Science, Vol.365, No.6460 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print)
In this Issue (56 articles)
1355 - 1355 |
Fly less to convey urgency Kalmus P |
1356 - 1356 |
Diplomat ills tied to pesticides Brainard J |
1356 - 1357 |
Panels would hike science money Brainard J |
1356 - 1356 |
Scientists urge Kashmir reprieve Brainard J |
1356 - 1356 |
Congo to deploy second Ebola vaccine Brainard J |
1357 - 1358 |
Fault found in paralysis studies Brainard J |
1357 - 1357 |
Protesters demand climate action Brainard J |
1357 - 1357 |
Execution fears prompt outcry Brainard J |
1357 - 1357 |
NASA seeks asteroid detector Brainard J |
1358 - 1358 |
Mars parachute woes Brainard J |
1358 - 1358 |
Jeffrey Epstein on science Brainard J |
1358 - 1358 |
India winnows approved journals Brainard J |
1359 - 1360 |
Warming tansforms the oceans and poles Voosen P |
1360 - 1361 |
Privacy concerns could derail Facebook data-sharing plan Mervis J |
1362 - 1362 |
Scientists clash over paper on Syrian sarin attack Kupferschmidt K |
1363 - 1363 |
NIH center struggles to speed new therapies Kaiser J |
1364 - 1364 |
Google claims quantum computing milestone Cho A |
1365 - 1365 |
Proposed rule deals blow to grad student unions Langin K |
1366 - 1371 |
MINEFIELD Cornwall W |
1372 - + |
The ocean is key to achieving climate and societal goals Hoegh-Guldberg O, Northrop E, Lubchenco J |
1375 - 1376 |
Tiered DNA sensors for escalating responses Emming S, Schroder K |
1377 - 1377 |
Knot your regular crystal of atoms Alexander GP |
1378 - 1379 |
Origin of chiroptical activity in nanorod assemblies Kim JY, Kotov NA |
1379 - 1380 |
Microbes help to track time Bishelisari F, Keshavarziau A |
1380 - 1381 |
A factor to control Medfly sex Makki R, Meller VH |
1382 - 1383 |
The world that came in from the cold Laughlin G |
1383 - 1384 |
Unraveling susceptibility to multiple sclerosis Briggs F |
1385 - 1385 |
Erosion Essays of Undoing Deming AH |
1385 - 1385 |
Surfacing Deming AH |
1386 - 1386 |
Wildhood The Epic Journey from Adolescence to Adulthood in Humans and Other Animals Wilbrecht L |
1386 - 1386 |
Mobilizing Mutations Human Genetics in the Age of Patient Advocacy Wilbrecht L |
1387 - 1387 |
Amazon fires threaten Brazil's agribusiness Arruda D, Candido HG, Fonseca R |
1388 - 1388 |
Seeing Chile's forestfor the tree plantations Duran AP, Barbosa O |
1388 - 1388 |
Preventing European forest diebacks Thorn S, Muller J, Leverkus AB |
1394 - + |
1396 - 1400 |
Deconstructing the sources of genotype-phenotype associations in humans Young AI, Benonisdottir S, Przeworski M, Kong A |
1401 - + |
Mapping human cell phenotypes to genotypes with single-cell genomics Camp JG, Platt R, Treutlein B |
1405 - 1408 |
Microbiomes as sources of emergent host phenotypes Lynch JB, Hsiao EY |
1409 - 1413 |
Translational genomics and precision medicine: Moving from the lab to the clinic Zeggini E, Gloyn AL, Barton AC, Wain LV |
1417 - + |
Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility Patsopoulos NA, Baranzini SE, Santaniello A, Shoostari P, Cotsapas C, Wong G, Beecham AH, James T, Replogle J, Vlachos IS, McCabe C, Pers TH, Brandes A, White C, Keenan B, Cimpean M, Winn P, Panteliadis IP, Robbins A, Andlauer TFM, Zarzycki O, Dubois B, Goris A, Sondergaard HB, Sellebjerg F, Sorensen PS, Ullum H, Thorner LW, Saarela J, Cournu-Rebeix I, Damotte V, Fontaine B, Guillot-Noel L, Lathrop M, Vukusic S, Berthele A, Pongratz V, Pongratz V, Gasperi C, Graetz C, Grummel V, Hemmer B, Hoshi M, Knier B, Korn T, Lill CM, Luessi F, Muhlau M, Zipp F, Dardiotis E, Agliardi C, Amoroso A, Barizzone N, Benedetti MD, Bernardinelli L, Cavalla P, Clarelli F, Comi G, Cusi D, Esposito F, Ferre L, Galimberti D, Guaschino C, Leone MA, Martinelli V, Moiola L, Salvetti M, Sorosina M, Vecchio D, Zauli A, Santoro S, Mancini N, Zuccala M, Mescheriakova J, van Duijn C, Bos SD, Celius EG, Spurkland A, Comabella M, Montalban X, Alfredsson L, Bomfim IL, Gomez-Cabrero D, Hillert J, Jagodic M, Linden M, Piehl F, Jelcic I, Martin R, Sospedra M, Baker A, Ban M, Hawkins C, Hysi P, Kalra S, Karpe F, Khadake J, Lachance G, Molyneux P, Neville M, Thorpe J, Bradshaw E, Caillier SJ, Calabresi P, Cree BAC, Cross A, Davis M, de Bakker PWI, Delgado S, Dembele M, Edwards K, Fitzgerald K, Frohlich IY, Gourraud PA, Haines JL, Hakonarson H, Kimbrough D, Isobe N, Konidari I, Lathi E, Lee MH, Li T, An D, Zimmer A, Madireddy L, Manrique CP, Mitrovic M, Olah M, Patrick E, Pericak-Vance MA, Piccio L, Schaefer C, Weiner H, Lage K, Scott RJ, Lechner-Scott J, Leal R, Moscato P, Booth DR, Stewart GJ, Vucic S, Pame G, BamettO M, Mason D, GriffithS L, Broadley S, Tajouri L, Baxter A, Slee M, Taylor BV, Charlesworth J, Kilpatrick TJ, Rubio J, Jokubaitis V, Wiley J, Butzkueven H, Leslie S, Motyer A, Stankovich J, Carroll WM, Kermode AG, Edrin M, Barclay M, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Chamaillard M, Colombe JF, Cottone M, Croft A, D'Inca R, Halfvarson J, Hanigan K, Henderson P, Hugot JP, Karban A, Kennedy NA, Khan MA, Lemann M, Levine A, Massey D, Milla M, Motoey GW, Ng SME, Oikonomnou J, Peeters H, Proctor DD, Rahier JF, Roberts R, Rutgeerts P, Seibold F, Stronati L, Taylor KM, Torkvist L, Ublick K, Van Limbergen J, Van Gossum A, Vatn MH, Zhang H, Zhang W, Donnelly P, Barroso I, Blackwe JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Casas JP, Corvin A, Deloukas P, Duncanson A, Jankowski J, Markus HS, Mathew CG, Palmer CNA, Plomin R, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Trembath RC, Viswanathan AC, Wood NW, Spencer CCA, Band G, Bellenguez C, Freeman C, Hellenthal G, Giannoulatou E, Pirinen M, Pearson R, Strange A, Sul Z, Vukcevic DA, Donnelly P, Langford C, Hunt SE, Edkins S, Gwilliam R, Blackburn H, Bumpstead SJ, Dronov S, Gillman M, Gray E, Hammond N, Jayakumar A, McCann OT, Liddle J, Potter SC, Ravindrarajah R, Ricketts M, Waller M, Weston P, Widaa S, Whittaker P, Barroso I, Deloukas P, Mathew CG, Blackwe JM, Brown MA, Corvin A, Spencer CCA, Compston A, Hafler D, Harbo HF, Hauser SL, Stewart G, D'Alfonso S, Hadjigeorgiou G, Taylor B, Barcellos LF, Booth D, Hintzen R, Kockum I, Martinelli-Boneschi F, McCauley JL, Oksenberg JR, Oturai A, Sawcer S, Ivinson AJ, Olsson T, De Jager PL |
1418 - + |
High thermoelectric performance in low-cost SnS0.91Se0.09 crystals He WK, Wang DY, Wu HJ, Xiao Y, Zhang Y, He DS, Feng Y, Hao YJ, Dong JF, Chetty R, Hao LJ, Chen DF, Qin JF, Yang Q, Li X, Song JM, Zhu YC, Xu W, Niu CL, Li X, Wang GT, Liu C, Ohta M, Pennycook SJ, He JQ, Li JF, Zhao LD |
