1 - 4 |
The preparation and characterization of quasi-one-dimensional lead based perovskite CsPbI3 crystals from HI aqueous solutions Zhang BB, Xiao B, Dong ST, Xu YD |
5 - 9 |
In-situ growth of CdS nanobelts by annealing Cd foil at H2S atmosphere Wei ZL, Gan ZY, Yang XM, Ma LG, Zhang FM, Wu XS |
10 - 16 |
Formation of modulated structures induced by oxygen vacancies in alpha-Fe2O3 nanowires Li T, Feng HL, Wang YQ, Wang C, Zhu WH, Yuan L, Zhou GW |
17 - 24 |
Assessing the growth window of stannous oxide by ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD) Becker M, Michel F, Polity A, Klar PJ |
25 - 34 |
Optimized optical vapor supersaturated precipitation for time-saving growth of ultrathin-walled ZnO single-crystal microtubes Hu SP, Yan YZ, Wang Q, Lu Y, Wang Y, Jiang YJ |
35 - 42 |
Analysis of screw dislocation mediated dark current in Al0.50Ga0.50N solar-blind metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors Rathkanthiwar S, Kaira A, Muralidharan R, Nath DN, Raghavan S |
43 - 50 |
Additive induced pseudo-homoepitaxy of nanoneedles on NaCl crystals Blijlevens MAR, Townsend ER, van Enckevort WJP, Meijer JAM, Vlieg E |
51 - 55 |
Solution growth of a deuterated trans-stilbene crystal for fast neutron detection Carman ML, Glenn AM, Mabe AN, Becchetti FD, Payne SA, Zaitseva NP |
56 - 61 |
Thermal expansion, luminescence, and scintillation properties of CaMoO(4 )crystals grown by the vertical Bridgman method Pan SK, Zhang JY, Pan JG, Ren GH, Lee J, Kim H |
62 - 66 |
On questionable ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in single crystals Tylczynski Z, Petrosyan AM, Srinivasan BR |
67 - 70 |
Effects of Fe-Ni solvent with different Fe contents on the boron concentration in colorless diamonds Chen LC, Miao XY, He XM, Guo LS, Fang S, Wang Y, Wang ZK, Fang C, Ma HG, Jia XP |
71 - 76 |
The role of hydrogen in carbon incorporation and surface roughness of MOCVD-grown thin boron nitride Caban PA, Teklinska D, Michalowski PP, Gaca J, Wojcik M, Grzonka J, Ciepielewski P, Mozdzonek M, Baranowski JM |
77 - 84 |
Influence of solvent properties and intermolecular interaction between solute and solvent on nucleation kinetics of HMBTAD Yang YF, Zhou L, Zhang X, Yang WC, Zhang SH, Xiong LX, Wei Y, Zhang MJ, Hou BH, Yin QX |
85 - 92 |
Study on the response of dendritic growth to periodic increase-decrease pressure in solidification via in situ observation using succinonitrile Shang S, Han ZQ, Luo AA |
93 - 102 |
A new polymorph of fenofibrate prepared by polymer-mediated crystallization Shi XJ, Shao YH, Sheng XX |
103 - 108 |
Crystal growth of off-stoichiometric Co(2)Cr(1-x)Al(1+x )Heusler compounds: Avoiding the solid state miscibility gap Omar A, Borrnert F, Haft M, Hampel S, Loser W, Buchner B, Wurmehl S |
109 - 114 |
Molecular beam epitaxy and characterization of Mg-doped GaN epilayers grown on Si (001) substrate through controlled nanowire coalescence Wu YP, Wang YJ, Sun K, Aiello A, Bhattacharya P, Mi ZT |
115 - 123 |
Crystal engineering, structural and optical properties of 2-aminopyridinium diphenylacetate diphenylacetic acid crystal Jauhar RM, Viswanathan V, Era P, Vivek P, Vinitha G, Murugakoothan P |
124 - 129 |
