1 - 6 |
Ammonothermal growth of GaN crystals on HVPE-GaN seeds prepared with the use of ammonothermal substrates Kucharski R, Zajac M, Puchalski A, Sochacki T, Bockowski M, Weyher JL, Iwinska M, Serafinczuk J, Kudrawiec R, Siemiatkowski Z |
7 - 15 |
In-situ temperature field measurements and direct observation of crystal/melt at vertical Bridgman growth of lead chloride under stationary and dynamic arrangement Kral R, Nitsch K |
16 - 20 |
The growth of Al2O3/YAG:Ce melt growth composite by the vertical Bridgman technique an a-axis Al2O3 seed Yoshimura M, Sakata S, Yamada S, Taishi T, Hoshikawa K |
21 - 23 |
Facetted growth of Fe3Si shells around GaAs nanowires on Si(111) Jenichen B, Hilse M, Herfort J, Trampert A |
24 - 28 |
Growth and characterization of organic single crystal benzyl carbamate Solanki SSB, Perumal RN, Suthan T, Bhagavannarayana G |
29 - 35 |
Growth and spectroscopic, thermodynamic and nonlinear optical studies of L-threonine phthalate crystal Theras JEM, Kalaiyani D, Jayaraman D, Joseph V |
36 - 41 |
Preparation of SrCoOx thin films on LaAlO3 substrate and their reversible redox process at moderate temperatures Hao L, Zhang ZF, Xie XN, Wang HR, Yu QX, Zhu H |
42 - 47 |
Crystal growth and spectroscopic performance of large crystalline boules of CsCaI3:Eu scintillator Lindsey A, McAlexander W, Stand L, Wu Y, Zhuravleva M, Melcher CL |
48 - 53 |
Sigmoid kinetics of protien crystal nucleation Nanev CN, Tonchev VD |
54 - 59 |
Self-induced preparation of TiO2 nanowires by chemical vapor deposition Du J, Gu X, Guo HZ, Liu J, Wu Q, Zou JG |
60 - 66 |
Model of step propagation and step bunching at the sidewalls of nanowires Filimonov SN, Hervieu YY |
67 - 71 |
GaN nanowires with pentagon shape cross-section by ammonia-source molecular beam epitaxy Lin Y, Leung B, Li QM, Figiel JJ, Wang GT |
72 - 79 |
Growth and characterization of an In0.53Ga0.47As-based Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor (MOSCAP) structure on 300 mm on-axis Si (001) wafers by MOCVD Orzali T, Vert A, Kim TW, Hung PY, Herman JL, Vivekanand S, Huang GS, Kelman M, Karim Z, Hill RJW, Rao SSP |
80 - 86 |
Formation of interfacial misfit dislocation in GaSb/GaAs heteroepitaxy via anion exchange process Tan KH, Jia BW, Loke WK, Wicaksono S, Yoon SF |
87 - 93 |
Dramatic reduction of dislocations on a GaN point seed crystal by coalescence of bunched steps during Na-flux growth Imanishi M, Todoroki Y, Murakami K, Matsuo D, Imabayashi H, Takazawa H, Maruyama M, Imade M, Yoshimura M, Mori Y |
94 - 98 |
Floating zone growth of Ba-substituted ruthenate Sr2-xBaxRuO4 Li ZW, Liu CF, Skoulatos M, Tjeng LH, Komarek AC |
99 - 103 |
Optical in-situ monitoring system for simultaneous measurement of thickness and curvature of thick layer stacks during hydride vapor phase epitaxy growth of GaN Semmelroth K, Berwian P, Schroter C, Leibiger G, Schonleber M, Friedrich J |