

Science, Vol.348, No.6241 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print) 

In this Issue (56 articles)

- - - A mucosal vaccine against Chlamydia trachomatis generates two waves of protective memory T cells
Stary G, Olive A, Radovic-Moreno AF, Gondek D, Alvarez D, Basto PA, Perro M, Vrbanac VD, Tager AM, Shi JJ, Yethon JA, Farokhzad OC, Langer R, Starnbach MN, von Andrian UH
- - - Observing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation yields a decade of inevitable surprises
Srokosz MA, Bryden HL
- - - Comment on "Missing gas-phase source of HONO inferred from Zeppelin measurements in the troposphere"
Ye CX, Zhou XL, Pu D, Stutz J, Festa J, Spolaor M, Cantrell C, Mauldin RL, Weinheimer A, Haggerty J
- - - Response to Comment on "Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia"
Villmoare B, Kimbel WH, Seyoum C, Campisano CJ, DiMaggio E, Rowan J, Braun DR, Arrowsmith JR, Reed KE
- - - Comment on "Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia"
Hawks J, de Ruiter DJ, Berger LR
- - - Response to Comment on "Missing gas-phase source of HONO inferred from Zeppelin measurements in the troposphere"
Li X, Rohrer F, Hofzumahaus A, Brauers T, Haseler R, Bohn B, Broch S, Fuchs H, Gomm S, Holland F, Jager J, Kaiser J, Keutsch FN, Lohse I, Lu KD, Tillmann R, Wegener R, Wolfe GM, Mentel TF, Kiendler-Scharr A, Wahner A
1291 - 1291 Parks for science
Machlis G, McNutt M
1292 - 1292 AROUND THE WORLD Korea's MERS outbreak contained?
1292 - 1292 IN BRIEF Paris's historic Museum of Man is reborn
1292 - 1292 Promised cuts won't slow warming
1293 - 1293 Research protections overhaul
1293 - 1293 Pope stresses climate science
1293 - 1293 LightSail's rise and fall
1293 - 1294 FINDINGS Guinea pigs, rain, and Chagas
1294 - 1294 In and out at NIH
1294 - 1294 A Nobelist's fall
1295 - 1295 SPACE SCIENCE The return of Philae
Hand E, Clery D
1296 - 1296 ANIMAL RESEARCH Research chimps will soon be listed as'endangered'
Grimm D
1297 - 1297 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Designer proteins produce potent HIV defense
Cohen J
1298 - 1298 US RESEARCH FUNDING Republicans split on climate, social science spending
Mervis J
1299 - 1299 GEOSCIENCE Pumped up to rumble
Rosen J
Lavelle M
1304 - 1305 Sage grouse war tests limits of partnership in West
Lavelle M
1306 - 1307 Tasty The Art and Science of What We Eat
Fritz P
1307 - 1308 Invisible The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen
Rodrigues SP
1308 - 1308 The Last Unicorn A Search for One of Earth's Rarest Creatures
Redding DW
1308 - 1309 The Age of Cryptocurrency How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order
Vasek M
1309 - 1310 On the Move A Life
Combs B
1310 - 1311 Seveneves
Tamayo D
1311 - 1311 Rain A Natural and Cultural History
McCrary R
1311 - 1311 A Buzz in the Meadow The Natural History of a French Farm
Duennes M
1312 - 1314 When the hunter becomes the hunted
Woodroffe R, Redpath SM
1314 - 1315 An ESCRT to seal the envelope
Sundquist WI, Ullman KS
1316 - 1317 It's about time for neural crest
Hoppler S, Wheeler GN
1317 - 1318 Outperforming nature's membranes
Freger V
1319 - 1320 Are you watering your lawn?
Hogue TS, Pincetl S
1320 - 1322 After the Iran deal: Multinational enrichment
Glaser A, Mian Z, von Hippel F
1322 - 1323 A Chlamydia vaccine on the horizon
Brunham RC
1324 - 1324 John Forbes Nash Jr. (1928-2015)
Shubik M
1325 - 1325 Germline gene therapy: We're ready
Miller HI
1325 - 1326 Research ethics and health care reform
Kahn JG, Hofmann P
1326 - 1326 Spitzer's stellar work
Werner MW, Soifer BT, Lombardi LS, Helou G
1332 - 1335 Shared regulatory programs suggest retention of blastula-stage potential in neural crest cells
Buitrago-Delgado E, Nordin K, Rao A, Geary L, LaBonne C
1336 - 1340 High-rate injection is associated with the increase in US mid-continent seismicity
Weingarten M, Ge S, Godt JW, Bekins BA, Rubinstein JL
1340 - 1343 Long-lived photoinduced polaron formation in conjugated polyelectrolyte-fullerene assemblies
Huber RC, Ferreira AS, Thompson R, Kilbride D, Knutson NS, Devi LS, Toso DB, Challa JR, Zhou ZH, Rubin Y, Schwartz BJ, Tolbert SH
1344 - 1347 Topological defect dynamics in operando battery nanoparticles
Ulvestad A, Singer A, Clark JN, Cho HM, Kim JW, Harder R, Maser J, Meng YS, Shpyrko OG
1347 - 1351 Sub-10 nm polyamide nanofilms with ultrafast solvent transport for molecular separation
Karan S, Jiang ZW, Livingston AG
1352 - 1355 Cortical information flow during flexible sensorimotor decisions
Siegel M, Buschman TJ, Miller EK
1355 - 1358 The shape and structure of cometary nuclei as a result of low-velocity accretion
Jutzi M, Asphaug E
1358 - 1361 Shared decision-making drives collective movement in wild baboons
Strandburg-Peshkin A, Farine DR, Couzin ID, Crofoot MC
1361 - 1365 Structural basis for nucleotide exchange in heterotrimeric G proteins
Dror RO, Mildorf TJ, Hilger D, Manglik A, Borhani DW, Arlow DH, Philippsen A, Villanueva N, Yang ZY, Lerch MT, Hubbell WL, Kobilka BK, Sunahara RK, Shaw DE
1365 - 1368 Design of ordered two-dimensional arrays mediated by noncovalent protein-protein interfaces
Gonen S, DiMaio F, Gonen T, Baker D
1369 - 1372 Endocytic sites mature by continuous bending and remodeling of the clathrin coat
Avinoam O, Schorb M, Beese CJ, Briggs JAG, Kaksonen M
1372 - 1376 Recruitment of RNA polymerase II by the pioneer transcription factor PHA-4
Hsu HT, Chen HM, Yang Z, Wang J, Lee NK, Burger A, Zaret K, Liu T, Levine E, Mango SE
1376 - 1381 Phthalimide conjugation as a strategy for in vivo target protein degradation
Winter GE, Buckley DL, Paulk J, Roberts JM, Souza A, Dhe-Paganon S, Bradner JE
1394 - 1394 Do it for love
Wagner M, Roberts RJ