Optimization of single crystal growth of candidate quantum spin-ice Pr2Hf2O7 by optical floating-zone method Anand VK, Islam ATMN, Samartzis A, Xu J, Casati N, Lake B |
130 - 136 |
Solid-phase epitaxy of a cavity-shaped amorphous alumina nanomembrane structure on a sapphire substrate Jang J, Yang D, Moon D, Choi D, Lim HJ, Kang SG, Bae D, Han HN, Park Y, Yoon E |
137 - 139 |
X-ray and Raman determination of InAsSb mole fraction for x < 0.5 Murawski K, Grodecki K, Benyahia D, Wysmolek A, Jankiewicz B, Martyniuk P |
140 - 147 |
Numerical investigation of the effect of static magnetic field on the TSSG growth of SiC Wang L, Horiuchi T, Sekimoto A, Okano Y, Ujihara T, Dost S |
148 - 153 |
The impact of oxalate ions on barium sulfate crystallization Jones F, Ogden MI, Radomirovic T |
154 - 159 |
Crystal growth kinetics of unseeded high silica chabazite Bohstrom Z, Lillerud KP |
160 - 169 |
From microscale phase screening to bulk evaporative crystallization of proteins Gross MB, Kind M |
170 - 178 |
Growth and characterization of directionally solidified eutectic systems for scintillator applications Yoshikawa A, Kamada K, Kurosawa S, Yokota Y, Yamaji A, Chani VI, Ohashi Y, Yoshino M |
179 - 185 |
Compositional control of gold-catalyzed ternary nanowires and axial nanowire heterostructures based on IIIP1-xAsx Dubrovskii VG |
186 - 196 |
Study on the influence of lysozyme crystallization conditions on crystal properties in crystallizers of varied sizes when temperature is the manipulated variable Tang XH, Liu JJ, Zhang Y, Wang XZ |
197 - 201 |
Nucleation and islands growth of CdZnTe(001) epitaxial films on GaAs (001) substrates by close spaced sublimation Cao K, Jie WQ, Zha GQ, Tan TT, Li YR, Hu RQ |
202 - 208 |
Isothermal crystallization of glycine in semi-continuous mode by anti-solvent addition El Bazi W, Abou Jaoude MTM, Porte C, Mabille I, Havet JL |
209 - 213 |
Catalyst-free growth of lateral InAs nanowires Wang HL, Wei WQ, Wang JH, Feng Q, Wu SY, Yang HX, Xu XL, Wang T, Zhang J |
214 - 223 |
In situ X-ray monitoring of transport and chemistry of Ga-containing intermediates under ammonothermal growth conditions of GaN Schimmel S, Duchstein P, Steigerwald TG, Kimmel ACL, Schlucker E, Zahn D, Niewa R, Wellmann P |
224 - 229 |
Crystal growth and evaluation of nitrogen and aluminum co-doped N-type 4H-SiC grown by physical vapor transport Suo H, Eto K, Ise T, Tokuda Y, Osawa H, Tsuchida H, Kato T, Okumura H |
230 - 243 |
Graph-based investigation of three-dimensional microstructure rearrangement during ternary eutectic directional solidification of Al-Ag-Cu Steinmetz P, Hotzer J, Dennstedt A, Serr C, Nestler B, Genau A |
244 - 247 |
Synthesis and electrical transport properties of Bi2O2Se single crystals Mao QH, Geng XD, Yang JF, Zhang JM, Zhu SM, Yu QY, Wang Y, Li HD, Li RX, Hao HS |
248 - 257 |
Protrusions reduction in 3C-SiC thin film on Si Zimbone M, Mauceri M, Litrico G, Barbagiovanni EG, Bongiorno C, La Via F |
258 - 262 |
Preparation of Cu2Sn1-x,GexS3 bulk single crystals by chemical vapor transport with iodine Fujita R, Saito N, Kosugi K, Tanaka K |
263 - 268 |
Determination of the crystallographic orientation of SrI2 crystals Calvert G, Swider S, Ruta F, Rossman G, Feigelson RS |
269 - 276 |
