

Science, Vol.269, No.5222 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print) 

In this Issue (58 articles)

283 - 283 Big Questions for a Small Planet
Gallagher RB, Fischman J, Hines PJ
285 - 286 Adaptive Mutation - The Debate Goes on
Lenski RE, Sniegowski PD
286 - 288 Adaptive Mutation - The Debate Goes on - Response
Shapiro JA
288 - 289 Mutation-Rate of the F-Episome
Taddei F, Radman M, Halliday JA
288 - 288 Adaptive Mutation and Sexp - Response
Radicella JP, Fox MS, Park PU
288 - 288 Adaptive Mutation and Sex
Cairns J
289 - 289 Mutation-Rate of the F-Episome - Response
Galitski T, Roth J
292 - 293 NIH Escapes the Ax - For Now
Marshall E
292 - 292 AIDS Research - Who Should Hold the Purse Strings
Cohen J
293 - 294 Biomedical Regulation - FDA Panel Oks Baboon Marrow Transplant
Pennisi E
294 - 294 Conflict-of-Interest - Final Rules Put Universities in Charge
Mervis J
295 - 296 Medical-Research Institutes - Dana-Farber Death Sends a Warning to Research Hospitals
Roush W
296 - 296 Sustainable Development - China Meeting Signals New Commitment
Plafker T
297 - 298 India - New Rules Push Researchers Closer to Biotech Industry
Mudur G
298 - 298 Vietnam - Joint Dioxin Research Imperiled
Stone R
299 - 300 Pushing the Data-Storage Envelope
Service RE
300 - 300 Astronomy - How Quasars Make Heavy-Metal
Glanz J
301 - 302 Immunology - Protein Proves to Be a Key Link in Innate Immunity
Thompson C
302 - 303 Environmental Biology - Plants Proving Their Worth in Toxic Metal Cleanup
Moffat AS
304 - 304 Ecology - Chernobyl - Life Abounds Without People
Williams N
304 - 304 Archaeology - Portuguese Rock Art Gets Younger
Fischman J
313 - 315 Frontiers in Biology - Ecology - When Rigor Meets Reality
Roush W
316 - 317 Ecosystem Research - Taking a New Look at Life Through a Functional Lens
Stone R
318 - 320 Conservation .1. Filling in Florida Gaps - Species Protection Done Right
Mann CC
320 - 322 Conservation .2. Slow Start for Europe New Habitat Protection Plan
Williams N
322 - 323 Biological Surveys - In Hawaii, Taking Inventory of a Biological Hot-Spot
Mlot C
324 - 327 Ecosystem Experiments
Carpenter SR, Chisholm SW, Krebs CJ, Schindler DW, Wright RF
328 - 331 Ecological Experiments with Model Systems
Lawton JH
331 - 334 Landscape Ecology - Spatial Heterogeneity in Ecological-Systems
Pickett ST, Cadenasso ML
334 - 341 Ecology and Climate - Research Strategies and Implications
Root TL, Schneider SH
341 - 346 Population-Growth and Earths Human Carrying-Capacity
Cohen JE
347 - 350 The Future of Biodiversity
Pimm SL, Russell GJ, Gittleman JL, Brooks TM
350 - 354 Restoring Value to the Worlds Degraded Lands
Daily GC
354 - 358 International Public-Opinion on the Environment
Bloom DE
358 - 360 Environmental Unknowns
Myers N
361 - 362 Biological Implications of the Middle Miocene Amazon Seaway
Webb SD
362 - 363 Laminin Beta-2 (S-Laminin) - A New Player at the Synapse
Hall ZW
364 - 370 Structurally Complex and Highly-Active RNA Ligases Derived from Random RNA Sequences
Ekland EH, Szostak JW, Bartel DP
371 - 373 Quantum Point-Contact Switches
Smith DP
373 - 376 Ferroelectric Field-Effect in Epitaxial Thin-Film Oxide SrCuO2/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 Heterostructures
Ahn CH, Triscone JM, Archibald N, Decroux M, Hammond RH, Geballe TH, Fischer O, Beasley MR
376 - 378 Luminescence Enhancement by the Introduction of Disorder into Poly(P-Phenylene Vinylene)
Son S, Dodabalapur A, Lovinger AJ, Galvin ME
379 - 383 Cooling of Tropical Brazil (5-Degrees-C) During the Last Glacial Maximum
Stute M, Forster M, Frischkorn H, Serejo A, Clark JF, Schlosser P, Broecker WS, Bonani G
383 - 386 Primitive Boron Isotope Composition of the Mantle
Chaussidon M, Marty B
386 - 390 Late Miocene Tidal Deposits in the Amazonian Foreland Basin
Rasanen ME, Linna AM, Santos JC, Negri FR
390 - 392 Female Responses to Ancestral Advertisement Calls in Tungara Frogs
Ryan MJ, Rand AS
393 - 396 First-Principles Calculation of the Folding Free-Energy of a 3-Helix Bundle Protein
Boczko EM, Brooks CL
396 - 400 Telomerase in Yeast
Cohn M, Blackburn EH
400 - 403 Simultaneous Identification of Bacterial Virulence Genes by Negative Selection
Hensel M, Shea JE, Gleeson C, Jones MD, Dalton E, Holden DW
403 - 407 Integration of Map Kinase Signal-Transduction Pathways at the Serum Response Element
Whitmarsh AJ, Shore P, Sharrocks AD, Davis RJ
407 - 410 Inactivation of the Mouse Huntingtons-Disease Gene Homolog Hdh
Duyao MP, Auerbach AB, Ryan A, Persichetti F, Barnes GT, Mcneil SM, Ge P, Vonsattel JP, Gusella JF, Joyner AL, Macdonald ME
410 - 412 Permeation Selectivity by Competition in a Delayed Rectifier Potassium Channel
Korn SJ, Ikeda SR
413 - 416 A Synaptic Localization Domain in the Synaptic Cleft Protein Laminin Beta-2 (S-Laminin)
Martin PT, Ettinger AJ, Sanes JR
417 - 417 Targeting Retroviral Vectors to Specific Cells - Reply
Kasahara N, Dozy A, Kan YW
417 - 417 Targeting Retroviral Vectors to Specific Cells
Kabat D
418 - 418 Minimal Path Algorithms - Reply
Steinbock O, Showalter K
418 - 418 Minimal Path Algorithms
Williams DG
421 - 422 Long-Term Experiments in Agricultural and Ecological Sciences, by R.A. Leigh, A.E. Johnston
Gross KL
422 - 423 Reinventing Nature - Responses to Postmodern Deconstruction, by M.E. Soule, G. Lease
Hearn J