1424 - + |
Superconductivity in the doped Hubbard model and its interplay with next-nearest hopping t ' Jiang HC, Devereaux TP |
1428 - + |
The intestinal microbiota programs diurnal rhythms in host metabolism through histone deacetylase 3 Kuang Z, Wang YH, Li Y, Ye CQ, Ruhn KA, Behrendt CL, Olson EN, Hooper LV |
1434 - + |
Structural insights into TRPM8 inhibition and desensitization Diver MM, Cheng YF, Julius D |
1441 - + |
A giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models Morales JC, Mustill AJ, Ribas I, Davies MB, Reiners A, Bauers FF, Kossakowski D, Herrero E, Rodriguez E, Lopez-Gonzalez MJ, Rodriguez-Lopez C, Bejar VJS, Gonzalez-Cuesta L, Luque R, Palle E, Perger M, Baroch D, Johansen A, Klahr H, Mordasini C, Anglada-Escude G, Caballero JA, Cortes-Contreras M, Dreizler S, Lafarga M, Nagel E, Passegger VM, Reffert S, Rosich A, Schweitzer A, Tal-Or L, Trifonov T, Zechmeister M, Quirrenbach A, Amado PJ, Guenther EW, Hagen HJ, Henning T, Jeffers SV, Kaminski A, Kurster M, Montes D, Seifert W, Abellan FJ, Abril M, Aceituno J, Aceituno FJ, Alonso-Floriano FJ, Ammler-von Eiff M, Antona R, Arroyo-Torres B, Azzaro M, Barrado D, Becerril-Jarque S, Benitez D, Berdinas ZM, Bergond G, Brinkmoller M, del Burgo C, Burn R, Calvo-Ortega R, Cano J, Cardenas MC, Guillen CC, Carro J, Casa E, Casanova V, Casasayas-Barris N, Chaturvedi P, Cifuentes C, Claret A, Colome J, Czesla S, Diez-Alonso E, Dorda R, Emsenhuber A, Fernandez M, Fernandez-Martin A, Ferro IM, Fuhrmeister B, Galadi-Enriquez D, Cava IG, Vargas MLG, Garcia-Piquer A, Gesa L, Gonzalez-Alvarez E, Hernandez JIG, Gonzalez-Peinado R, Guardia J, Guijarro A, de Guindos E, Hatzes AP, Hauschildt PH, Hedrosa RP, Hermelo I, Arabi RH, Otero FH, Hintz D, Holgado G, Huber A, Huke P, Johnson EN, de Juan E, Kehr M, Kemmer J, Kim M, Kluter J, Klutsch A, Labarga F, Labiche N, Lalitha S, Lampon M, Lara LM, Launhardt R, Lazaro FJ, Lizon JL, Llamas M, Lodieu N, del Fresno ML, Salas FL, Lopez-Santiago J, Madinabeitia HM, Mall U, Mancini L, Mandel H, Marfil E, Molina JAM, Martin EL, Martin-Fernandez P, Martin-Ruiz S, Martinez-Rodriguez H, Marvin CJ, Mirabet E, Moya A, Naranjo V, Nelson RP, Nortmann L, Nowak G, Ofir A, Pascua J, Pavlov A, Pedraz S, Medialdea DP, Perez-Calpena A, Perryman MAC, Rabaza O, Ballesta AR, Rebolo R, Redondo P, Rix HW, Rodler F, Trinidad AR, Sabotta S, Sadegi S, Salz M, Sanchez-Blanco E, Carrasco MAS, Sanchez-Lopez A, Sanz-Forcada J, Sarkis P, Sarmiento LF, Schafer S, Schlecker M, Schmitt JHMM, Schofer P, Solano E, Sota A, Stahl O, Stock S, Stuber T, Sturmer J, Suarez JC, Tabernero HM, Tulloch SM, Veredas G, Vico-Linares JI, Vilardell F, Wagner K, Winkler J, Wolthoff V, Yan F, Osorio MRZ |
1445 - + |
Probing Majorana neutrinos with double-beta decay Agostini M, Bakalyarov AM, Balata M, Barabanov I, Baudis L, Bauer C, Bellotti E, Belogurov S, Bettini A, Bezrukov L, Borowicz D, Brudanin V, Brugnera R, Caldwell A, Cattadori C, Chernogorov A, Comellato T, D'Andrea V, Dernidova EV, Di Marco N, Domula A, Doroshkevich E, Egorov V, Falkenstein R, Fomina M, Gangapshev A, Garfagnini A, Giordano M, Grabrnayr P, Gurentsov V, Gusev K, Hakenmulller J, Hegai A, Heise M, Hemmer S, Hiller R, Hofmann W, Hult M, Inzhechik LV, Csathy