

Science, Vol.328, No.5979 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print) 

In this Issue (42 articles)

667 - 667 Stepping Back; Moving Forward
Hanson B
674 - 675 GULF OIL SPILL Will Deepwater Horizon Set a New Standard for Catastrophe?
Kerr R, Kintisch E, Stokstad E
676 - 676 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Peering Over a Cliff at the Poststimulus World
Kaiser J
677 - 677 PLANETARY SCIENCE Mission to Probe Venus's Curious Winds And Test Solar Sail for Propulsion
Normile D
678 - 678 US GRADUATE EDUCATION Report Seeks Expansion in a Time of Belt-Tightening
Mervis J
679 - 679 LAB SAFETY Radiation Accident a'Wake-Up Call' For India's Scientific Community
Bagla P
680 - 684 Close Encounters Of the Prehistoric Kind
Gibbons A
682 - 683 Cloned Neandertals Still in the Realm of Sci-Fi
Pennisi E
683 - 683 Computer Kid Makes Good
Pennisi E
685 - 687 Profile: Frederique Darragon Unraveling a Riddle in Plain Sight
Stone R
689 - 690 Climate Change and the Integrity of Science
Gleick PH, Adams RM, Amasino RM, Anders E, Anderson DJ, Anderson WW, Anselin LE, Arroyo MK, Asfaw B, Ayala FJ, Bax A, Bebbington AJ, Bell G, Bennett MVL, Bennetzen JL, Berenbaum MR, Berlin OB, Bjorkman PJ, Blackburn E, Blamont JE, Botchan MR, Boyer JS, Boyle EA, Branton D, Briggs SP, Briggs WR, Brill WJ, Britten RJ, Broecker WS, Brown JH, Brown PO, Brunger AT, Cairns J, Canfield DE, Carpenter SR, Carrington JC, Cashmore AR, Castilla JC, Cazenave A, Chapin FS, Ciechanover AJ, Clapham DE, Clark WC, Clayton RN, Coe MD, Conwell EM, Cowling EB, Cowling RM, Cox CS, Croteau RB, Crothers DM, Crutzen PJ, Daily GC, Dalrymple GB, Dangl JL, Darst SA, Davies DR, Davis MB, De Camilli PV, Dean C, Defries RS, Deisenhofer J, Delmer DP, Delong EF, Derosier DJ, Diener TO, Dirzo R, Dixon JE, Donoghue MJ, Doolittle RF, Dunne T, Ehrlich PR, Eisenstadt SN, Eisner T, Emanuel KA, Englander SW, Ernst WG, Falkowski PG, Feher G, Ferejohn JA, Fersht A, Fischer EH, Fischer R, Flannery KV, Frank J, Frey PA, Fridovich I, Frieden C, Futuyma DJ, Gardner WR, Garrett CJR, Gilbert W, Goldberg RB, Goodenough WH, Goodman CS, Goodman M, Greengard P, Hake S, Hammel G, Hanson S, Harrison SC, Hart SR, Hartl DL, Haselkorn R, Hawkes K, Hayes JM, Hille B, Hokfelt T, House JS, Hout M, Hunten DM, Izquierdo IA, Jagendorf AT, Janzen DH, Jeanloz R, Jencks CS, Jury WA, Kaback HR, Kailath T, Kay P, Kay SA, Kennedy D, Kerr A, Kessler RC, Khush GS, Kieffer SW, Kirch PV, Kirk K, Kivelson MG, Klinman JP, Klug A, Knopoff L, Kornberg H, Kutzbach JE, Lagarias JC, Lambeck K, Landy A, Langmuir CH, Larkins BA, Le Pichon XT, Lenski RE, Leopold EB, Levin SA, Levitt M, Likens GE, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Lorand L, Lovejoy CO, Lynch M, Mabogunje AL, Malone TF, Manabe S, Marcus J, Massey DS, Mcwilliams JC, Medina E, Melosh HJ, Meltzer DJ, Michener CD, Miles EL, Mooney HA, Moore PB, Morel FMM, Mosley-Thompson ES, Moss B, Munk WH, Myers N, Nair GB, Nathans J, Nester EW, Nicoll RA, Novick RP, O'Connell JF, Olsen PE, Opdyke ND, Oster GF, Ostrom E, Pace NR, Paine RT, Palmiter RD, Pedlosky J, Petsko GA, Pettengill GH, Philander SG, Piperno DR, Pollard TD, Price PB, Reichard PA, Reskin BF, Ricklefs RE, Rivest RL, Roberts JD, Romney AK, Rossmann MG, Russell DW, Rutter WJ, Sabloff JA, Sagdeev RZ, Sahlins MD, Salmond A, Sanes JR, Schekman R, Schellnhuber J, Schindler DW, Schmitt J, Schneider SH, Schramm VL, Sederoff RR, Shatz CJ, Sherman F, Sidman RL, Sieh K, Simons EL, Singer BH, Singer MF, Skyrms B, Sleep NH, Smith BD, Snyder SH, Sokal RR, Spencer CS, Steitz TA, Strier KB, Suudhof TC, Taylor SS, Terborgh J, Thomas DH, Thompson LG, Jian RTT, Turner MG, Uyeda S, Valentine JW, Valentine JS, Van Etten JL, Van Holde KE, Vaughan M, Verba S, Von Hippel PH, Wake DB, Walker A, Walker JE, Watson EB, Watson PJ, Weigel D, Wessler SR, West-Eberhard MJ, White TD, Wilson WJ, Wolfenden RV, Wood JA, Woodwell GM, Wright HE, Wu C, Wunsch C, Zoback ML
