

Nature, Vol.556, No.7702 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0028-0836 (Print) 

In this Issue (53 articles)

A robot that builds IKEA furniture in a snap Machine made from off-the-shelf components constructs chair from a kit in less than 25 minutes
Mass suicide documented in bacteria Microbes pump out acid until they burst
A nanomaterial to make your phone battery last Compound prevents deterioration of an inexpensive component
Lost planet gave birth to space rock's diamonds Minerals in miniature gems point to origins in the early Solar System
Newfound chameleon species flashes rainbow colours and a nose like Pinocchio's Resplendent reptile and two similar species have been discovered in the remote forests of Madagascar
Sex pays off for stick insects despite costs Species comparison confirms downsides of asexual reproduction
Why a sweaty workout dampens appetite A rise in body temperature directly affects brain cells that regulate eating
Six-year-olds can cooperate to protect common assets Children use adult-like tactics to tackle ` tragedy of the commons' puzzle
Booze-busting nanopills to help the liver Miniature capsules deliver enzymes that quickly cut blood-alcohol levels
407 - 408 A sting in the tale
407 - 407 Challenge anti-Semitism
408 - 408 Visual science
409 - 409 A lab co-op helps young faculty members to thrive
Heald R
414 - 415 Telltale warming likely to hit poorer countries first Climate-inequality tool reveals how quickly abnormal weather will appear around globe
Schiermeier Q
415 - 417 Early success fuels further grants Researchers who just miss cut-off for postdoc grant fall behind those who narrowly qualify
Else H
417 - 418 US government reviews data fees Images from Landsat satellites and agricultural-survey programme are freely available to scientists - for now
Popkin G
418 - 418 Rent rise frustrates EU drug agency European Medicines Agency hits relocation stumbling block
Vesper I
419 - 419 Probe tackles Mars methane mystery European-Russian Trace Gas Orbiter aims to find source of the gas, a signature of life, on the red planet
Gaind N
420 - 420 Flu virus finally sequenced in its native form Technique could help to unpick role of enigmatic chemical modifications in genetic material
Callaway E
Tollefson J
Abbott A
429 - 432 The ethics of experimenting with human brain tissue
Farahany NA, Greely HT, Hyman S, Koch C, Grady C, Pasca SP, Sestan N, Arlotta P, Bernat JL, Ting J, Lunshof JE, Iyer EPR, Hyun I, Capestany BH, Church GM, Huang H, Song HJ
434 - 435 Stories to save Earth by
Said SF
436 - 436 Exercise caution in cod management
Rowe S, Rose GA
436 - 436 Geoengineering is not a quick glacier fix
Moon TA
436 - 436 Code of conduct for research integrity
Hiney M
436 - 436 Maryland's pursuit of fair drug prices
Cairns L
436 - 436 Order must spring from chaos in Italy
Melino G
438 - 439 Facial recognition for molecules
Morack T, Gilmour R
439 - 440 A broader look at paediatric HIV infection
Flynn PM
440 - 440 Shrimp cause a stir
Gee H
441 - 442 Organoids reveal cancer dynamics
Kuo CJ, Curtis C
442 - 444 Transition states that allow cancer to spread
Thompson EW, Nagaraj SH
444 - 445 Entangled vibrations in mechanical oscillators
Armour A
445 - 446 Hunger is a gatekeeper of pain
Ponomarenko A, Korotkova T
447 - 451 Quaternary stereocentres via an enantioconvergent catalytic S(N)1 reaction
Wendlandt AE, Vangal P, Jacobsen EN
452 - + Renewing Felsenstein's phylogenetic bootstrap in the era of big data
Lemoine F, Entfellner JBD, Wilkinson E, Correia D, Felipe MD, De Oliveira T, Gascuel O
