents ... as Monsanto makes rice genome public
Butler D, Pockley P
535 - 535 NASA pays the price of its dash for Mars
Reichhardt T
538 - 540 Whatever happened to leptin?
Chicurel M
541 - 541 Assessment mismatches must be sorted out: they leave species at risk
Hilton-Taylor C, Mace GM, Capper DR, Collar NJ, Stuart SN, Bibby CJ, Pollock C, Thomsen JB
541 - 541 Fooled, but not foolish
Allen WL
541 - 542 How much use is the Human Genome Project?
Hadden S
542 - 542 Religion has its place but don't pretend it's science
Wolpert L
542 - 542 Garlic study vindicated by official investigation
Koscielny J, Schmitt R, Radtke H, Latza R, Kiesewetter H
542 - 542 Learn lateral thinking first and specialize later
Kuhn NJ
542 - 542 Genes: we can't expect full understanding yet
Alberts B, Klug A
543 - 544 Anthrax: The investigation of a deadly outbreak
Regis E
544 - 544 Statistical analysis in climate research
Livezey RE
544 - 545 Albertus Magnus "On animals": A medieval "Summa zoologica", vols 1 & 2
Pyle CM
545 - 546 An illustrated guide to theoretical ecology
Roughgarden J
547 - 547 Abstraction and idealism - From Plato to Einstein: how do we acquire knowledge?
Zeki S
549 - 549 The new laureate speaks - The response of this year's Nobelist in full
Sheffield C
551 - 552 When Greenland ice melts
Hvidberg CS
552 - 553 Neurobiology - The good taste of genomics
Firestein S
555 - 555 Urban climate - The water cooler
Gillon J
555 - 556 Evolution - Bacterial cheaters
Strassmann JE
556 - 557 Magnetoresistance - A new spin on magnets
Rosenbaum TF
557 - 558 Neurobiology - Dendrites go up, axons go down
Strittmatter SM
559 - 560 Ornithology - British birds by number
May RM
560 - 561 Cell cycle - A new check on issuing the licence
Blow JJ, Tada S
561 - 561 Astronomy - Two for the price of one
Tomlin S
562 - 562 George Ledyard Stebbins (1906-2000) - Obituary
Smocovitis VB
563 - 563 Payment for labour in monkeys
de Waal FBM, Berger ML
564 - 564 Reproductive systems - Sex and the single lichen
Murtagh GJ, Dyer PS, Crittenden PD
565 - 565 Antibiotics - Non-haemolytic beta-amino-acid oligomers
Porter EA, Wang XF, Lee HS, Weisblum B, Gellman SH
566 - 566 Fish behaviour - Stomach rinsing in rays
Sims DW, Andrews PLR, Young JZ
567 - 573 Semaphorin 3A is a chemoattractant for cortical apical dendrites
Polleux F, Morrow T, Ghosh A
574 - 576 Identification of comet Hyakutake's extremely long ion tail from magnetic field signatures
Jones GH, Balogh A, Horbury TS
576 - 578 Interception of comet Hyakutake's ion tail at a distance of 500 million kilometres
Gloeckler G, Geiss J, Schwadron NA, Fisk LA, Zurbuchen TH, Ipavich FM, von Steiger R, Balsiger H, Wilken B
579 - 581 A scalable quantum computer with ions in an array of microtraps
Cirac JL, Zoller P
581 - 584 Magnetoresistance from quantum interference effects in ferromagnets
Manyala N, Sidis Y, DiTusa JF, Aeppli G, Young DP, Fisk Z
584 - 588 Communication at millimetre-submillimetre wavelengths using a ceramic ribbon
Yeh C, Shimabukuro F, Stanton P, Jamnejad V, Imbriale W, Manshadi F
588 - 590 Functional hydrogel structures for autonomous flow control inside microfluidic channels
Beebe DJ, Moore JS, Bauer JM, Yu Q, Liu RH, Devadoss C, Jo BH
591 - 594 Substantial contribution to sea-level rise during the last interglacial from the Greenland ice sheet
Cuffey KM, Marshall SJ
595 - 598 Rapid and early export of Phaeocystis antarctica blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
DiTullio GR, Grebmeier JM, Arrigo KR, Lizotte MP, Robinson DH, Leventer A, Barry JB, VanWoert ML, Dunbar RB
598 - 601 Developmental cheating in the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus
Velicer GJ, Kroos L, Lenski RE
601 - 604 A family of candidate taste receptors in human and mouse
Matsunami H, Montmayeur JP, Buck LB
604 - 609 High mobility of proteins in the mammalian cell nucleus
Phair RD, Misteli T
609 - 613 PAR3 is a cofactor for PAR4 activation by thrombin
Nakanishi-Matsui M, Zheng YW, Sulciner DJ, Weiss EJ, Ludeman MJ, Coughlin SR
613 - 617 ATM phosphorylates p95/nbs1 in an S-phase checkpoint pathway
Lim DS, Kim ST, Xu B, Maser RS, Lin JY, Petrini JHJ, Kastan MB
617 - 621 Integrin LFA-1 interacts with the transcriptional co-activator JAB1 to modulate AP-1 activity
Bianchi E, Denti S, Granata A, Bossi G, Geginat J, Villa A, Rogge L, Pardi R
622 - 625 XCDT1 is required for the assembly of pre-replicative complexes in Xenopus laevis
Maiorano D, Moreau J, Mechali M
625 - 628 The Cdt1 protein is required to license DNA for replication in fission yeast
Nishitani H, Lygerou Z, Nishimoto T, Nurse P
629 - U17 Benzodiazepine actions mediated by specific gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptor subtypes (vol 401, pg 796, 1999)
Rudolph U, Crestani F, Benke D, Brunig I, Benson JA, Fritschy JM, Martin JR, Bluethmann H, Mohler H
629 - 633 Observation of a square flux-line lattice in the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4 (vol 396, pg 242, 1998)
Riseman TM, Kealey PG, Forgan EM, Mackenzie AP, Galvin LM, Tyler AW, Lee SL, Ager C, Paul DM, Aegerter CM, Cubitt R, Mao ZQ, Akima T, Maeno Y
632 - 634 Obesity in the new millennium
Friedman JM
635 - 643 Obesity as a medical problem
Kopelman PG
644 - 651 Genetics of body-weight regulation
Barsh GS, Farooqi IS, O'Rahilly S
652 - 660 Towards a molecular understanding of adaptive thermogenesis
Lowell BB, Spiegelman BM
661 - 671 Central nervous system control of food intake
Schwartz MW, Woods SC, Porte D, Seeley RJ, Baskin DG
672 - 677 Medicinal strategies in the treatment of obesity
Bray GA, Tartaglia LA
683 - 684 Next-generation biologists must straddle computation and biology
Wickware P
684 - 686 Companies of all sizes are prospecting for proteins
Gavaghan H
686 - 687 Training - United States gives priority to skills shortage
Wickware P
687 - 688 Training - Europe seeks solution to bioinformatics shortfall
Gavaghan H