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Response to Comment on "A bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly(ethylene terephthalate)" Yoshida S, Hiraga K, Takehana T, Taniguchi I, Yamaji H, Maeda Y, Toyohara K, Miyamoto K, Kimura Y, Oda K |
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Comment on "A bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly(ethylene terephthalate)" Yang Y, Yang J, Jiang L |
731 - 731 |
Progress lies in precision Desmond-Hellmann S |
732 - 732 |
Marijuana verdict has highs and lows [Anonymous] |
732 - 732 |
AROUND THE WORLD White House diverts funds to Zika [Anonymous] |
732 - 733 |
Some Brexit relief for scientists [Anonymous] |
733 - 733 |
New space observatory could consume astronomy funds [Anonymous] |
733 - 733 |
Cancer drug under suspicion [Anonymous] |
733 - 733 |
China builds cosmic ray array [Anonymous] |
733 - 734 |
FINDINGS Mediterranean's ancient sea floor [Anonymous] |
734 - 734 |
Anthrax genome reveals secrets of'biological Chernobyl' [Anonymous] |
734 - 734 |
Studying Iceman's style [Anonymous] |
735 - 736 |
NATURAL HAZARDS A debris-dammed lake threatens a flood Service RF |
736 - 737 |
ARCHAEOLOGY Bones record demise of Andean state Wade L |
738 - 738 |
INFECTIOUS DISEASE New polio cases in Nigeria spur massive response Roberts L |
739 - 739 |
SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY Mission possible: Rewriting the genetic code Bohannon J |
740 - 740 |
OPEN ACCESS Chemists to get preprint server of their own Voosen P |
741 - 743 |
744 - 745 |
TIGER LAND McLaughlin K |
746 - 748 |
Brazilian politics threaten environmental policies Fearnside PM |
749 - 750 |
The quest to burn fat, effortlessly and safely Fan WW, Evans R |
750 - 751 |
Diagnostics for Zika virus on the horizon Speer SD, Pierson TC |
752 - 753 |
Thermalization in small quantum systems Polkovnikov A, Sels D |
753 - 754 |
Fighting poverty with data Blumenstock JE |
754 - 755 |
Now you see me too Ohrstrom L |
756 - 756 |
The Ethics of Invention Technology and the Human Future Selin C |
757 - 757 |
Patient HM A Story of Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets Stark L |
758 - 758 |
Protecting India's conservation offsets Narain D, Maron M |
758 - 759 |
Open-access policies: A legal quagmire Kapovich I |
759 - 759 |
Passport Initiative fosters applied science Krabacher T, Flatt P |
760 - 760 |
NEUROIMMUNOLOGY Immune cells on the brain Mueller KL, Hines PJ, Travis J |
762 - 765 |
WIRED Underwood E |
766 - 771 |
Multifaceted interactions between adaptive immunity and the central nervous system Kipnis J |
772 - 777 |
Maternal immune activation: Implications for neuropsychiatric disorders Estes ML, McAllister AK |
777 - 783 |
How neuroinflammation contributes to neurodegeneration Ransohoff RM |
783 - 785 |
Inflammatory neuroprotection following traumatic brain injury Russo MV, McGavern DB |
789 - 789 |
Microglia development follows a stepwise program to regulate brain homeostasis Matcovitch-Natan O, Winter DR, Giladi A, Aguilar SV, Spinrad A, Sarrazin S, Ben-Yehuda H, David E, Gonzalez FZ, Perrin P, Keren-Shaul H, Gury M, Lara-Astaiso D, Thaiss CA, Cohen M, Halpern KB, Baruch K, Deczkowska A, Lorenzo-Vivas E, Itzkovitz S, Elinav E, Sieweke MH, Schwartz M, Amit I |
790 - 794 |
Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty Jean N, Burke M, Xie M, Davis WM, Lobell DB, Ermon S |
794 - 800 |
Quantum thermalization through entanglement in an isolated many-body system Kaufman AM, Tai ME, Lukin A, Rispoli M, Schittko R, Preiss PM, Greiner M |
800 - 804 |
Northward migration of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis revealed by OSL thermochronometry King GE, Herman F, Guralnik B |
804 - 807 |
Reverse osmosis molecular differentiation of organic liquids using carbon molecular sieve membranes Koh DY, McCool BA, Deckman HW, Lively RP |
808 - 811 |
Coordinative alignment of molecules in chiral metal-organic frameworks Lee S, Kapustin EA, Yaghi OM |
812 - 814 |
Prenatal acoustic communication programs offspring for high posthatching temperatures in a songbird Mariette MM, Buchanan KL |
814 - 818 |
Integration of omic networks in a developmental atlas of maize Walley JW, Sartor RC, Shen ZX, Schmitz RJ, Wu KJ, Urich MA, Nery JR, Smith LG, Schnable JC, Ecker JR, Briggs SP |
819 - 822 |
Design, synthesis, and testing toward a 57-codon genome Ostrov N, Landon M, Guell M, Kuznetsov G, Teramoto J, Cervantes N, Zhou M, Singh K, Napolitano MG, Moosburner M, Shrock E, Pruitt BW, Conway N, Goodman DB, Gardner CL, Tyree G, Gonzales A, Wanner BL, Norville JE, Lajoie MJ, Church GM |
823 - 826 |
Specificity, cross-reactivity, and function of antibodies elicited by Zika virus infection Stettler K, Beltramello M, Espinosa DA, Graham V, Cassotta A, Bianchi S, Vanzetta F, Minola A, Jaconi S, Mele F, Foglierini M, Pedotti M, Simonelli L, Dowall S, Atkinson B, Percivalle E, Simmons CP, Varani L, Blum J, Baldanti F, Cameroni E, Hewson R, Harris E, Lanzavecchia A, Sallusto F, Corti D |
827 - 830 |
Cardiometabolic risk loci share downstream cis- and trans-gene regulation across tissues and diseases Franzen O, Ermel R, Cohain A, Akers NK, Di Narzo A, Talukdar HA, Foroughi-Asl H, Giambartolomei C, Fullard JF, Sukhavasi K, Koks S, Gan LM, Giannarelli C, Kovacic JC, Betsholtz C, Losic B, Michoel T, Hao K, Roussos P, Skogsberg J, Ruusalepp A, Schadt EE, Bjorkegren JLM |
838 - 838 |
Choosing the nontenure track Singh AM |