
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.119 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0927-0248 (Print) 

In this Issue (45 articles)

1 - 11 High efficiency multi-junction thin film silicon cells incorporating nanocrystalline silicon
Guha S, Yang J, Yan BJ
12 - 17 Smoothening intermediate reflecting layer for tandem thin-film silicon solar cells
Boccard M, Battaglia C, Blondiaux N, Pugin R, Despeisse M, Ballif C
18 - 25 Why do we make Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells non-stoichiometric?
Siebentritt S, Gutay L, Regesch D, Aida Y, Depredurand V
26 - 35 Remarkable progress in thin-film silicon solar cells using high-efficiency triple-junction technology
Kim S, Chung JW, Lee H, Park J, Heo Y, Lee HM
36 - 50 High temperature stability of dye solar cells
Jiang N, Sumitomo T, Lee T, Pellaroque A, Bellon O, Milliken D, Desilvestro H
51 - 58 High-efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 cells and modules
Powalla M, Jackson P, Witte W, Hariskos D, Paetel S, Tschamber C, Wischmann W
59 - 66 Combined model of non-conformal layer growth for accurate optical simulation of thin-film silicon solar cells
Sever M, Lipovsek B, Krc J, Campa A, Plaza GS, Haug FJ, Duchamp M, Soppe W, Topic M
67 - 72 Properties of mixed phase n-doped silicon oxide layers and application in micromorph solar cells
Mercaldo LV, Veneri PD, Usatii I, Esposito EM, Nicotra G
73 - 76 Polymer and organic solar cells viewed as thin film technologies: What it will take for them to become a success outside academia
Krebs FC, Jorgensen M
77 - 83 Improved light trapping in thin-film silicon solar cells via alternated n-type silicon oxide reflectors
Myong SY, Jeon LS
84 - 93 The state of organic solar cells-A meta analysis
Jorgensen M, Carle JE, Sondergaard RR, Lauritzen M, Dagnaes-Hansen NA, Byskov SL, Andersen TR, Larsen-Olsen TT, Bottiger APL, Andreasen B, Fu L, Zuo LJ, Liu Y, Bundgaard E, Zhan XW, Chen HZ, Krebs FC
94 - 111 Modelling of thin-film silicon solar cells
Zeman M, Isabella O, Solntsev S, Jager K
112 - 123 Polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells: Status and perspectives
Becker C, Amkreutz D, Sontheimer T, Preidel V, Lockau D, Haschke J, Jogschies L, Klimm C, Merkel JJ, Plocica P, Steffens S, Rech B
124 - 128 Substrate versus superstrate configuration for stable thin film silicon solar cells
Kim KH, Kasouit S, Johnson EV, Cabarrocas PRI
129 - 133 Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin film solar cells with a combined ALD-Zn(O,S) buffer and MOCVD-ZnO:B window layers
Kobayashi T, Kumazawa T, Kao ZJL, Nakada T
134 - 143 Microcrystalline silicon-oxygen alloys for application in silicon solar cells and modules
Lambertz A, Smirnov V, Merdzhanova T, Ding K, Haas S, Jost G, Schropp REI, Finger F, Rau U
144 - 148 CuIn(Se1-xTex)(2) solar cells with tunable narrow-bandgap for bottom cell application in multijunction photovoltaic devices
Jehl-Li-Kao Z, Kobayashi T, Nakada T
149 - 155 Research strategies toward improving thin-film CdTe photovoltaic devices beyond 20% conversion efficiency
Gessert TA, Wei SH, Ma J, Albin DS, Dhere RG, Duenow JN, Kuciauskas D, Kanevce A, Barnes TM, Burst JM, Rance WL, Reese MO, Moutinho HR
156 - 162 Advanced materials processing for high-efficiency thin-film silicon solar cells
Matsui T, Kondo M
163 - 168 Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells and mini-modules fabricated on thin soda-lime glass substrates
Furue S, Ishizuka S, Yamada A, Iioka M, Higuchi H, Shibata H, Niki S
169 - 180 Influences on the energy delivery of thin film photovoltaic modules
Gottschalg R, Betts TR, Eeles A, Williams SR, Zhu J
181 - 189 Recent trends in direct solution coating of kesterite absorber layers in solar cells
