1477 - 1477 |
Protein Kinesis Hurtley SM |
1479 - 1479 |
Rohrabacher Re Gore Rohrabacher D |
1479 - 1480 |
AIDS and Ethnicity Males M |
1480 - 1481 |
AIDS and Ethnicity - Response Rosenberg PS |
1480 - 1480 |
AIDS and Ethnicity Mcmillan S |
1481 - 1482 |
Climate-Change Report Wigley TM, Santer BD, Mitchell JF, Charlson RJ |
1482 - 1483 |
Climate-Change Report Singer SF |
1483 - 1483 |
Space Research Muller D |
1486 - 1488 |
A Fleet Too Good to Afford Mervis J |
1487 - 1487 |
Breaking the Ice on Cooperation |
1488 - 1489 |
Nuclear Waste - Study Inflames Ward-Valley Controversy Weisman J |
1489 - 1490 |
Clinical Research - New-Zealand Leap into Gene-Therapy Marshall E |
1490 - 1490 |
Pharmaceuticals Industry - Giant Merger Creates Biotech Power Koenig R |
1491 - 1491 |
Office of AIDS Research - Panel Urges NIH to Loosen Its Grip on AIDS Research Cohen J |
1492 - 1492 |
Japan - Support Builds for Curbs on Lifetime Faculty Posts Normile D |
1493 - 1495 |
Misfolding the Way to Disease Taubes G |
1496 - 1496 |
Space Physics - Does the Sun Trigger Outbursts from Earths Magnetosphere Kerr RA |
1497 - 1497 |
Ecology - Biodiversity Is a Boon to Ecosystems, Not Species Moffat AS |
1498 - 1499 |
Developmental Biology - Protein Motors May Drive Cells on Route to Specialization Roush W |
1499 - 1499 |
Neurobiology - Rat Study Sheds Light on Cocaine Craving Obrien C |
1507 - 1508 |
Cytochrome-P450 - Structure, Mechanism, and Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, by P.R.O. Demontellano Dawson J |
1508 - 1508 |
Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Systems - Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Geological Interactions, by S.E. Humphris, R.A. Zierenberg, L.S. Mullineaux, R.E. Thomson Edmond JM |
1509 - 1509 |
Molecules on Ice Clary DC |
1510 - 1512 |
Iron-Metabolism in Eukaryotes - Mars and Venus at It Again Kaplan J, Ohalloran TV |
1512 - 1512 |
Update - V(D)J Recombination and Transposition - Closer Than Expected Craig NL |
1513 - 1518 |
Protein Kinesis - Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Gorlich D, Mattaj IW |
1519 - 1526 |
Common Principles of Protein Translocation Across Membranes Schatz G, Dobberstein B |
1526 - 1533 |
Coat Proteins and Vesicle Budding Schekman R, Orci L |
1533 - 1539 |
Phosphoinositides as Regulators in Membrane Traffic Decamilli P, Emr SD, Mcpherson PS, Novick P |
1539 - 1544 |
Targeting of Motor Proteins Vallee RB, Sheetz MP |
1545 - 1552 |
Toward an Astrophysical Theory of Chondrites Shu FH, Shang H, Lee T |
1552 - 1557 |
A Permease-Oxidase Complex Involved in High-Affinity Iron Uptake in Yeast Stearman R, Yuan DS, Yamaguchiiwai Y, Klausner RD, Dancis A |
1558 - 1560 |
Protein-Folding Triggered by Electron-Transfer Pascher T, Chesick JP, Winkler JR, Gray HB |
1560 - 1562 |
Microsecond Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Alkanes Goetsch DA, Schmidt LD |
1563 - 1566 |
Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of Hydrochloric-Acid Ionization at the Surface of Stratospheric Ice Gertner BJ, Hynes JT |
1566 - 1570 |
Structure and Evolution of Lithospheric Slab Beneath the Sunda Arc, Indonesia Widiyantoro S, Vanderhilst R |
1570 - 1573 |
The Majorite-Pyrope Plus Magnesiowustite Assemblage - Constraints on the History of Shock Veins in Chondrites Chen M, Sharp TG, Elgoresy A, Wopenka B, Xie XD |
1573 - 1576 |
Iridium Metal in Chicxulub Impact Melt - Forensic Chemistry on the K-T Smoking Gun Schuraytz BC, Lindstrom DJ, Marin LE, Martinez RR, Mittlefehldt DW, Sharpton VL, Wentworth SJ |
1576 - 1578 |
Exchange of Carbon-Dioxide by a Deciduous Forest - Response to Interannual Climate Variability Goulden ML, Munger JW, Fan SM, Daube BC, Wofsy SC |
1579 - 1582 |
Human Foamy Virus-Replication - A Pathway Distinct from That of Retroviruses and Hepadnaviruses Yu SF, Baldwin DN, Gwynn SR, Yendapalli S, Linial ML |
1582 - 1586 |
HIV-1 Dynamics in-Vivo - Virion Clearance Rate, Infected Cell Life-Span, and Viral Generation Time Perelson AS, Neumann AU, Markowitz M, Leonard JM, Ho DD |
1586 - 1589 |
Opposite Modulation of Cocaine-Seeking Behavior by D-1-Like and D-2-Like Dopamine-Receptor Agonists Self DW, Barnhart WJ, Lehman DA, Nestler EJ |
1589 - 1592 |
Coordination of 3 Signaling Enzymes by Akap79, a Mammalian Scaffold Protein Klauck TM, Faux MC, Labudda K, Langeberg LK, Jaken S, Scott JD |
1592 - 1594 |
Similarities Between Initiation of V(D)J Recombination and Retroviral Integration Vangent DC, Mizuuchi K, Gellert M |
1595 - 1597 |
Cell-Cycle Regulation of E2F Site Occupation in-Vivo Zwicker J, Liu NS, Engeland K, Lucibello FC, Muller R |
1597 - 1601 |
Rapid Degradation of the G(1) Cyclin Cln2 Induced by Cdk-Dependent Phosphorylation Lanker S, Valdivieso MH, Wittenberg C |
1601 - 1604 |
Control of the Gene Optomotor-Blind in Drosophila Wing Development by Decapentaplegic and Wingless Grimm S, Pflugfelder GO |
1604 - 1605 |
Long-Term Potentiation in the Ca1 Hippocampus Malinow R, Mainen ZF |
1605 - 1606 |
Long-Term Potentiation in the Ca1 Hippocampus - Response Siegelbaum SA, Bolshakov VY |
1606 - 1606 |
Estimating Geologic Age from Cosmogenic Nuclides - An Update Bierman PR, Clapp EM |
1606 - 1607 |
Pliocene Extinction of Antarctic Pectinid Mollusks Berkman PA, Prentice ML |