JJ, Jochum J, Junker M, Kazalov V, Kermaidic Y, Kihm T, Kirpichnikov IV, Kirsch A, Kish A, Klitnenko A, Kneissl R, Knopfle KT, Kochetov O, Kornoukhov VN, Krause P, Kuzminov VV, Laubenstein M, Lazzaro A, Lindner M, Lippi I, Lubashevskiy A, Lubsandorzhiev B, Lutter G, Macolino C, Majorovits B, Maneschg W, Miloradovic M, Mingazheva R, Misiaszek M, Moseev P, Nemchenok I, Panas K, Pandola L, Pelczar K, Pertoldi L, Piseri P, Pullia A, Ransom C, Riboldi S, Rumyantseva N, Sada C, Sala E, Salamida F, Schmitt C, Schneider B, Schonert S, Schutz AK, Schulz O, Schwarz M, Schwingenheuer B, Selivanenko O, Sheychik E, Shirchenko M, Simgen H, Smolnikov A, Static L, Stukov D, Vanhoefer L, Vasenko AA, Veresnikova A, von Sturm K, Wagner V, Wegrntann A, Wester T, Wiesinger C, Wojcik M, Yanovich E, Zhitnikov I, Zhukov SV, Zinatulina D, Zschocke A, Zsigmond AJ, Zuber K, Zuzel G |
1449 - + |
Three-dimensional crystals of adaptive knots Tai JSB, SmaIyukh II |
1454 - + |
A polarization-induced 2D hole gas in undoped gallium nitride quantum wells Chaudhuri R, Bader SJ, Chen Z, Muller DA, Xing HG, Jena D |
1457 - + |
Maleness-on-the-Y (MoY) orchestrates male sex determination in major agricultural fruit fly pests Meccariello A, Salvemini M, Primo P, Hall B, Koskiniot P, Dalikova M, Gravina A, Gucciar MA, Forlenza F, Gregoriou ME, Ippolito D, Monti SM, Petrella V, Perrotta MM, Schmeing S, Ruggiero A, Scolari F, Giordano E, Tsoumani KT, Marec F, Windbichler N, Nagaraju J, Arunkumar KP, Bourtzis K, Mathiopoulos KD, Ragoussis J, Vitagliano L, Tu ZJ, Papathanos PA, Robinson MD, Saccone G |
1461 - + |
Spatiotemporal immune zonation of the human kidney Stewart BJ, Ferdinand JR, Young MD, Mitchell TJ, Laudon KW, Riding AM, Richoz N, Frazer GL, Staniforth JUL, Braga FAV, Botting RA, Popeseu DM, Vento-Tormo B, Stephenson E, Cagan A, Farndon SJ, Polanski K, Efremova M, Green K, Velasco-Herrera MDC, Guzzo C, Collord G, Mamanova L, Aho T, Armitage JN, Riddick ACP, Mushtanq H, Farrell S, Rampling D, Nicholson J, Filby A, Burge J, Lisgo S, Lindsay S, Bajenoff M, Warren AY, Stewart GD, Sebire N, Coleman N, Haniffa M, Teichmann SA, Behjati S, Clatworthy MR |
1466 - + |
Chromosome errors in human eggs shape natural fertility over reproductive life span Gruhn JR, Zielinska AP, Shukla V, Blanshard R, Capalbo A, Cimadomo D, Nikiforov D, Chan ACH, Newnham LJ, Vogel I, Scarica C, Krapchev M, Taylor D, Kristensen SG, Cheng JP, Ernst E, Bjorn AMB, Colmorn LB, Blayney M, Elder K, Liss J, Hartshorne G, Grondahl ML, Rienzi L, Ubaldi F, McCoy R, Lukaszuk K, Andersen CY, Schuh M, Hoffmann ER |
1469 - + |
Ultrasound imaging of gene expression in mammalian cells Farhadi A, Ho GH, Sawyer DP, Bourdeau RW, Shapiro MG |
1475 - + |
Unraveling the origin of chirality from plasmonic nanoparticle-protein complexes Zhang QF, Hernandez T, Smith KW, Jebeli SAH, Dai AX, Warning L, Baiyasi R, McCarthy LA, Guo H, Chen DH, Dionne JA, Landes CF, Link S |
1478 - + |
Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment Damschen EI, Brudvig LA, Burt MA, Fletcer RJ, Haddad NM, Levey DJ, Orrock JL, Resasco J, Tewksbury JJ |
1481 - 1483 |
Beyond CRISPR: What's current and upcoming in genome editing Tachibana C |
1490 - 1490 |
The education of an educator Ramachandran R |