15 - 15 |
Guarding the language Tippee B |
17 - 17 |
Energy bill founders [Anonymous] |
20 - 20 |
Oil industry adapting to evolving new paradigm on corporate governance, accountability Williams B |
24 - 25 |
Shell continues to press support for sustainability research Fletcher S |
30 - 30 |
Canadian oil and gas companies' disclosure rules getting overhauled Stott J |
34 - 34 |
BP's Browne: Transparency key to restoring trust Browne J |
35 - 35 |
TotalFinaElf's Desmarest: Long-term view neglected Desmarest T |
36 - 36 |
Energy bill hopes fade as Congress leaves for campaigns Lorenzetti M |
38 - 40 |
NELPI's Langenkamp: What happens with Iraq's oil? Lawson B |
40 - 40 |
Canada and Kyoto [Anonymous] |
47 - 50 |
Turkmenistan faces challenge in export transportation options [Anonymous] |
50 - 50 |
Burgos targets - 1: Burgos basin play analysis reveals Frio-Vicksburg exploration focus areas (vol 100, pg 34, 2002) Cocker MA, Goodoff LR, Leree JAC, Sierra RM, Mendoza JJH, Hamilton DS |
51 - 51 |
Equations lead to asphaltene deposition predictions Akbarzadeh K, Ayatollahi S, Nasrifar K, Yarranton HW, Moshfeghian M |
56 - 57 |
Industry funded project investigates jack up rig spudcan, footprint interactions Sumrow M |
60 - 63 |
Improvements stabilize Drizo glycol-enhancement process Skiff T, Szuts A, Szujo V, Toth A |
64 - 69 |
Diluent availabitity will constrain Canada's heavy oil, bitumen development Hawkins DJ, Perry GF |
80 - 80 |
Congress should cut spending, boost wealth creation [Anonymous] |
80 - 80 |
Oil fundamentals clearer as geopolitics gets muddier Williams B |