690 - 690 PRDM9 is a major determinant of meiotic recombination hotspots in humans and mice (vol 327, pg 836, 2010)
Baudat F
690 - 691 Shifting the Debate on Geoengineering
Greene CH
690 - 690 DSM-V at a glance (vol 327, pg 770, 2010)
Miller G, Holden C
690 - 690 Oil and water do mix (vol 327, pg 958, 2010)
Kavanau JL
690 - 690 Doc2b is a high-affinity Ca2+ sensor for spontaneous neurotransmitter release (vol 327, pg 1614, 2010)
Groffen AJ
690 - 690 100-million-year dynasty of giant planktivorous bony fishes in the Mesozoic seas (vol 327, pg 990, 2010)
Friedman M
690 - 690 Epigenetic transgenerational actions of endocrine disruptors and male fertility (June, pg 1466, 2005)
Anway MD
691 - 691 Shifting the Debate on Geoengineering Response
Blackstock JJ, Long JCS
692 - 693 What Darwin Got Wrong
Futuyma DJ
693 - 694 The Brain and the Meaning of Life
Shermer M
695 - 696 Testing Time for Climate Science
Jasanoff S
697 - 698 Tumor Immune Evasion
Zindl CL, Chaplin DD
698 - 699 Cometary Dust in the Laboratory
Nittler LR
699 - 701 The Impact of Tellurium Supply on Cadmium Telluride Photovoltaics
Zweibel K
701 - 702 Epigenetics and Cognitive Aging
Sweatt JD
702 - 703 Sewage Treatment with Anammox
Kartal B, Kuenen JG, van Loosdrecht MCM
704 - 708 Bioluminescence in the Ocean: Origins of Biological, Chemical, and Ecological Diversity
Widder EA
709 - 709 Washing Away Postdecisional Dissonance
Lee SWS, Schwarz N
710 - 722 A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome
Green RE, Krause J, Briggs AW, Maricic T, Stenzel U, Kircher M, Patterson N, Li H, Zhai WW, Fritz MHY, Hansen NF, Durand EY, Malaspinas AS, Jensen JD, Marques-Bonet T, Alkan C, Prufer K, Meyer M, Burbano HA, Good JM, Schultz R, Aximu-Petri A, Butthof A, Hober B, Hoffner B, Siegemund M, Weihmann A, Nusbaum C, Lander ES, Russ C, Novod N, Affourtit J, Egholm M, Verna C, Rudan P, Brajkovic D, Kucan Z, Gusic I, Doronichev VB, Golovanova LV, Lalueza-Fox C, de la Rasilla M, Fortea J, Rosas A, Schmitz RW, Johnson PLF, Eichler EE, Falush D, Birney E, Mullikin JC, Slatkin M, Nielsen R, Kelso J, Lachmann M, Reich D, Paabo S
723 - 725 Targeted Investigation of the Neandertal Genome by Array-Based Sequence Capture
Burbano HA, Hodges E, Green RE, Briggs AW, Krause J, Meyer M, Good JM, Maricic T, Johnson PLF, Xuan ZY, Rooks M, Bhattacharjee A, Brizuela L, Albert FW, de la Rasilla M, Fortea J, Rosas A, Lachmann M, Hannon GJ, Paabo S
725 - 729 Fermi Gamma-Ray Imaging of a Radio Galaxy
