10 - 10 |
Peak rate of production Swearingen WE |
10 - 10 |
World's oil supply McCrone AW |
15 - 15 |
Updating temperature data Fletcher S |
17 - 17 |
Conservation happens [Anonymous] |
20 - 27 |
Heavy hydrocarbons playing key role in peak-oil debate, future energy supply Williams B |
28 - 28 |
Vinson & Elkins: Iraqis already working on legal reforms Dittrick P |
28 - 30 |
USACE unveils tender for Iraqi oil restoration work Tippee B |
29 - 29 |
Great expectations [Anonymous] |
30 - 31 |
Russia's oil sector to remain free of OPEC pricing plans Berniker M |
31 - 36 |
OPEC's challenge: Rethinking its quota system Sandrea R |
38 - 44 |
Detachment folds and triangle zones: Unexplored hydrocarbon potential along eastern Cumberland escarpment, Tenn. Whisner JB, Hatcher RD |
45 - 46 |
Light, durable mats extend drilling season in Canada [Anonymous] |
48 - 49 |
IMA reports fewer orders for floating production units [Anonymous] |
50 - 56 |
Study outlines optimum ULSD hydrotreater design Harwell L, Thakkar S, Polcar S, Palmer RE, Desai PH |
58 - 61 |
World hot spots, Asian economy boost tanker industry [Anonymous] |
72 - 72 |
Who cares who knew what about Iraq and Niger [Anonymous] |
72 - 72 |
LNG not'magic bullet' for US gas supply woes [Anonymous] |