1107 - 1119 |
Fermentation of Korean Red Ginseng by Lactobacillus plantarum M-2 and Its Immunological Activities Kim BG, Shin KS, Yoon TJ, Yu KW, Ra KS, Kim JM, Kim SY, Suh HJ |
1120 - 1128 |
Potential of Thermophilic Fungus Rhizomucor pusillus NRRL 28626 in Biotransformation of Antihelmintic Drug Albendazole Prasad GS, Girisham S, Reddy SM |
1129 - 1140 |
Kinetic Resolution of (R,S)-2-Butanol Using Enzymatic Synthesis of Esters Romero MD, Gomez JM, Diaz-Suelto B, Garcia-Sanz A, Baster N |
1141 - 1151 |
Catalytic and Thermodynamic Properties of a Tannase Produced by Aspergillus niger GH1 Grown on Polyurethane Foam Ramos EL, Mata-Gomez MA, Rodriguez-Duran LV, Belmares RE, Rodriguez-Herrera R, Aguilar CN |
1152 - 1160 |
Enhancement of 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone Production by a UV-induced Mutant of Gluconobacter oxydans with DO Control Strategy Hu ZC, Zheng YG |
1161 - 1168 |
Highly Regioselective Synthesis of 3'-O-Acyl-Trifluridines Catalyzed by Pseudomonas cepacia Lipase Wang ZY, Bi YH, Zong MH |
1169 - 1177 |
Expression and Secretion of the Human Erythropoietin Using an Optimized cbh1 Promoter and the Native CBH I Signal Sequence in the Industrial Fungus Trichoderma reesei Zhong YH, Liu X, Xiao P, Wei SH, Wang TH |
1178 - 1187 |
Nanotechnology: Emerging Tool for Diagnostics and Therapeutics Chakraborty M, Jain S, Rani V |
1188 - 1200 |
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Novel DNA Polymerases from Thermophilic Geobacillus Species Isolated from Hot Springs in Turkey: Characterization of a DNA Polymerase I from Geobacillus kaue Strain NB Caglayan M, Bilgin N |
1201 - 1210 |
Specificity of Carboxypeptidases from Actinomucor elegans and Their Debittering Effect on Soybean Protein Hydrolysates Fu J, Li L, Yang XQ |
1211 - 1224 |
Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Colorectal Cancer Using Hydroxyapatite Column and SDS-PAGE Lim SR, Gooi BH, Singh M, Gam LH |
1225 - 1234 |
Optimization of a Multiplex PCR Assay for Detecting Transgenic Soybean Components in Feed Products Tian F, Wang XM, Teng D, Yang YL, Guan QF, Ao CJ, Wang JH |
1235 - 1244 |
Surface Interactions and Fouling Properties of Micrococcus luteus with Microfiltration Membranes Feng L, Li XF, Song P, Du GC, Chen J |
1245 - 1252 |
Expression of MMP2 and MMP9 (Gelatinases A and B) in Human Colon Cancer Cells Damodharan U, Ganesan R, Radhakrishnan UC |
1253 - 1263 |
Cloning and Characterization of a Heme Oxygenase-2 Gene from Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Fu GQ, Jin QJ, Lin YT, Feng JF, Nie L, Shen WB, Zheng TQ |
1264 - 1273 |
Characterization and Identification of a Chymotryptic Hydrolysate of Alpha-Lactalbumin Stimulating Cholecystokinin Release in STC-1 Cells Catiau L, Delval-Dubois V, Guillochon D, Nedjar-Arroume N |
1274 - 1284 |
Enzymatic Treatment and Detoxification of Acid Orange 7 from Textile Wastewater Gholami-Borujeni F, Mahvi AH, Nasseri S, Faramarzi MA, Nabizadeh R, Alimohammadi M |
1285 - 1295 |
Purification and Properties of a New Thermostable Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus 8SB Kitayska T, Petrova P, Ivanova V, Tonkova AI |
1296 - 1307 |
Isolation of Phlorotannins from Eisenia bicyclis and Their Hepatoprotective Effect against Oxidative Stress Induced by tert-Butyl Hyperoxide Kim SM, Kang K, Jeon JS, Jho EH, Kim CY, Nho CW, Um BH |
1308 - 1321 |
New Urea Biosensor Based on Urease Enzyme Obtained from Helycobacter pylori Dindar B, Karakus E, Abasiyanik F |
1322 - 1331 |
The Application of Ultrasound in the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Switchgrass Easson MW, Condon B, Dien BS, Iten L, Slopek R, Yoshioka-Tarver M, Lambert A, Smith J |
1332 - 1341 |
Immobilization of Pseudomonas stutzeri Lipase for the Transesterification of Wood Sterols with Fatty Acid Esters Faure N, Illanes A |
1342 - 1355 |
Elicitor-Induced Cellular and Molecular Events Are Responsible for Productivity Enhancement in Hairy Root Cultures: An Insight Study Goel MK, Mehrotra S, Kukreja AK |
1356 - 1365 |
Assessment of Genetic Stability and Instability of Tissue Culture-Propagated Plantlets of Aloe vera L. by RAPD and ISSR Markers Rathore MS, Chikara J, Mastan SG, Rahman H, Anand KGV, Shekhawat NS |
1366 - 1378 |
Direct and Indirect Organogenesis of Alpinia galanga and the Phytochemical Analysis Rao K, Chodisetti B, Gandi S, Mangamoori LN, Giri A |
1379 - 1390 |
Exceptional Stability of Artemin Neurotrophic Factor Dimers: Effects of Temperature, pH, Buffer and Storage Conditions on Protein Integrity and Activity Bruinzeel W, Masure S |
1391 - 1405 |
Inhibition Effects of Dilute-Acid Prehydrolysate of Corn Stover on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Solka Floc Kothari UD, Lee YY |
1406 - 1413 |
Production, Purification, and Biochemical Characterization of a Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Thermophilic Streptomyces sp MCMB-379 Chitte RR, Deshmukh SV, Kanekar PP |
1414 - 1426 |
Purification and Characterization of the Enzyme Cholesterol Oxidase from a New Isolate of Streptomyces sp. Praveen V, Srivastava A, Tripathi CKM |
1427 - 1436 |
Resveratrol Content and Expression of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase and Stilbene Synthase Genes in Cell Cultures of Vitis amurensis Treated with Coumaric Acid Shumakova OA, Manyakhin AY, Kiselev KV |