897 - 913 |
A Membrane-Bound Gluconate Dehydrogenase from 2-Keto-d-Gluconic Acid Industrial Producing Strain Pseudomonas plecoglossicida JUIM01: Purification, Characterization, and Gene Identification Wang DM, Sun L, Sun WJ, Cui FJ, Gong JS, Zhang XM, Shi JS, Xu ZH |
914 - 926 |
Enzyme-Catalyzed Production of FAME by Hydroesterification of Soybean Oil Using the Novel Soluble Lipase NS 40116 Rosset DV, Wancura JHC, Ugalde GA, Oliveira JV, Tres MV, Kuhn RC, Jahn SL |
927 - 941 |
Mixture of Macromolecular Crowding Agents Has a Non-additive Effect on the Stability of Proteins Shahid S, Ahmad F, Hassan MI, Islam A |
942 - 951 |
A Novel Approach to Septal Perforation Repair: Septal Cartilage Cells Induce Chondrogenesis of hASCs In Vitro Safak AS, Abdik EA, Abdik H, Tasli PN, Sahin F |
952 - 964 |
Preparation of an Electrically Conductive Graphene Oxide/Chitosan Scaffold for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Jiang LL, Chen DY, Wang Z, Zhang ZM, Xia YL, Xue HY, Liu Y |
965 - 976 |
Biological Modification of Montan Resin from Lignite by Bacillus benzoevorans Wang HH, Qin Y, Li BC, Xiang C, Dai WF, Jiao SY, Zhang M |
977 - 990 |
Detoxification of Hydrolysates of the Red Seaweed Gelidium amansii for Improved Bioethanol Production Nguyen TH, Sunwoo IY, Jeong GT, Kim SK |
991 - 1008 |
Purification and Physicochemical Characterization of a Novel Thermostable Xylanase Secreted by the Fungus Myceliophthora heterothallica F.2.1.4 Simoes LCD, da Silva RR, Nascimento CED, Boscolo M, Gomes E, da Silva R |
1009 - 1021 |
Effects of 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)ethylbiguanide on ERAD Component Expression in HT-29 Cells Under a Serum- and Glucose-Deprived Condition Oh-hashi K, Matsumoto S, Sakai T, Hirata Y, Okuda K, Nagasawa H |
1022 - 1065 |
Sequences, Domain Architectures, and Biological Functions of the Serine/Threonine and Histidine Kinases in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Xu W, Wang YC |
1066 - 1076 |
Prediction of Lignin Contents from Infrared Spectroscopy: Chemical Digestion and Lignin/Biomass Ratios of Cryptomeria japonica Horikawa Y, Hirano S, Mihashi A, Kobayashi Y, Zhai SC, Sugiyama J |
1077 - 1095 |
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Cold-Adapted Alkaline 1,3-alpha-3,6-Anhydro-l-galactosidase, Ahg558, from Gayadomonas joobiniege G7 Asghar S, Lee CR, Chi WJ, Kang DK, Hong SK |
1096 - 1107 |
Production of a Potentially Synbiotic Pomegranate Beverage by Fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 14917 Adsorbed on a Prebiotic Carrier Mantzourani I, Terpou A, Alexopoulos A, Kimbaris A, Bezirtzoglou E, Koutinas AA, Plessas S |
1108 - 1116 |
Force Sensing in Nanoscale: Integration of Virtual Spring for Sensing the Interactions of beta-Amyloid Grabbed by Prefoldin Mojarrad MHS, Goodarzi V, Taheri RA |
1117 - 1133 |
Direct Write Assembly of Graphene/Poly(epsilon-Caprolactone) Composite Scaffolds and Evaluation of Their Biological Performance Using Mouse Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Deliormanli AM |
1134 - 1144 |
Characterization of Two Polyketide Synthases Involved in Sorbicillinoid Biosynthesis by Acremonium chrysogenum Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System Chen GZ, Chu J |
1145 - 1157 |
Development of Voltammetric Glucose-6-phosphate Biosensors Based on the Immobilization of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase on Polypyrrole- and Chitosan-Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles/Polypyrrole Nanocomposite Films Sahin S, Ozmen I, Bastemur GY, Ozkorucuklu SP |
1158 - 1167 |
Assessing Activity of Antimicrobial Agents and Screening Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Through DREAM Assay Aiyer KS, Rai R, Vijayakumar BS |
1168 - 1184 |
Fluoranthene Biodegradation by Serratia sp. AC-11 Immobilized into Chitosan Beads Garcia ACFS, Araujo BR, Birolli WG, Marques CG, Diniz LEC, Barbosa AM, Porto ALM, Romao LPC |
1185 - 1204 |
Major Phytoconstituents of Prunus cerasoides Responsible for Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Potential Against Some Reference Strains of Pathogenic Bacteria and Clinical Isolates of MRSA Arora DS, Mahajan H |