3 - 11 |
Structure of Ionic Interfaces from an Absolutely Convergent Solution of the Madelung Problem Wolf D |
13 - 33 |
Full Spectral Calculation of Nonretarded Hamaker Constants for Ceramic Systems from Interband Transition Strengths French RH, Cannon RM, Denoyer LK, Chiang YM |
35 - 42 |
In-Situ Measurement of Electric-Fields at Individual Grain-Boundaries in TiO2 Bonnell DA, Huey B, Carroll D |
43 - 48 |
Domain Configurations in Ferroelectric PbTiO3 Thin-Films - The Influence of Substrate and Film Thickness Stemmer S, Streiffer SK, Ernst F, Ruhle M, Hsu WY, Raj R |
51 - 58 |
Interfaces in Solid Ionic Conductors - Equilibrium and Small-Signal Picture Jamnik J, Maier J, Pejovnik S |
59 - 66 |
PN Junctions in Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductors Induced by Chemical and Electrical Potential Gradients Riess I |
67 - 78 |
Electrically Active Interfaces in ZnO Varistors Greuter F |
79 - 88 |
Bi Segregation at ZnO Grain-Boundaries in Equilibrium with Bi2O3-ZnO Liquid Lee JR, Chiang YM |
89 - 99 |
Electronic-Properties of Grain-Boundaries in SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 Ceramics Waser R |
101 - 106 |
Subsurface Ionic Space Charges in Silver-Chloride and Silver Bromide Wonnell SK, Slifkin LM |
107 - 115 |
Model for Ion-Blocking at Internal Interfaces in Zirconias Kleitz M, Dessemond L, Steil MC |
117 - 121 |
Measurement of Oxygen Activity Modulated Space-Charge Potential at Metal-Ceramic Interfaces Using a Chemfet with Epitaxial LaF3 Electrolyte Mattingly WB, Raj R |
123 - 126 |
Grain-Boundary Decorated Titanate Ceramics - Preparation and Processing Schneiderstormann L, Vollmann M, Waser R |
127 - 136 |
Investigation of Grain-Boundary Segregation in Acceptor and Donor-Doped Strontium-Titanate Wilcox N, Ravikumar V, Rodrigues RP, Dravid VP, Vollmann M, Waser R, Soni KK, Adriaens AG |
139 - 145 |
Defect Chemistry in Heterogeneous Systems Maier J |
147 - 155 |
Application of Percolation Theory in Composites and Glasses Bunde A |
157 - 165 |
Interfacial Reactions Associated with Ceramic Ion-Transport Membranes Steele BC |
167 - 178 |
Sensing Effects at Gas-Solid Interfaces Wiemhofer HD |
179 - 186 |
Atmosphere Sensitive CuO/ZnO Junctions Baek KK, Tuller HL |
187 - 192 |
Platinum - A Non-Inert Material Reacting with Oxides Lu FH, Newhouse ML, Dieckmann R, Xue J |
193 - 201 |
Interface Effect on the Silver Ion Conductivity During the Crystallization of AgI-Ag2O-V2O5 Glasses Adams S, Hariharan K, Maier J |
203 - 210 |
Ionic and Electronic Conductivities of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials in the System ZrO2-In2O3 Gauckler LJ, Sasaki K |
211 - 216 |
Conduction Mechanisms in RuO2-Glass Composites Nicoloso N, Lecorrefrisch A, Maier J, Brook RJ |
219 - 228 |
Solid-State Reactions and Morphology Martin M, Tigelmann P, Schimschaltholke S, Schulz G |
229 - 239 |
Space-Charge Modification of the Ionic Currents for Oxide-Growth Fromhold AT |
241 - 255 |
In-Situ Formation of Metal-Ceramic Microstructures by Partial Reduction Reactions Subramanian R, Ustundag E, Sass SL, Dieckmann R |
257 - 268 |
The Hydrothermal Synthesis of New Oxide Materials Whittingham MS, Guo JD, Chen RJ, Chirayil T, Janauer G, Zavalij P |
269 - 273 |
Linear and Nonlinear Behavior of Fractal and Irregular Electrodes Sapoval B |
275 - 279 |
Interfacial Thermodynamics - Development for Last Decades Rusanov AI |
Interfaces in Ionic Materials - Schloss-Ringberg, Germany, March 7-11, 1994 - Preface Maier J |