1469 - 1483 |
Microhydrodynamics of sharp corners and edges : Traction singularities Mustakis I, Kim S |
1484 - 1498 |
Model of stress-induced defect formation in drying polymer films Christodoulou KN, Lightfoot EJ, Powell RW |
1499 - 1509 |
Bubble formation in a coflow configuration in normal and reduced gravity Bhunia A, Pais SC, Kamotani Y, Kim IH |
1510 - 1518 |
Growth regime map for liquid-bound granules Iveson SM, Litster JD |
1519 - 1528 |
Desorption by ultrasound : Phenol on activated carbon and polymeric resin Rege SU, Yang RT, Cain CA |
1529 - 1541 |
Influence of Nernst-Planck diffusion on hollow-fiber mass-transfer processes Qin YJ, Cabral JMS |
1542 - 1554 |
Adsorptive separations using supercritical frontal analysis chromatography Cross WM, Akgerman A |
1555 - 1562 |
Hollow-fiber-based adsorbers for gas separation by pressure-swing adsorption Feng XS, Pan CY, McMinis CW, Ivory J, Ghosh D |
1563 - 1578 |
Screening procedure for synthesizing isothermal multiphase reactors Kelkar VV, Ng KM |
1579 - 1595 |
Nonlinear model reduction for control of distributed systems : a computer-assisted study Shvartsman SY, Kevrekidis IG |
1596 - 1610 |
Multiscale PCA with application to multivariate statistical process monitoring Bakshi BR |
1611 - 1622 |
Constrained nonlinear MPC using Hammerstein and Wiener models : PLS framework Patwardhan RS, Lakshminarayanan S, Shah SL |
1623 - 1636 |
Cyclic scheduling of continuous parallel-process units with decaying performance Jain V, Grossmann IE |
1637 - 1645 |
Optimal synthesis of stagewise continuous crystallization process networks Sheikh AY, Jones AG |
1646 - 1656 |
Effects of imperfect mixing on low-density polyethylene reactor dynamics Villa CM, Dihora JO, Ray WH |
1657 - 1666 |
Model for the sulfidation of calcined limestone and its use in reactor models Heesink ABM, Brilman DWF, van Swaaij WPM |
1667 - 1679 |
Molecular-weight distribution control in emulsion polymerization Echevarria A, Leiza JR, de la Cal JC, Asua JM |
1680 - 1688 |
Solution viscosity increase in fusion synthesis of Ca/Mg-resinates Sundqvist S, Paatero E, Klemola A, Tenhola H |
1689 - 1696 |
Modeling and optimization of drug release from laminated polymer matrix devices Lu SX, Ramirez WF, Anseth KS |
1697 - 1700 |
Partial analytical solutions for steady-state diffusion in zeolite membranes Kerkhof PJAM |
1701 - 1705 |
Discrete-time nonlinear control of processes with actuator saturation Grantz J, Valluri S, Soroush M |
1706 - 1708 |
Isoprene maleic anhydride reaction rate in hexane-nitrobenzene mixture near critical points Nishikawa T, Inoue Y, Sato M, Iwai Y, Arai Y |
1709 - 1712 |
Prediction of critical pressure of dilute multicomponent mixtures Liu ZY |