

Science, Vol.272, No.5268 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print) 

In this Issue (53 articles)

1567 - 1567 Science Policy in Japan
Hayashida H
1569 - 1570 Respect for the Rac
Parens E
1570 - 1571 Exhilarating Editorial
Landau N
1570 - 1570 Exhilarating Editorial
Clark C
1570 - 1570 Exhilarating Editorial
Licata VJ
1571 - 1571 Nesting Dinosaur
Feduccia A, Martin LD, Simmons JE
1571 - 1572 Benefit-Cost-Analysis and the Environment
Kasting JF, Schultz PA
1571 - 1571 Exhilarating Editorial
Dewey WC
1572 - 1573 Benefit-Cost-Analysis and the Environment - Response
Arrow KJ, Cropper ML, Eads GC, Hahn RW, Lave LB, Noll RG, Portney PR, Russell M, Schmalensee R, Smith VK, Stavins RN
1573 - 1573 Lead and Helium Isotope Evidence from Oceanic Basalts for a Common Deep Source of Mantle Plumes (Vol 272, Pg 991, 1996)
Hanan BB, Graham DW
1573 - 1573 Loco Cow Logo
Rhein GM
1573 - 1573 Mammal Diversity Takes a 20-Million-Year Leap Backwards (Vol 272, Pg 1102, 1996)
Peterson K
1576 - 1578 Doe Labs - Is Evolution Enough
Lawler A
1578 - 1578 Small Labs Make Big Targets
Peterson K
1579 - 1579 Space Science - Ariane Failure Casts Shadow over ESAs Science Program
Hellemans A
1580 - 1581 China - IVF Project Stirs Debate over How to Preserve Pandas
Meiyue Z
1581 - 1582 After the Breakup - Civil-War Leaves Once-Proud Georgian Science in Tatters
Stone R
1582 - 1582 Observatory Fades Away in Splendid Isolation
Stone R
1583 - 1584 Gene Linked to Commonest Cancer
Pennisi E
1584 - 1585 Climate-Change - Ice Bubbles Confirm Big Chill
Kerr RA
1585 - 1585 Immunology - Simple Mice Test Antibody Complexity
Williams N
1586 - 1587 Paleoanthropology - Did Neanderthals Lose an Evolutionary Arms-Race
Gibbons A
1587 - 1588 Physics - Bose-Einstein Condensates Display Their First Tricks
Taubes G
1589 - 1590 Planetary Science - Galileo Suggests Deep Roots to Jupiter Fierce Winds
Kerr RA
1590 - 1590 Distant Universe - Precocious Structures Found
Glanz J
1594 - 1594 The End of Science - Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age, by J. Horgan
Goodstein DL
1595 - 1595 Color and Light in Nature, by D.K. Lynch, W. Livingston
Schaefer BE
1595 - 1595 Science in the Making - Scientific Development as Chronicled by Historic Papers in the Philosophical-Magazine - With Commentaries and Illustrations, by E.A. Davis
Livingston K
1596 - 1597 Nonequilibrium Structures in Condensed Systems
Mikhailov AS, Ertl G
1597 - 1597 Update - Polar Clouds and Sulfate Aerosols
Tolbert MA
1598 - 1599 Bacteria Also Vote
Kaiser D
1599 - 1600 Molybdenum Bolsters the Bioinorganic Brigade
Stiefel EI
1601 - 1606 Spatial Response of Mammals to Late Quaternary Environmental Fluctuations
Graham RW, Lundelius EL, Graham MA, Schroeder EK, Toomey RS, Anderson E, Barnosky AD, Burns JA, Churcher CS, Grayson DK, Guthrie RD, Harington CR, Jefferson GT, Martin LD, Mcdonald HG, Morlan RE, Semken HA, Webb SD, Werdelin L, Wilson MC
1606 - 1614 Structural-Analysis of Substrate-Binding by the Molecular Chaperone Dnak
Zhu XT, Zhao X, Burkholder WF, Gragerov A, Ogata CM, Gottesman ME, Hendrickson WA
1615 - 1621 Crystal-Structure of DMSO Reductase - Redox-Linked Changes in Molybdopterin Coordination
Schindelin H, Kisker C, Hilton J, Rajagopalan KV, Rees DC
1621 - 1625 Sending and Receiving the Hedgehog Signal - Control by the Drosophila-gli Protein Cubitus-Interruptus
Dominguez M, Brunner M, Hafen E, Basler K
1626 - 1628 Microscopic Particle Motions in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas
I L, Juan WT, Chiang CH, Chu JH
1628 - 1631 Electrical-Properties of the Venus Surface from Bistatic Radar Observations
Pettengill GH, Ford PG, Simpson RA
1631 - 1634 High-Resolution Molecular-Spectroscopy of Van-der-Waals Clusters in Liquid-Helium Droplets
Hartmann M, Miller RE, Toennies JP, Vilesov AF
1634 - 1636 Direct pH Measurement of NaCl-Bearing Fluid with an in-Situ Sensor at 400-Degrees-C and 40 Megapascals
Ding K, Seyfried WE
1636 - 1638 Climate-Change During the Last Deglaciation in Antarctica
Mayewski PA, Twickler MS, Whitlow SI, Meeker LD, Yang Q, Thomas J, Kreutz K, Grootes PM, Morse DL, Steig EJ, Waddington ED, Saltzman ES, Whung PY, Taylor KC
1638 - 1641 Melting of H2SO4-Center-Dot-4H2O Particles upon Cooling - Implications for Polar Stratospheric Clouds
Koop T, Carslaw KS
1641 - 1643 Compensatory Ahpc Gene-Expression in Isoniazid-Resistant Mycobacterium-Tuberculosis
Sherman DR, Mdluli K, Hickey MJ, Arain TM, Morris SL, Barry CE, Stover CK
1644 - 1646 Arrested DNA-Replication in Xenopus and Release by Escherichia-Coli Mutagenesis Proteins
Oda N, Levin JD, Spoonde AY, Frank EG, Levine AS, Woodgate R, Ackerman EJ
1646 - 1649 Thymine-Thymine Dimer Bypass by Yeast DNA-Polymerase-Zeta
Nelson JR, Lawrence CW, Hinkle DC
1649 - 1652 A Quasi-Monoclonal Mouse
Cascalho M, Ma A, Lee S, Masat L, Wabl M
1652 - 1655 Identification of Map Kinase Domains by Redirecting Stress Signals into Growth-Factor Responses
Brunet A, Pouyssegur J
1655 - 1658 Enzymatic-Synthesis of a Quorum-Sensing Autoinducer Through Use of Defined Substrates
More MI, Finger LD, Stryker JL, Fuqua C, Eberhard A, Winans SC
1659 - 1662 Site-Directed Hydroxyl Radical Probing of the Ribosomal-RNA Neighborhood of Ribosomal-Protein S5
Heilek GM, Noller HF
1662 - 1665 Activation of Gal4P by Galactose-Dependent Interaction of Galactokinase and Gal80P
Zenke FT, Engels R, Vollenbroich V, Meyer J, Hollenberg CP, Breunig KD
1665 - 1668 Optical Imaging of Functional-Organization in the Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex
Wang G, Tanaka K, Tanifuji M
1668 - 1671 Human Homolog of Patched, a Candidate Gene for the Basal-Cell Nevus Syndrome
Johnson RL, Rothman AL, Xie JW, Goodrich LV, Bare JW, Bonifas JM, Quinn AG, Myers RM, Cox DR, Epstein EH, Scott MP
1672 - 1672 Is Eiav TAT Protein-A Homeodomain
Rosch P, Willbold D