2003 - 2017 |
The influence of fracture cements in tight Paleogene saline lacustrine carbonate reservoirs, western Qaidam Basin, northwest China Zeng LB, Tang XM, Wang TC, Gong L |
2019 - 2036 |
Organic geochemical characteristics and interpreted depositional environment of the Khatatba Formation, northern Western Desert, Egypt Shalaby MR, Hakimi MH, Abdullah WH |
2037 - 2064 |
Sea level and vertical motion of continents from dynamic earth models since the Late Cretaceous Spasojevic S, Gurnis M |
2065 - 2089 |
Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Jurassic extensional basins of the eastern southern Alps and Adriatic foreland based on an integrated study of surface and subsurface data Masetti D, Fantoni R, Romano R, Sartorio D, Trevisani E |
2091 - 2119 |
How clay grain coats inhibit quartz cement and preserve porosity in deeply buried sandstones: Observations and experiments Ajdukiewicz JM, Larese RE |
2121 - 2142 |
Geographic information system-based fuzzy-logic analysis for petroleum exploration with a case study of northern South America Bingham L, Zurita-Milla R, Escalona A |
2143 - 2166 |
A database approach for constraining stochastic simulations of the sedimentary heterogeneity of fluvial reservoirs Colombera L, Felletti F, Mountney NP, McCaffrey WD |
2167 - 2186 |
The importance of the degree of cataclasis in shear bands for fluid flow in porous sandstone, Provence, France Ballas G, Soliva R, Sizun JP, Benedict A, Cavailhes T, Raynaud S |
2187 - 2189 |