1419 - 1419 |
Animal Rights - Teaching or Deceiving Kids Runkle D, Granger E |
1421 - 1421 |
Young Stars and Giant Planets Zuckerman B |
1421 - 1422 |
Young Stars and Giant Planets - Response Boss AP |
1422 - 1422 |
Tail Evolution Nielsen C |
1422 - 1423 |
Permian Pollen Eating Labandeira CC |
1423 - 1423 |
Structural Insights into the Evolution of an Antibody Combining Site (Vol 276, Pg 1665, 1997) Wedemayer GJ, Stevens RC |
1423 - 1423 |
Liver-Regeneration (Vol 276, Pg 60, 1997) Michalopoulos GK, Defrances MC |
1423 - 1423 |
High-Speed Materials Design (Vol 277, Pg 474, 1997) Service R |
1423 - 1423 |
Marijuana Addiction - Response (Vol 277, Pg 750, 1997) Dichiara G |
1426 - 1428 |
Can ESA Shrug Off Malaise Gavaghan H |
1427 - 1427 |
Revised Space Science Program Brightens ESAs Horizon Gavaghan H |
1428 - 1429 |
Marine Science - Australia Enters Deep-Water in Devising Management Plan Finkel E |
1429 - 1429 |
Traditional Medicine - India Applauds Us Patent Reversal Marshall E, Bagla P |
1430 - 1431 |
Collaborations - Ucsf Case Raises Questions About Grant Idea Ownership Barinaga M |
1431 - 1431 |
Department-of-Energy - NY Legislators Want Reactor Closed Lawler A |
1432 - 1432 |
Laboratory Workhorse Decoded Pennisi E |
1433 - 1433 |
Microbial Genomes Come Tumbling in Pennisi E |
1435 - 1435 |
Developmental Biology - Haeckels Embryos - Fraud Rediscovered Pennisi E |
1435 - 1436 |
Geoscience - Laser Senses Earths Spin Hellemans A |
1436 - 1436 |
Evolution - Living Fossil Fish Is Dethroned Roush W |
1437 - 1438 |
Infectious-Diseases - Malaria Fighters Gather at Site of Early Victory Bagla P |
1438 - 1438 |
Solar Physics - Soho Traces the Suns Hot Currents Ehrenstein D |
1439 - 1439 |
Molecular Endocrinology - Differing Roles Found for Estrogen 2 Receptors Pennisi E |
1443 - 1444 |
Creating the Cold-War University - The Transformation of Stanford, by R.S. Lowen Servos JW |
1444 - 1445 |
Exhibiting Electricity, by K.G. Beauchamp Rhees D |
1446 - 1447 |
Astrophysics - Ionizing the Galaxy Reynolds RJ |
1447 - 1448 |
Surface Physics - More Than Skin Deep Plummer W |
1449 - 1450 |
Carcinogenesis - Transient Expression of a Mutator Phenotype in Cancer-Cells Loeb LA |
1450 - 1451 |
Cell-Cycle - A DNA-Damage Checkpoint Meets the Cell-Cycle Engine Weinert T |
1453 - 1453 |
The Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia-Coli K-12 Blattner FR, Plunkett G, Bloch CA, Perna NT, Burland V, Riley M, Colladovides J, Glasner JD, Rode CK, Mayhew GF, Gregor J, Davis NW, Kirkpatrick HA, Goeden MA, Rose DJ, Mau B, Shao Y |
1475 - 1479 |
X-Rays and Fluctuating X-Winds from Protostars Shu FH, Shang H, Glassgold AE, Lee T |
1480 - 1482 |
Time-Resolved Coherent Photoelectron-Spectroscopy of Quantized Electronic States on Metal-Surfaces Hofer U, Shumay IL, Reuss C, Thomann U, Wallauer W, Fauster T |
1483 - 1485 |
Microbiology and Ecology of Filamentous Sulfur Formation Taylor CD, Wirsen CO |
1485 - 1488 |
The Isotopic Oxygen Nightglow as Viewed from Mauna-Kea Slanger TG, Huestis DL, Osterbrock DE, Fulbright JP |
1488 - 1491 |
Detection of Soft X-Rays and a Sensitive Search for Noble-Gases in Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) Krasnopolsky VA, Mumma MJ, Abbott M, Flynn BC, Meech KJ, Yeomans BK, Feldman PD, Cosmovici CB |
1492 - 1495 |
Impact Excavation on Asteroid 4-Vesta - Hubble-Space-Telescope Results Thomas PC, Binzel RP, Gaffey MJ, Storrs AD, Wells EN, Zellner BH |
1495 - 1497 |
Cdc25 Mitotic Inducer Targeted by Chk1 DNA-Damage Checkpoint Kinase Furnari B, Rhind N, Russell P |
1497 - 1501 |
Conservation of the Chk1 Checkpoint Pathway in Mammals - Linkage of DNA-Damage to Cdk Regulation Through Cdc25 Sanchez Y, Wong C, Thoma RS, Richman R, Wu RQ, Piwnicaworms H, Elledge SJ |
1501 - 1505 |
Mitotic and G(2) Checkpoint Control - Regulation of 14-3-3-Protein-Binding by Phosphorylation of Cdc25C on Serine-216 Peng CY, Graves PR, Thoma RS, Wu ZQ, Shaw AS, Piwnicaworms H |
1505 - 1508 |
A Cyanobacterial Phytochrome 2-Component Light Sensory System Yeh KC, Wu SH, Murphy JT, Lagarias JC |
1508 - 1510 |
Differential Ligand Activation of Estrogen-Receptors Er-Alpha and Er-Beta at Ap1 Sites Paech K, Webb P, Kuiper GG, Nilsson S, Gustafsson JA, Kushner PJ, Scanlan TS |
1511 - 1515 |
Binding of Neuroligins to PSD-95 Irie M, Hata Y, Takeuchi M, Ichtchenko K, Toyoda A, Hirao K, Takai Y, Rosahl TW, Sudhof TC |
1515 - 1518 |
Postsynaptic Glutamate Transport at the Climbing Fiber Purkinje-Cell Synapse Otis TS, Kavanaugh MP, Jahr CE |
1518 - 1523 |
Dynamic Molecular Combing - Stretching the Whole Human Genome for High-Resolution Studies Michalet X, Ekong R, Fougerousse F, Rousseaux S, Schurra C, Hornigold N, Vanslegtenhorst M, Wolfe J, Povey S, Beckmann JS, Bensimon A |
1523 - 1526 |
Conditional Mutator Phenotypes in Hmsh2-Deficient Tumor-Cell Lines Richards B, Zhang H, Phear G, Meuth M |
1526 - 1527 |
Observations of Emission Bands in Comet Hale-Bopp Dressler RA |
1527 - 1527 |
Observations of Emission Bands in Comet Hale-Bopp - Response Rauer H, Arpigny C, Boehnhardt H, Colas F, Crovisier J, Jorda L, Kuppers M, Manfroid J, Rembor K, Thomas N |