Romanyuk YE, Fella CM, Uhl AR, Werner M, Tiwari AN, Schnabel T, Ahlswede E
190 - 195 The effect of thermal annealing of Mo film on the CuInSe2 layer texture and device performance
Tong J, Luo HL, Xu ZA, Zeng H, Xiao XD, Yang CL
196 - 203 Achievements and challenges in thin film silicon module production
Stannowski B, Gabriel O, Calnan S, Frijnts T, Heidelberg A, Neubert S, Kirner S, Ring S, Zelt M, Rau B, Zollondz JH, Bloess H, Schlatmann R, Rech B
204 - 208 Review of thin-film silicon deposition techniques for high-efficiency solar cells developed at Panasonic/Sanyo
Terakawa A
209 - 213 Management of light-trapping effect for a-Si:H/mu c-Si:H tandem solar cells using novel substrates, based on MOCVD ZnO and etched white glass
Janthong B, Moriya Y, Hongsingthong A, Sichanugrist P, Konagai M
214 - 218 Development of thin-film solar cells using solar spectrum splitting technique
Kim S, Kasashima S, Sichanugrist P, Kobayashi T, Nakada T, Konagai M
219 - 227 Advanced light trapping designs for high efficiency thin film silicon solar cells
Feltrin A, Meguro T, Van Assche E, Suezaki T, Ichikawa M, Kuchiyama T, Adachi D, Inaki O, Yoshikawa K, Koizumi G, Uzu H, Ueda H, Uto T, Fujimoto T, Irie T, Hayakawa H, Nakanishi N, Yoshimi M, Yamamoto K
228 - 234 Microscopic measurements of variations in local (photo)electronic properties in nanostructured solar cells
Fejfar A, Hyvl M, Ledinsky M, Vetushka A, Stuchlik J, Kocka J, Misra S, O'Donnell B, Foldyna M, Yu LW, Cabarrocas PRI
235 - 240 The effects of MoO3 treatment on inverted PBDTIT-C:PC71BM solar cells
Ho PY, Sun JY, Kao SH, Kao CY, Lin SH, Lan S, Tseng WH, Wu CI, Lin CF
241 - 245 12.4% Efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cell prepared from one step electrodeposited Cu-In-Ga oxide precursor layer
Duchatelet A, Sidali T, Loones N, Savidand G, Chassaing E, Lincot D
246 - 255 Polycrystalline silicon on glass thin-film solar cells: A transition from solid-phase to liquid-phase crystallised silicon
Varlamov S, Dore J, Evans R, Ong D, Eggleston B, Kunz O, Schubert U, Young T, Huang J, Soderstrom T, Omaki K, Kim K, Teal A, Jung M, Yun J, Pakhuruddin ZM, Egan R, Green MA
256 - 260 Rare materials for photovoltaics: Recent tellurium price fluctuations and availability from copper refining
Green MA
261 - 270 Aluminum-induced crystallization for thin-film polycrystalline silicon solar cells: Achievements and perspective
Van Gestel D, Gordon I, Poortmans J
271 - 275 Life cycle materials and water management for CdTe photovoltaics
Sinha P
276 - 277 Technological status of (CuZnSn)-Zn-2(S,Se)(4) thin film solar cells
Fella CM, Romanyuk YE, Tiwari AN
278 - 280 Technological status of CdTe photovoltaics
Kranz L, Buecheler S, Tiwari AN
281 - 286 Effect of sodium on material and device quality deposited Cu(In,Ga)Se-2
Puttnins S, Levcenco S, Schwarzburg K, Benndorf G, Daume F, Rahm A, Braun A, Grundmann M, Unold T
287 - 290 Technological status of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)(2)-based photovoltaics
Reinhard P, Buecheler S, Tiwari AN
291 - 295 Recent progress and the status of dye-sensitised solar cell (DSSC) technology with state-of-the-art conversion efficiencies
Upadhyaya HM, Senthilarasu S, Hsu MH, Kumar DK
296 - 305 Energy payback time and carbon footprint of commercial photovoltaic systems
de Wild-Scholten MJ
306 - 308 Technological status of polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on glass
Gall S, Rech B
309 - 310 Technological status of organic photovoltaics (OPV)
Carle JE, Krebs FC
311 - 316 Technological status of plasma-deposited thin-film silicon photovoltaics
Shah A, Moulin E, Ballif C
III - IV Preface
Shah A, Tiwari AN