457 - + Intra-tumour diversification in colorectal cancer at the single-cell level
Roerink SF, Sasaki N, Lee-Six H, Young MD, Alexandrov LB, Behjati S, Mitchell TJ, Grossmann S, Lightfoot H, Egan DA, Pronk A, Smakman N, van Gorp J, Anderson E, Gamble SJ, Alder C, van de Wetering M, Campbell PJ, Stratton MR, Clevers H
463 - + Identification of the tumour transition states occurring during EMT
Pastushenko I, Brisebarre A, Sifrim A, Fioramonti M, Revenco T, Boumahdi S, Van Keymeulen A, Brown D, Moers V, Lemaire S, De Clercq S, Minguijon E, Balsat C, Sokolow Y, Dubois C, De Cock F, Scozzaro S, Sopena F, Lanas A, D'Haene N, Salmon I, Marine JC, Voet T, Sotiropoulou PA, Blanpain C
469 - + A massive core for a cluster of galaxies at a redshift of 4.3
Miller TB, Chapman SC, Aravena M, Ashby MLN, Hayward CC, Vieira JD, Weiss A, Babul A, Bethermin M, Bradford CM, Brodwin M, Carlstrom JE, Chen CC, Cunningham DJM, De Breuck C, Gonzalez AH, Greve TR, Harnett J, Hezaveh Y, Lacaille K, Litke KC, Ma J, Malkan M, Marrone DP, Morningstar W, Murphy EJ, Narayanan D, Pass E, Perry R, Phadke KA, Rennehan D, Rotermund KM, Simpson J, Spilker JS, Sreevani J, Stark AA, Strandet ML, Strom AL
473 - 477 Remote quantum entanglement between two micromechanical oscillators
Riedinger R, Wallucks A, Marinkovic I, Loschnauer C, Aspelmeyer M, Hong S, Groblacher S
478 - 482 Stabilized entanglement of massive mechanical oscillators
Ockeloen-Korppi CF, Damskagg E, Pirkkalainen JM, Asjad M, Clerk AA, Massel F, Woolley MJ, Sillanpaa MA
483 - + Low-loss plasmon-assisted electro-optic modulator
Haffner C, Chelladurai D, Fedoryshyn Y, Josten A, Baeuerle B, Heni W, Watanabe T, Cui T, Cheng BJ, Saha S, Elder DL, Dalton LR, Boltasseva A, Shalaev VM, Kinsey N, Leuthold J
487 - + Earthquake-induced transformation of the lower crust
Jamtveit B, Ben-Zion Y, Renard F, Austrheim H
492 - + Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages
Hughes TP, Kerry JT, Baird AH, Connolly SR, Dietzel A, Eakin CM, Heron SF, Hoey AS, Hoogenboom MO, Liu G, McWilliam MJ, Pears RJ, Pratchett MS, Skirving WJ, Stella JS, Torda G
497 - + Vertically migrating swimmers generate aggregation-scale eddies in a stratified column
Houghton IA, Koseff JR, Monismith SG, Dabiri JO
501 - + Electrophilic properties of itaconate and derivatives regulate the I kappa B zeta-ATF3 inflammatory axis
Bambouskova M, Gorvel L, Lampropoulou V, Sergushichev A, Loginicheva E, Johnson K, Korenfeld D, Mathyer ME, Kim H, Huang LH, Duncan D, Bregman H, Keskin A, Santeford A, Apte RS, Sehgal R, Johnson B, Amarasinghe GK, Soares MP, Satoh T, Akira S, Hai T, Strong CD, Auclair K, Roddy TP, Biller SA, Jovanovic M, Klechevsky E, Stewart KM, Randolph GJ, Artyomov MN
505 - + Genetic identification of leptin neural circuits in energy and glucose homeostases
Xu J, Bartolome CL, Low CS, Yi XC, Chien CH, Wang P, Kong D
510 - + Pluripotency factors functionally premark cell-type-restricted enhancers in ES cells
Kim HS, Tan YL, Ma WB, Merkurjev D, Destici E, Ma Q, Suter T, Ohgi K, Friedman M, Skowronska-Krawczyk D, Rosenfeld MG
515 - + Mechanism of NMDA receptor channel block by MK-801 and memantine
Song XQ, Jensen MO, Jogini V, Stein RA, Lee CH, Mchaourab HS, Shaw DE, Gouaux E
520 - + Structural basis of ligand binding modes at the neuropeptide Y Y-1 receptor
Yang ZL, Han S, Keller M, Kaiser A, Bender BJ, Bosse M, Burkert K, Kogler LM, Wifling D, Bernhardt G, Plank N, Littmann T, Schmidt P, Yi CY, Li BB, Ye S, Zhang RG, Xu B, Larhammar D, Stevens RC, Huster D, Meiler J, Zhao Q, Beck-Sickinger AG, Buschauer A, Wu BL
525 - 527 Behind the scenes
Leeming J
Lingen M