Interface control by rotating submerged heater/baffle in vertical Bridgman configuration Ostrogorsky AG, Riabov V, Dropka N |
277 - 288 |
Growth and physical properties of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x crystals grown by a simple pressure technique and comparison with regrowth self-flux technique Rajak NK, Gaikwad TS, Mukundan A, Manju P, Mohan A, Singh DK, Thamizhavel A, Jaiswal-Nagar D |
289 - 300 |
High-temperature corrosion of Inconel (R) Alloy 718, Haynes (R) 282 (R) Alloy and CoWAlloy1&2 in supercritical ammonia/ammonium chloride solutio Kimmerl ACL, Malkowski TF, Griffiths S, Hertweck B, Steigerwald TG, Freund LP, Neumeier S, Goken M, Speck JS, Schluecker E |
301 - 306 |
Te doping of GaAs and GaInP using diisopropyl telluride (DIPTe) for tunnel junction applications Hamon G, Paillet N, Alvarez J, Larrue A, Decobert J |
307 - 314 |
Effects of ampoule coating technology on carbon film and GaSb crystals Gao X, Zhai SQ, Liu JC, Yang DH, Zhang WC |
315 - 327 |
Identification of higher order silanes during monosilane pyrolysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Wyller GM, Preston TJ, Klette H, Mongstad T, Marstein ES |
328 - 335 |
Stability of multiple Shockley type basal plane stacking faults in heavily nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC crystals Mannen Y, Shimada K, Taniguchi C, Ohtani N |
336 - 345 |
Hydrothermal synthesis of struvite and its phase transition: Impacts of pH, heating and subsequent cooling methods Bayuseno AP, Schmahl WW |
346 - 351 |
The influence of the substrate misorientation on the structural quality of GaN layers grown by HVPE Liliental-Weber Z, dos Reis R, Sochacki T, Bockowski M |
352 - 356 |
Influence of HVPE substrates on homoepitaxy of GaN grown by MOCVD Hite JK, Anderson TJ, Luna LE, Gallagher JC, Mastro MA, Freitas JA, Eddy CR |
357 - 361 |
Growth and characterization of pure, Se and As doped ZTS crystals Yu HJ, Zhang YY, Lv XS, Wei L, Xu JH, Wang XP, Liu B, Zhang HD, Zhang C, Li QG |
362 - 371 |
Revealing the role of calcium codoping on optical and scintillation homogeneity in Lu2SiO5:Ce single crystals Wu YT, Koschan M, Li Q, Greeley I, Melcher CL |
372 - 376 |
Growth and characterization study of gamma-glycine crystal grown using different mole concentrations of zinc sulphate as structure-directing agents Vijayalakshmi V, Dhanasekaran P |
377 - 380 |
High-temperature thermal annealing of nonpolar (10(1)over-bar0) AlN layers sputtered on (1 0(1)over-bar0) sapphire Dinh DV, Hu N, Honda Y, Amano H, Pristovsek M |
381 - 390 |
Influence of aqueous Mg concentration on the transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate Konrad F, Purgstaller B, Gallien F, Mavromatis V, Gane P, Dietzel M |
391 - 398 |
Growth and characterisation of MnSb(0001)/InGaAs(111)A epitaxial films Mousley PJ, Burrows CW, Ashwin MJ, Sanchez AM, Lazarov VK, Bell GR |
399 - 404 |
Anticalcification potential of heparin on hydroxyapatite seeds using a constant composition in vitro model Badria AF, Koutsoukos P, D'Alessandro C, Korossis S, Mavrilas D |
405 - 410 |
Semiconductor crystals based on CdTe with Se - Some structural and optical properties Mycielski A, Kochanowska D, Witkowska-Baran M, Wardak A, Szot M, Domagala JZ, Jakiela R, Kowalczyk L, Witkowska B |