1 - 4 |
Electrical properties of GaN-based heterostructures adopting InAlN/AlGaN bilayer barriers Xu ZY, Xu FJ, Huang CC, Wang JM, Zhang X, Yang ZJ, Wang XQ, Shen B |
5 - 12 |
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of SrO buffer layers on graphite and graphene for the integration of complex oxides Ahmed AS, Wen H, Ohta T, Pinchuk IV, Zhu TC, Beechem T, Kawakami RK |
13 - 17 |
Small angle X-ray and neutron scattering on cadmium sulfide nanoparticles in silicate glass Kuznetsova YV, Rempel AA, Meyer M, Pipich V, Gerth S, Magerl A |
18 - 26 |
Interaction of SiC particles with moving solid-liquid interface during directional solidification of silicon Friedrich J, Reimann C, Jauss T, Croll A, Sorgenfrei T |
27 - 30 |
Disposal of metal fragments released during polycrystalline slicing by multi-wire saw Boutouchent-Guerfi N, Drouiche N, Medjahed S, Ould-Hamou M, Sahraoui F |
31 - 35 |
Quantitative determination of the solidus line in the dilute limit of succinonitrile-camphor alloys Mota FL, Fabietti LM, Bergeon N, Strutzenberg LL, Karma A, Billia B, Trivedi R |
36 - 41 |
Growth of beta-Ga2O3 single crystals using vertical Bridgman method in ambient air Hoshikawa K, Ohba E, Kobayashi T, Yanagisawa J, Miyagawa C, Nakamura Y |
42 - 47 |
Heterogeneous nucleation on surfaces of the ellipsoid of rotation Li XM, Liu QH |
48 - 54 |
Comparative study of single InGaN layers grown on Si(111) and GaN(0001) templates: The role of surface wetting and epitaxial constraint Gomez VJ, Gacevic Z, Soto-Rodriguez PED, Aseev P, Notzel R, Calleja E, Sanchez-Garcia MA |
55 - 61 |
Controlled morphology of regular GaN microrod arrays by a selective area growth with HVPE Lekhal K, Bae SY, Lee HJ, Mitsunari T, Tamura A, Deki M, Honda Y, Amano H |
62 - 66 |
Application of RF magnetron sputtering for growth of AZO on glass substrate Ghorannevis Z, Akbarnejad E, Elahi AS, Ghoranneviss M |
67 - 72 |
Screening of multicomponent crystals of L-tryptophan with three isomers of pyridinedicarboxylic acids Das B |
73 - 79 |
Crystallization of Tyrian purple (6,6'-dibromoindigo) thin films: The impact of substrate surface modifications Truger M, Jones AOF, Coclite AM, Pachmajer S, Kriegner D, Rothel C, Simbrunner J, Salzmann I, Resel R |