

Science, Vol.277, No.5323 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print) 

In this Issue (50 articles)

163 - 163 Raiders of the Last Bastion
Greenwood MR
165 - 165 Assessing Coral-Reef Health
Hodgson G
165 - 166 Assessing Coral-Reef Health
Goreau TJ
166 - 167 Photosystem-I Measurements in Mutants B4 and F8 of Chlamydomonas
Greenbaum E, Lee JW, Tevault CV, Blankinship SL, Owens TG, Mets LJ
166 - 166 Assessing Coral-Reef Health
Mueller E, Peters EC
167 - 167 Burst Conditions of Explosive Volcanic-Eruptions Recorded on Microbarographs (Vol 277, Pg 1290, 1997)
Morrissey MM, Chouet BA
167 - 167 Deconstructing Science (Vol 276, Pg 1955, 1997)
Zeigler CA
167 - 167 DCP-1, a Drosophila Cell-Death Protease Essential for Development (Vol 277, Pg 536, 1997)
Song Z
167 - 167 Radio Astronomy - Arecibo More Sensitive Eye on the Sky (Vol 277, Pg 1785, 1997)
Seife C
167 - 167 The Source of Green Light-Emission Determined from a Heavy-Ion Storage-Ring Experiment (Vol 277, Pg 1530, 1997)
Kella D
167 - 167 When a Habitat Is Not a Home (Vol 277, Pg 1636, 1997)
Kaiser J
170 - 172 Japan Plunges into Ocean Science
Normile D
172 - 172 Scientific Misconduct - Allegations Prompt Debate in Germany
Koenig R
173 - 173 Anthropology - Anthropologists 1, Army Corps 0
Gibbons A
173 - 174 Planetary Science - Pathfinder Strikes a Rocky Bonanza
Kerr RA
174 - 174 Public-Health - Resurgent Mosquitos, Dengue in Cuba
Taubes G
175 - 175 Hungary - Spirited Academy Faces Painful Cuts, Consolidation
Koenig R
176 - 178 DNA from an Extinct Human
Kahn P, Gibbons A
178 - 178 Astronomy - Interference Sharpens the View
Vogel G
179 - 179 Protein-Structure - Amino-Acid Alchemy Transmutes Sheets to Coils
Service RF
180 - 181 Genetics - Newfound Gene Holds Key to Cells Cholesterol Traffic
Pennisi E
181 - 182 Nuclear-Physics - Accelerator Probes the Private Lives of Nucleons
Watson A
182 - 182 Developmental Biology - One Molecule Orchestrates Amebas
Gura T
183 - 184 Paleoclimatology - Upstart Ice-Age Theory Gets Attentive But Chilly Hearing
Kerr RA
184 - 184 Evolutionary Biology - Sizing Up Dung Beetle Evolution
Roush W
188 - 189 The Economic-Laws of Scientific-Research, by T. Kealey
Owens L
189 - 189 Adaptation, by M.R. Rose, G.V. Lauder
Feder ME
190 - 191 The Space Around Us
Rizzolatti G, Fadiga L, Fogassi L, Gallese V
191 - 192 Stacked Organic Light-Emitting-Diodes in Full-Color
Sheats JR
193 - 194 The Transcriptional Paradox - Octamer Factors and B-Cell and T-Cell
Graef IA, Crabtree GR
194 - 194 Eccles,John,C. (1903-1997) - Retrospective
Nicoll RA
195 - 196 Ethical and Policy Issues of Human Cloning
Shapiro HT
197 - 201 Dynamical Lifetimes of Objects Injected into Asteroid Belt Resonances
Gladman BJ, Migliorini F, Morbidelli A, Zappala V, Michel P, Cellino A, Froeschle C, Levison HF, Bailey M, Duncan M
202 - 206 Orbital Steering in the Catalytic Power of Enzymes - Small Structural-Changes with Large Catalytic Consequences
Mesecar AD, Stoddard BL, Koshland DE
207 - 210 A Newly Discovered Column in the Hieroglyphic Text on La-Mojarra-Stela-1 - A Test of the EPI-Olmec Decipherment
Justeson JS, Kaufman T
211 - 213 Selective Functionalization of Alkanes by Transition-Metal Boryl Complexes
Waltz KM, Hartwig JF
213 - 215 Element-Specific Magnetic-Anisotropy Determined by Transverse Magnetic Circular X-Ray Dichroism
Durr HA, Guo GY, Vanderlaan G, Lee J, Lauhoff G, Bland JA
215 - 218 Glacial Cycles and Astronomical Forcing
Muller RA, Macdonald GJ
219 - 221 Anomalous Behavior of Sound-Velocity and Attenuation in Liquid Fe-Ni-S
Nasch PM, Manghnani MH, Secco RA
221 - 225 Inducible Expression and Phosphorylation of Coactivator Bob.1/Obf.1 in T-Cells
Zwilling S, Dieckmann A, Pfisterer P, Angel P, Wirth T
225 - 228 Induction of Cell-Migration by Matrix Metalloprotease-2 Cleavage of Laminin-5
Giannelli G, Falkmarzillier J, Schiraldi O, Stetlerstevenson WG, Quaranta V
228 - 231 Niemann-Pick-C1-Disease Gene - Homology to Mediators of Cholesterol Homeostasis
Carstea ED, Morris JA, Coleman KG, Loftus SK, Zhang D, Cummings C, Gu J, Rosenfeld MA, Pavan WJ, Krizman DB, Nagle J, Polymeropoulos MH, Sturley SL, Ioannou YA, Higgins ME, Comly M, Cooney A, Brown A, Kaneski CR, Blanchettemackie EJ, Dwyer NK, Neufeld EB, Chang TY, Liscum L, Strauss JF, Ohno K, Zeigler M, Carmi R, Sokol J, Markie D, Oneill RR, Vandiggelen OP, Elleder M, Patterson MC, Brady RO, Vanier MT, Pentchev PG, Tagle DA
232 - 235 Murine Model of Niemann-Pick-C-Disease - Mutation in a Cholesterol Homeostasis Gene
Loftus SK, Morris JA, Carstea ED, Gu JZ, Cummings C, Brown A, Ellison J, Ohno K, Rosenfeld MA, Tagle DA, Pentchev PG, Pavan WJ
235 - 239 Abnormal Lignin in a Loblolly-Pine Mutant
Ralph J, Mackay JJ, Hatfield RD, Omalley DM, Whetten RW, Sederoff RR
239 - 241 Coding the Locations of Objects in the Dark
Graziano MS, Hu XT, Gross CG
242 - 245 Pericyte Loss and Microaneurysm Formation in PDGF-B-Deficient Mice
Lindahl P, Johansson BR, Leveen P, Betsholtz C
246 - 248 Activation of Heat-Shock Transcription Factor-3 by C-Myb in the Absence of Cellular Stress
Kaneiishii C, Tanikawa J, Nakai A, Morimoto RI, Ishii S
248 - 251 Influence of Food-Web Structure on Carbon Exchange Between Lakes and the Atmosphere
Schindler DE, Carpenter SR, Cole JJ, Kitchell JF, Pace ML
251 - 254 Dictyostelium Development in the Absence of cAMP
Wang B, Kuspa A
254 - 257 Specification of the Zebrafish Nervous-System by Nonaxial Signals
Woo K, Fraser SE