5 - 5 |
The test for Abenomics [Anonymous] |
5 - 5 |
Forensics fiasco [Anonymous] |
7 - 7 |
Pakistan must seize the chance to revive its science Masood E |
13 - 14 |
Labs vie for X-ray source Reich ES |
14 - 16 |
NIH mulls rules for validating key results Wadman M |
16 - 16 |
Microbiome research goes without a home Mole B |
18 - 18 |
Pilot projects bury carbon dioxide in basalt Tollefson J |
20 - 22 |
The milk revolution Curry A |
23 - 24 |
Cell sex matters Pollitzer E |
25 - 25 |
Birds and People Clayton N |
26 - 27 |
Invisible Nature: Healing the Destructive Divide Between People and the Environment Humes E |
29 - 29 |
Flanders overrates impact factors Stroobants K, Godecharle S, Brouwers S |
29 - 29 |
Reward research outreach in Japan Koizumi A, Morita Y, Kawamoto S |
29 - 29 |
Joint Indian initiative creates tiger corridor Gubbi S, Poornesha HC |
29 - 29 |
Time-lapsed awards for excellence Chan HF, Torgler B |
29 - 29 |
Comparing science and music is unsound Jee J |
30 - 30 |
Kenneth Geddes Wilson (1936-2013) OBITUARY Kadanoff LP |
32 - 33 |
REGENERATIVE BIOLOGY On with their heads Simon A |
33 - 34 |
CLIMATE SCIENCE Unequal equinoxes Xie SP |
34 - 35 |
ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE From big data to mechanism Swarup V, Geschwind DH |
36 - 37 |
NANOTECHNOLOGY Tiny thermometers used in living cells Sokolov K |
37 - 38 |
CANCER Angiogenic awakening Erez N |
39 - U53 |
Myc-driven endogenous cell competition in the early mammalian embryo Claveria C, Giovinazzo G, Sierra R, Torres M |
45 - U62 |
Integrative genomics identifies APOE epsilon 4 effectors in Alzheimer's disease Rhinn H, Fujita R, Qiang L, Cheng R, Lee JH, Abeliovich A |
51 - 53 |
An age difference of two billion years between a metal-rich and a metal-poor globular cluster Hansen BMS, Kalirai JS, Anderson J, Dotter A, Richer HB, Rich RM, Shara MM, Fahlman GG, Hurley JR, King IR, Reitzel D, Stetson PB |
54 - U71 |
Nanometre-scale thermometry in a living cell Kucsko G, Maurer PC, Yao NY, Kubo M, Noh HJ, Lo PK, Park H, Lukin MD |
59 - U77 |
Stretchable nanoparticle conductors with self-organized conductive pathways Kim Y, Zhu J, Yeom B, Di Prima M, Su XL, Kim JG, Yoo SJ, Uher C, Kotov NA |
64 - 67 |
Seasonal sea surface cooling in the equatorial Pacific cold tongue controlled by ocean mixing Moum JN, Perlin A, Nash JD, McPhaden MJ |
68 - U88 |
Feeding andesitic eruptions with a high-speed connection from the mantle Ruprecht P, Plank T |
73 - U93 |
The molecular logic for planarian regeneration along the anterior-posterior axis Umesono Y, Tasaki J, Nishimura Y, Hrouda M, Kawaguchi E, Yazawa S, Nishimura O, Hosoda K, Inoue T, Agata K |
77 - U98 |
Restoration of anterior regeneration in a planarian with limited regenerative ability Sikes JM, Newmark PA |
81 - U103 |
Reactivating head regrowth in a regeneration-deficient planarian species Liu SY, Selck C, Friedrich B, Lutz R, Vila-Farre M, Dahl A, Brandl H, Lakshmanaperumal N, Henry I, Rink JC |
85 - U108 |
Dual-mode operation of neuronal networks involved in left-right alternation Talpalar AE, Bouvier J, Borgius L, Fortin G, Pierani A, Kiehn O |
89 - U114 |
AID stabilizes stem-cell phenotype by removing epigenetic memory of pluripotency genes Kumar R, DiMenna L, Schrode N, Liu TC, Franck P, Munoz-Descalzo S, Hadjantonakis AK, Zarrin AA, Chaudhuri J, Elemento O, Evans T |
93 - U120 |
A stable transcription factor complex nucleated by oligomeric AML1-ETO controls leukaemogenesis Sun XJ, Wang ZX, Wang L, Jiang YW, Kost N, Soong TD, Chen WY, Tang ZY, Nakadai T, Elemento O, Fischle W, Melnick A, Patel DJ, Nimer SD, Roeder RG |
98 - U125 |
Reshaping of the conformational search of a protein by the chaperone trigger factor Mashaghi A, Kramer G, Bechtluft P, Zachmann-Brand B, Driessen AJM, Bukau B, Tans SJ |
102 - U131 |
Structural basis for the inhibition of bacterial multidrug exporters Nakashima R, Sakurai K, Yamasaki S, Hayashi K, Nagata C, Hoshino K, Onodera Y, Nishino K, Yamaguchi A |
107 - U136 |
Unusual base pairing during the decoding of a stop codon by the ribosome Fernandez IS, Ng CL, Kelley AC, Wu GW, Yu YT, Ramakrishnan V |
116 - 116 |
THE BEST OF US It's no game. Hallison L |