599 - 599 |
Soss - Save Our Social-Security Koshland DE |
601 - 601 |
Escherichia-Coli Sequencing Venter JC |
601 - 601 |
Escherichia-Coli Sequencing Haselkorn R |
601 - 602 |
NSF Fastlane Goals Petersen AC |
602 - 603 |
Shelter After Earthquakes Wattenberg B |
603 - 604 |
Risk Assessments of Low-Level Exposures Smith SJ, Chen AT, Caudill SP, Wetterhall SF, Sever LE |
604 - 605 |
Risk Assessments of Low-Level Exposures Mann JD |
605 - 605 |
Other Lipopeptides Takemoto JY, Ballio A, Isogai A |
605 - 605 |
Identification of Calcium Channels That Control Neurosecretion (Vol 266, Pg 830, 1994) Wheeler DB |
608 - 610 |
Guarding Against Internet Intruders Germain E |
609 - 609 |
Learning to Live with a Fire Wall Germain E |
610 - 610 |
Russia - Chechnya War Threatens Science Allakhverdov A |
611 - 612 |
Ecology - Fishermen Threaten Galapagos Stone R |
611 - 611 |
Radiation Biology - NAS to Lose Contract for A-Bomb Study Balter M |
612 - 612 |
Climatology - Is the World Warming or Not Kerr RA |
613 - 613 |
Science and the New Congress - Walker Bill to Boost Hydrogen Sparks Democratic Grumbling Lawler A |
614 - 614 |
Archaeology - Painted Puzzles Line the Walls of an Ancient Cave Fischman J |
615 - 616 |
Primate Genetics - Getting the Poop on Baboon DNA Morell V |
615 - 615 |
National-Science-Foundation - Multidisciplinary Office Spurs Debate Mervis J |
616 - 616 |
Neurobiology - Brain Center Linked to Perfect Pitch Nowak R |
617 - 617 |
Astronomy - For a Successful Supernova, Mix Well, Then Explode Travis J |
620 - 624 |
Protein Images Update Natural-History Hall SS |
620 - 621 |
Now Even Weaklings Can Image Proteins Hall SS |
622 - 622 |
Industrial-Strength Protein Structures Hall SS |
633 - 636 |
Reexamining AIDS Research Priorities Paul WE |
637 - 638 |
Explosive Evolution in Tertiary Birds and Mammals Feduccia A |
639 - 642 |
Ocean Tides for and from Topex/Poseidon Leprovost C, Bennett AF, Cartwright DE |
643 - 647 |
Aminoacyl-RNA Synthesis Catalyzed by an RNA Illangasekare M, Sanchez G, Nickles T, Yarus M |
648 - 651 |
Metal-Ions in the Atmosphere of Neptune Lyons JR |
651 - 654 |
Stress-Induced Vortex Line Helixing Avalanches in the Plastic-Flow of a Smectic a Liquid-Crystal Herke RA, Clark NA, Handschy MA |
654 - 657 |
Imaging with Intermolecular Multiple-Quantum Coherences in Solution Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Richter W, Lee SH, Warren WS, He QH |
657 - 660 |
Neutron Reflection Study of Bovine Beta-Casein Adsorbed on OTS Self-Assembled Monolayers Fragneto G, Thomas RK, Rennie AR, Penfold J |
661 - 663 |
Solid-State Defect Mechanism in Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts - Implications for Selective Oxidation Gai PL, Kourtakis K |
664 - 666 |
Taboo Search - An Approach to the Multiple Minima Problem Cvijovic D, Klinowski J |
666 - 671 |
Simulation of Recent Global Temperature Trends Graham NE |
672 - 675 |
Climate-Related, Long-Term Faunal Changes in a California Rocky Intertidal Community Barry JP, Baxter CH, Sagarin RD, Gilman SE |
675 - 679 |
Minor-Groove Recognition of the Conserved G-Center-Dot-U Pair at the Tetrahymena Ribozyme Reaction Site Strobel SA, Cech TR |
679 - 681 |
Genetic Decreases in Atrial-Natriuretic-Peptide and Salt-Sensitive Hypertension John SW, Krege JH, Oliver PM, Hagaman JR, Hodgin JB, Pang SC, Flynn TG, Smithies O |
682 - 685 |
Independent Human Map Kinase Signal-Transduction Pathways Defined by MEK and Mkk Isoforms Derijard B, Raingeaud J, Barrett T, Wu IH, Han JH, Ulevitch RJ, Davis RJ |
685 - 688 |
Association Between X-Linked Mixed Deafness and Mutations in the Pou Domain Gene Pou3F4 Dekok YJ, Vandermaarel SM, Bitnerglindzicz M, Huber I, Monaco AP, Malcolm S, Pembrey ME, Ropers HH, Cremers FP |
688 - 693 |
Requirement of Mads Domain Transcription Factor D-Mef2 for Muscle Formation in Drosophila Lilly B, Zhao B, Ranganayakulu G, Paterson BM, Schulz RA, Olson EN |
693 - 695 |
The Functional-Significance of Arm Movements in Neonates Vandermeer AL, Vanderweel FR, Lee DN |
695 - 699 |
Potentiation of Transmitter Release by Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Requires Somatic Signaling Stoop R, Poo MM |
699 - 701 |
In-Vivo Evidence of Structural Brain Asymmetry in Musicians Schlaug G, Jancke L, Huang YX, Steinmetz H |
701 - 703 |
Mammalian Vestibular Hair Cell Regeneration Rubel EW, Dew LA, Roberson DW |
704 - 706 |
Mammalian Vestibular Hair Cell Regeneration - Reply Warchol ME, Corwin JT |
706 - 707 |
Mammalian Vestibular Hair Cell Regeneration - Reply Forge A, Li L, Nevill G |
707 - 709 |
Regeneration and Mammalian Auditory Hair-Cells Chardin S, Romand R |
709 - 711 |
Regeneration and Mammalian Auditory Hair-Cells - Reply Staecker H, Lefebvre P, Malgrange B, Moonen G, Vandewater TR |
712 - 713 |
Sexual Selection, by M. Andersson Ryan MJ |
713 - 713 |
Die Kunst of Phonons, by T. Paszkiewicz, K. Rapcewicz Maradudin AA |