13 - 13 |
Why China Needs Science - And Partners Peng L |
15 - 15 |
Battling Heart-Disease - Response Brown MS, Goldstein JL |
15 - 16 |
Battling Heart-Disease - Response Labarthe DR |
15 - 15 |
Battling Heart-Disease Breslow JI |
16 - 17 |
Release of Rhd Virus in Australia Matson DO |
17 - 18 |
Release of Rhd Virus in Australia Smith AW |
18 - 18 |
Observations of Saturn Ring-Plane Crossing in August and November 1995 (Vol 272, Pg 509, 1996) Nicholson PD |
18 - 18 |
Structure of the Atmosphere of Jupiter - Galileo Probe Measurements (Vol 272, Pg 844, 1996) Seiff A |
18 - 18 |
Fluorescent Hydroxyl Emissions from Saturns Ring Atmosphere (Vol 272, Pg 516, 1996) Hall DT |
22 - 24 |
Nae Strives to Reengineer Itself Lawler A |
23 - 23 |
Will There Be Liebowitz V Nae Lawler A |
25 - 25 |
Environment - Black Spots Blot German Coastal Flags Koenig R |
25 - 26 |
1997 Budget - Legislators Get into the Details Lawler A |
26 - 26 |
Archaeology - Chauvet Study Gets the Go-Ahead Balter M |
27 - 28 |
Us Science Policy - Agencies Scramble to Measure Public Impact of Research Mervis J |
28 - 28 |
Science History - Auguste-D and Alzheimers-Disease Obrien C |
29 - 30 |
Folding Proteins Caught in the Act Service RF |
30 - 31 |
AIDS Research - Selling the Immune-System Short Cohen J |
31 - 31 |
Geology - Long Ago, a River Ran Through It Wuethrich B |
32 - 33 |
Physics - With Mirrors and Finesse, Labs Domesticate the X-Ray Laser Hellemans A |
33 - 33 |
Immunology - Muscling Transplants into Mice Wickelgren I |
34 - 34 |
Climate-Change - Sky-High Findings Drop New Hints of Greenhouse Warming Kerr RA |
35 - 36 |
Cell Biology - Chromosome Yield New Clue to Pairing in Meiosis Marx J |
36 - 36 |
Optics - Helical Beams Give Particles a Whirl Bains S |
41 - 41 |
Patterns of Aging Kelner KL, Marx J |
42 - 46 |
Live Long and Prosper Roush W |
43 - 43 |
Big Science Survey for the Social-Sciences Roush W |
44 - 45 |
Japan - Feeling the Strains of an Aging Population Oshima S |
46 - 48 |
The Developing-World - New Populations of Old Add to Poor-Nations Burdens Holden C |
48 - 50 |
The Aging Brain - For the Cortex, Neuron Loss May Be Less-Than Thought Wickelgren I |
50 - 53 |
Neurodegenerative Disease - Searching for Drugs That Combat Alzheimers Marx J |
54 - 59 |
Longevity, Genes, and Aging Jazwinski SM |
59 - 63 |
Oxidative Stress, Caloric Restriction, and Aging Sohal RS, Weindruch R |
63 - 67 |
Replicative Senescence - Implications for in-Vivo Aging and Tumor Suppression Smith JR, Pereirasmith OM |
67 - 70 |
Menopause - The Aging of Multiple Pacemakers Wise PM, Krajnak KM, Kashon ML |
70 - 74 |
The Aging Immune-System - Primer and Prospectus Miller RA |
75 - 76 |
Species and Specificity - An Interpretation of the History of Immunology, by P.M.H. Mazumdar Lesch JE |
77 - 78 |
A Search for Earthquake Precursors Silver PG, Wakita H |
78 - 79 |
How T-Cells Count Rothenberg EV |
80 - 80 |
Mechanisms and Evolution of Aging Lithgow GJ, Kirkwood TB |
81 - 84 |
Colossal Magnetoresistance Without Mn3+/Mn4+ Double Exchange in the Stoichiometric Pyrochlore Tl2Mn2O7 Subramanian MA, Toby BH, Ramirez AP, Marshall WJ, Sleight AW, Kwei GH |
84 - 87 |
Direct, Nondestructive Observation of a Bose Condensate Andrews MR, Mewes MO, Vandruten NJ, Durfee DS, Kurn DM, Ketterle W |
87 - 90 |
Homogeneous Linewidths in the Optical-Spectrum of a Single Gallium-Arsenide Quantum Dot Gammon D, Snow ES, Shanabrook BV, Katzer DS, Park D |
90 - 92 |
2 Calorimetrically Distinct States of Liquid Water Below 150 Kelvin Johari GP, Hallbrucker A, Mayer E |
93 - 95 |
Helium Isotopic Evidence for a Lower Mantle Component in Depleted Archean Komatiite Richard D, Marty B, Chaussidon M, Arndt N |
95 - 97 |
Transition Element-Like Chemistry for Potassium Under Pressure Parker LJ, Atou T, Badding JV |
97 - 100 |
Detrital Zircon Link Between Headwaters and Terminus of the Upper Triassic Chinle-Dockum Paleoriver System Riggs NR, Lehman TM, Gehrels GE, Dickinson WR |
100 - 104 |
Late Proterozoic and Paleozoic Tides, Retreat of the Moon, and Rotation of the Earth Sonett CP, Kvale EP, Zakharian A, Chan MA, Demko TM |
104 - 106 |
T-Cell Activation Determined by T-Cell Receptor Number and Tunable Thresholds Viola A, Lanzavecchia A |
107 - 109 |
Mapping of Catalytic Residues in the RNA-Polymerase Active-Center Zaychikov E, Martin E, Denissova L, Kozlov M, Markovtsov V, Kashlev M, Heumann H, Nikiforov V, Goldfarb A, Mustaev A |
109 - 112 |
Prevention of Islet Allograft-Rejection with Engineered Myoblasts Expressing Fasl in Mice Lau HT, Yu M, Fontana A, Stoeckert CJ |
112 - 115 |
Evidence for Physical and Functional Association Between Emb-5 and Lin-12 in Caenorhabditis-Elegans Hubbard EJ, Dong Q, Greenwald I |
115 - 117 |
Formation of a Transition-State Analog of the Ras GTPase Reaction by Ras-Center-Dot-GDP, Tetrafluoroaluminate, and GTPase-Activating Proteins Mittal R, Ahmadian MR, Goody RS, Wittinghofer A |
118 - 122 |
Centric Heterochromatin and the Efficiency of Achiasmate Disjunction in Drosophila Female Meiosis Karpen GH, Le MH, Le H |
122 - 123 |
Miocene Deposits in the Amazonian Foreland Basin Hoorn C |
123 - 124 |
Miocene Deposits in the Amazonian Foreland Basin Marshall LG, Lundberg JG |
123 - 123 |
Miocene Deposits in the Amazonian Foreland Basin Paxton CG, Crampton WG, Burgess P |
124 - 125 |
Miocene Deposits in the Amazonian Foreland Basin - Reply Rasanen ME, Linna AM |