
Transport in Porous Media

Transport in Porous Media, Vol.44, No.3 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0169-3913 (Print) 

In this Issue (10 articles)

407 - 420 Application of a soil water hysteresis model to simple water retention curves
Braddock RD, Parlange JY, Lee H
421 - 443 The effect of thermal expansion on porous media convection part 1: Thermal expansion solution
Vadasz P
445 - 463 The effect of thermal expansion on porous media convection. Part 2: Thermal convection solution
Vadasz P
465 - 485 Invasion percolation on correlated and elongated lattices: Implications for the interpretation of residual saturations in rock cores
Knackstedt MA, Marrink SJ, Sheppard AP, Pinczewski WV, Sahimi M
487 - 505 Predicting the onset of inertial effects in sandstone rocks
Garrouch AA, Ali L
507 - 537 Permanent fronts in two-phase flows in a porous medium
Brevdo L, Helmig R, Haragus-Courcelle M, Kirchgassner K
539 - 557 A direct determination of the transient exchange term of fractured media using a continuous time random walk method
Noetinger B, Estebenet T, Landereau P
559 - 575 A novel analysis of the electrical transport mechanisms in porous media
Garrouch AA
577 - 589 Source characteristics and contaminant plume evolution
Ibaraki M
591 - 598 A technical note: Theory of spontaneous versus induced capillary imbibition
Rose W