739 - 739 |
Equity in Biomedical-Research Pinn VW |
741 - 742 |
Electric Cars and Lead Stempel RC, Ovshinsky SR |
741 - 741 |
Electric Cars and Lead Allen D |
742 - 742 |
Electric Cars and Lead Gellings CW, Peck SC |
742 - 743 |
Electric Cars and Lead Gaines L, Wang M |
743 - 744 |
Electric Cars and Lead Rubenstein G, Austin TC |
743 - 743 |
Electric Cars and Lead Hwang RJ |
744 - 745 |
Electric Cars and Lead - Reply Lave LB, Hendrickson CT, Mcmichael FC |
744 - 744 |
Electric Cars and Lead Sperling D |
744 - 744 |
Electric Cars and Lead Socolow RH |
745 - 745 |
Controversy - Is Ks Really Caused by New Herpesvirus (Vol 268, Pg 1847, 1995) Cohen J |
748 - 749 |
House Puts Its Stamp on the Budget Norman C |
749 - 751 |
Science Interview - Walker,Robert - The Speakers Right-Hand on Science Lawler A, Walker R |
751 - 752 |
Gene-Therapy - NIH Picks 3 Gene Vector Centers Marshall E |
752 - 752 |
Intellectual Property - Who Owns Results of Russian Science Allakhverdov A |
753 - 753 |
Developmental Biology - In the Fruit-Fly, Cell-Death Genes May Come in Pairs Roush W |
754 - 755 |
Paleoanthropology - Remains in Spain Now Reign as Oldest Europeans Gutin JC |
755 - 755 |
Malaria - How the Parasite Disguises Itself Nowak R |
756 - 757 |
Cosmology - To Learn the Universes Fate, Observers Clock Its Slowdown Glanz J |
765 - 765 |
Womens Health Research Hurtley S, Benditt J |
766 - 770 |
Womens Health Research Blossoms Mann C |
771 - 773 |
Cardiovascular Research - Estrogen - Key Player in Heart-Disease Among Women Gura T |
773 - 775 |
Immunology - Zeroing in on How Hormones Affect the Immune-System Morell V |
775 - 777 |
Reproduction - Attacking the Causes of Silent Infertility Morell V |
777 - 780 |
Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus - Women - Absent Term in the AIDS Research Equation Cohen J |
778 - 778 |
Fighting Transmission of HIV to Women Cohen J |
780 - 782 |
Obstetric Care - New Push to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Poor Countries Nowak R |
782 - 782 |
Rockefellers Big Prize for STD Test Nowak R |
789 - 790 |
Global Approaches to the Promotion of Womens Health Mongella G |
790 - 792 |
International Perspectives on Womens Reproductive Health Garciamoreno C, Turmen T |
793 - 795 |
Women in Clinical-Trials - An FDA Perspective Sherman LA, Temple R, Merkatz RB |
795 - 796 |
The Inclusion of Women in Clinical-Trials Meinert CL |
797 - 798 |
Patients in Research - Not Just Subjects, But Partners Heymann SJ |
799 - 801 |
Depression in Women - Implications for Health-Care Research Weissman MM, Olfson M |
805 - 806 |
Regulation of Ion Channels by ABC Transporters That Secrete ATP Alawqati Q |
807 - 813 |
Regulatory Subunit of Protein-Kinase-A - Structure of Deletion Mutant with cAMP Binding Domains Su Y, Dostmann WR, Herberg FW, Durick K, Xuong NH, Teneyck L, Taylor SS, Varughese KI |
814 - 816 |
Controlled Acceleration and Inhibition of Bergman Cyclization by Metal Chlorides Warner BP, Millar SP, Broene RD, Buchwald SL |
816 - 819 |
Confinement-Induced Phase-Transitions in Simple Liquids Klein J, Kumacheva E |
819 - 822 |
Os-187 Enrichment in Some Plumes - Evidence for Core-Mantle Interaction Walker RJ, Morgan JW, Horan MF |
822 - 825 |
High-He-3 Plume Origin and Temporal-Spatial Evolution of the Siberian Flood Basalts Basu AR, Poreda RJ, Renne PR, Teichmann F, Vasiliev YR, Sobolev NV, Turrin BD |
826 - 830 |
Lower Pleistocene Hominids and Artifacts from Atapuerca-Td6 (Spain) Carbonell E, Decastro JM, Arsuaga JL, Diez JC, Rosas A, Cuencabescos G, Sala R, Mosquera M, Rodriguez XP |
830 - 832 |
Paleomagnetic Age for Hominid Fossils at Atapuerca Archaeological Site, Spain Pares JM, Perezgonzalez A |
832 - 836 |
Functional-Significance of Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical Groel-Groes Chaperonin Complexes Engel A, Hayerhartl MK, Goldie KN, Pfeifer G, Hegerl R, Muller S, Dasilva AC, Baumeister W, Hartl FU |
836 - 841 |
Asymmetrical Interaction of Groel and Groes in the ATPase Cycle of Assisted Protein-Folding Hayerhartl MK, Martin J, Hartl FU |
841 - 843 |
Growth of Tobacco Protoplasts Stimulated by Synthetic Lipo-Chitooligosaccharides Rohrig H, Schmidt J, Walden R, Czaja I, Miklasevics E, Wieneke U, Schell J, John M |
843 - 846 |
Structure of the Arabidopsis Rpm1 Gene Enabling Dual-Specificity Disease Resistance Grant MR, Godiard L, Straube E, Ashfield T, Lewald J, Sattler A, Innes RW, Dangl JL |
847 - 850 |
CFTR as a cAMP-Dependent Regulator of Sodium-Channels Stutts MJ, Canessa CM, Olsen JC, Hamrick M, Cohn JA, Rossier BC, Boucher RC |
850 - 853 |
Ultrasound-Mediated Transdermal Protein Delivery Mitragotri S, Blankschtein D, Langer R |
853 - 855 |
Parietal Contributions to Visual Feature Binding - Evidence from a Patient with Bilateral Lesions Friedmanhill SR, Robertson LC, Treisman A |
856 - 857 |
Behavioral-Effects and Gene Delivery in a Rat Model of Parkinsons-Disease - Response Geller AI, Naegele JR, Omalley KL, During MJ |
856 - 856 |
Behavioral-Effects and Gene Delivery in a Rat Model of Parkinsons-Disease Isacson O |
859 - 860 |
Chasing Dirt - The American Pursuit of Cleanliness, by S. Hoy Golden J |
860 - 861 |
Solar and Planetary Dynamos, by M.R.E. Proctor, P.C. Matthews, A.M. Rucklidge Gilman P |
860 - 861 |
Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos, by M.R.E. Proctor, A.D. Gilbert Gilman P |
861 - 862 |
Apoptosis and the Immune-Response, by C.D. Gregory Green DR |