850 - 851 |
Plant biotechnology - Seed-sterilizing 'terminator technology' sows discord Service RF |
851 - 852 |
Forensic science - HIV strain analysis debuts in murder trial Vogel G |
853 - 854 |
Academic publishing - New journals launched to fight rising prices Malakoff D |
854 - 855 |
Ecology - Mutual nonaggression pact may aid ant spread Strauss E |
855 - 856 |
Italian research - Reforms at final stage under new minister Biggin S |
856 - 856 |
Aging research - Single gene controls fruit fly life-span Pennisi E |
856 - 857 |
Food safety - UK government tries to reassure wary public Williams N |
857 - 858 |
Bioethics - Panel pulls back report after NIH critique Marshall E |
859 - 859 |
Human genetics - Opponents criticize Iceland's database Enserink M |
860 - 866 |
Embargoes : Good, bad, or 'necessary evil'? Marshall E |
861 - 861 |
Franz Ingelfinger's legacy shaped biology publishing Marshall E |
862 - 862 |
Too hot to hold : Life on Mars and cloned sheep couldn't be kept under wraps Marshall E |
865 - 865 |
Trading in science : A volatile mix of stock prices and embargoed data Marshall E |
866 - 866 |
Public lashings and blackballing enforce system built on trust Marshall E |
867 - 868 |
Embargoes - Meetings - Scientific meetings produce clash of agendas Marshall E |
868 - 869 |
Embargoes - Astronomy - A media darling thrives on publicity Glanz J |
873 - 874 |
Inspired choices Berg P, Singer M |
877 - 877 |
Embracing the embargo Bloom FE |
879 - 879 |
Human rights workshop Lerch IA |
879 - 879 |
Ecological science and the human predicament Bazzaz F, Ceballos G, Davis M, Dirzo R, Ehrlich PR, Eisner T, Levin S, Lawton JH, Lubchenco J, Matson PA, Mooney HA, Raven PH, Roughgarden JE, Sarukhan J, Tilman GD, Vitousek P, Wall DH, Wilson EO, Woodwell GM |
879 - 880 |
The cerebellum : So much more Muller RH, Courchesne E, Allen G |
880 - 881 |
Cosmic chirality Green MM, Selinger JV |
881 - 881 |
Preparing graduate students in biology Gale AJ |
882 - 882 |
Preparing graduate students in biology - Response Marincola E, Solomon F |
882 - 882 |
The chemistry of water on alumina surfaces : Reaction dynamics from first principles (vol 282, pg 265, 1998) Hass KC, Schneider WF, Curioni A, Andreoni W |
882 - 882 |
A new look at monogamy (vol 282, pg 1983, 1998) Morell V |
882 - 882 |
Seismology - Monitoring nuclear tests (vol 282, pg 1967, 1998) Barker B, Clark M, Davis P, Fisk M, Israelsson H, Khalturin V, Kim WY, McLaughin K, Meade C, Murphy J, North R, Orcutt J, Powell C, Richards PG, Stead R, Stevens R, Vernon F, Wallace T |
883 - 884 |
Ecology - Nature's subsidies to shrimp and salmon farming Naylor RL, Goldburg RJ, Mooney H, Beveridge M, Clay J, Folke C, Kautsky N, Lubchenco J, Primavera J, Williams M |
885 - 885 |
Annals of the former world Eaton GP |
886 - 886 |
What remains to be discovered Goodstein DL |
887 - 888 |
Materials science - Opals in a new light van Blaaderen A |
888 - 889 |
Thin-film pattern formation - The artistic side of intermolecular forces Reiter G |
889 - 891 |
Evolutionary genetics - The causes of Haldane's rule Turelli M |
891 - 892 |
Development - How Cyanobacteria count to 10 Haselkorn R |
892 - 892 |
Nota bene : Physics - Just a light squeeze Voss D |
893 - 896 |
Agroecosystem - Long-term agroecosystem experiments : Assessing agricultural sustainability and global change Rasmussen PE, Goulding KWT, Brown JR, Grace PR, Janzen HH, Korschens M |
897 - 901 |
Carbon structures with three-dimensional periodicity at optical wavelengths Zakhidov AA, Baughman RH, Iqbal Z, Cui CX, Khayrullin I, Dantas SO, Marti I, Ralchenko VG |
902 - 907 |
Force and velocity measured for single molecules of RNA polymerase Wang MD, Schnitzer MJ, Yin H, Landick R, Gelles J, Block SM |
913 - 915 |
Strong enhancement of nonlinear optical properties through supramolecular chirality Verbiest T, Van Elshocht S, Kauranen M, Hellemans L, Snauwaert J, Nuckolls C, Katz TJ, Persoons A |
916 - 919 |
Spinodal dewetting in liquid crystal and liquid metal films Herminghaus S, Jacobs K, Mecke K, Bischof J, Fery A, Ibn-Elhaj M, Schlagowski S |
919 - 922 |
Control of chemical reactions by feedback-optimized phase-shaped femtosecond laser pulses Assion A, Baumert T, Bergt M, Brixner T, Kiefer B, Seyfried V, Strehle M, Gerber G |
922 - 924 |
The effect of alumina on the electrical conductivity of silicate perovskite Xu YS, McCammon C, Poe BT |
924 - 927 |
Seismic evidence for an inner core transition zone Song XD, Helmberger DV |
927 - 929 |
Isotopic evidence for the Cretaceous-Tertiary impactor and its type Shukolyukov A, Lugmair GW |
930 - 932 |
Isotopic mass and lattice constant : X-ray standing wave measurements Kazimirov A, Zegenhagen J, Cardona M |
932 - 935 |
Spontaneous emission spectrum in double quantum dot devices Fujisawa T, Oosterkamp TH, van der Wiel WG, Broer BW, Aguado R, Tarucha S, Kouwenhoven LP |
935 - 938 |
Heterocyst pattern formation controlled by a diffusible peptide Yoon HS, Golden JW |
938 - 941 |
Binding of hepatitis C virus to CD81 Pileri P, Uematsu Y, Campagnoli S, Galli G, Falugi F, Petracca R, Weiner AJ, Houghton M, Rosa D, Grandi G, Abrignani S |
941 - 943 |
TNF-alpha induction of CD44-mediated leukocyte adhesion by sulfation Maiti A, Maki G, Johnson P |
943 - 946 |
Extended life-span and stress resistance in the Drosophila mutant methuselah Lin YJ, Seroude L, Benzer S |
946 - 949 |
Cardiovascular failure in mouse embryos deficient in VEGF receptor-3 Dumont DJ, Jussila L, Taipale J, Lymboussaki A, Mustonen T, Pajusola K, Breitman M, Alitalo K |
949 - 952 |
Loss of intraspecific aggression in the success of a widespread invasive social insect Holway DA, Suarez AV, Case TJ |
952 - 954 |
Haldane's rule in taxa lacking a hemizygous X Presgraves DC, Orr HA |