
Oil Shale

Oil Shale, Vol.20, No.2 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0208-189X (Print) 

In this Issue (8 articles)

99 - 112 Study of biodegradability of methyl- and hydroxyphenols by activated sludge
Lepik R, Orupold K, Viggor S, Tenno T
113 - 125 Behavior of sulphur compounds at combustion of oil shale semicoke
Kaljuvee T, Kuusik R, Trikkel A, Maljukova N
127 - 133 Retrospective environmental assessment of blast vibration impact in underground mining
Toomik A
135 - 142 Oil shale in Estonian power industry
Tammeoja T
143 - 160 Ecophysiological study of suitability of Picea mariana L. for afforestation in alkalized territories in northeast Estonia
Mandre M
161 - 166 Elemental composition of Southeastern Anatolia asphaltites (Turkey) as a function of particle size
Hamamci C, Duz MZ, Saydut A, Merdivan M
167 - 174 The beginnings of uranium production in Estonia
Lippmaa E, Maremae E
175 - 176 Leevi Molder 70