Abdo AA, Ackermann M, Ajello M, Atwood WB, Baldini L, Ballet J, Barbiellini G, Bastieri D, Baughman BM, Bechtol K, Bellazzini R, Berenji B, Blandford RD, Bloom ED, Bonamente E, Borgland AW, Bregeon J, Brez A, Brigida M, Bruel P, Burnett TH, Buson S, Caliandro GA, Cameron RA, Caraveo PA, Casandjian JM, Cavazzuti E, Cecchi C, Celik O, Chekhtman A, Cheung CC, Chiang J, Ciprini S, Claus R, Cohen-Tanugi J, Colafrancesco S, Cominsky LR, Conrad J, Costamante L, Cutini S, Davis DS, Dermer CD, de Angelis A, de Palma F, Digel SW, Silva EDE, Drell PS, Dubois R, Dumora D, Famier C, Favuzzi C, Fegan SJ, Finke J, Focke WB, Fortin P, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Gasparrini D, Gehrels N, Georganopoulos M, Germani S, Giebels B, Giglietto N, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Glanzman T, Godfrey G, Grenier IA, Grove JE, Guillemot L, Guiriec S, Hanabata Y, Harding AK, Hayashida M, Hays E, Hughes RE, Jackson MS, Johannesson G, Johnson AS, Johnson TJ, Johnson WN, Kamae T, Katagiri H, Kataoka J, Kawai N, Kerr M, Knodlseder J, Kocian ML, Kuss M, Lande J, Latronico L, Lemoine-Goumard M, Longo F, Loparco F, Lott B, Lovellette MN, Lubrano P, Madejski GM, Makeev A, Mazziotta MN, McConville W, McEnery JE, Meurer C, Michelson PF, Mitthumsiri W, Mizuno T, Moiseev AA, Monte C, Monzani ME, Morselli A, Moskalenko IV, Murgia S, Nolan PL, Norris JP, Nuss E, Ohsugi T, Omodei N, Orlando E, Ormes JF, Paneque D, Parent D, Pelassa V, Pepe M, Pesce-Rollins M, Piron F, Porter TA, Raino S, Rando R, Razzano M, Razzaque S, Reimer A, Reimer O, Reposeur T, Ritz S, Rochester S, Rodriguez AY, Romani RW, Roth M, Ryde F, Sadrozinski HFW, Sambruna R, Sanchez D, Sander A, Parkinson PMS, Scargle JD, Sgro C, Siskind EJ, Smith DA, Smith PD, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Starck JL, Stawarz L, Strickman MS, Suson DJ, Tajima H, Takahashi H, Takahashi T, Tanaka T, Thayer JB, Thayer JG, Thompson DJ, Tibaldo L, Torres DF, Tosti G, Tramacere A, Uchiyama Y, Usher TL, Vasileiou V, Vilchez N, Vitale V, Waite AP, Wallace E, Wang P, Winer BL, Wood KS, Ylinen T, Ziegler M, Hardcastle MJ, Kazanas D
729 - 732 The Equation of State of a Low-Temperature Fermi Gas with Tunable Interactions
Navon N, Nascimbene S, Chevy F, Salomon C
732 - 735 Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Patterning of Molecular Resists by Scanning Probes
Pires D, Hedrick JL, De Silva A, Frommer J, Gotsmann B, Wolf H, Despont M, Duerig U, Knoll AW
736 - 740 Visualizing the Electron Scattering Force in Nanostructures
Tao CG, Cullen WG, Williams ED
740 - 742 Viscosity of MgSiO3 Liquid at Earth's Mantle Conditions: Implications for an Early Magma Ocean
Karki BB, Stixrude LP
742 - 745 Extreme Deuterium Excesses in Ultracarbonaceous Micrometeorites from Central Antarctic Snow
Duprat J, Dobrica E, Engrand C, Aleon J, Marrocchi Y, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A, Leroux H, Rouzaud JN, Gounelle M, Robert F
745 - 748 Cross-Reacting Antibodies Enhance Dengue Virus Infection in Humans
Dejnirattisai W, Jumnainsong A, Onsirisakul N, Fitton P, Vasanawathana S, Limpitikul W, Puttikhunt C, Edwards C, Duangchinda T, Supasa S, Chawansuntati K, Malasit P, Mongkolsapaya J, Screaton G
749 - 752 Induction of Lymphoidlike Stroma and Immune Escape by Tumors That Express the Chemokine CCL21
Shields JD, Kourtis IC, Tomei AA, Roberts JM, Swartz MA
753 - 756 Altered Histone Acetylation Is Associated with Age-Dependent Memory Impairment in Mice
Peleg S, Sananbenesi F, Zovoilis A, Burkhardt S, Bahari-Javan S, Agis-Balboa RC, Cota P, Wittnam JL, Gogol-Doering A, Opitz L, Salinas-Riester G, Dettenhofer M, Kang H, Farinelli L, Chen W, Fischer A
757 - 760 Sequential Checkpoints Govern Substrate Selection During Cotranslational Protein Targeting
Zhang X, Rashid R, Wang K, Shan SO
760 - 763 Dynamic Ca2+-Dependent Stimulation of Vesicle Fusion by Membrane-Anchored Synaptotagmin 1
Lee HK, Yang Y, Su ZL, Hyeon C, Lee TS, Lee HW, Kweon DH, Shin YK, Yoon TY